Tag Archives: family

Christmas Family Devotion #8


 You will need:

  • 1 Bag of Large Marshmallows
  • A Bible marked at 1 Corinthians 10:13

Get Started

Have an inside “snowball” fight using large marshmallow. You may want to outline certain boundaries, such as not going in bedrooms, etc. Or, if you desire, you can play all over the house. You can even play a hide-and-seek version. Have fun and don’t worry about marshmallows going everywhere. Messes last a little while; memories last a lifetime. After your game, gather your family around and continue with the following:

ASK—Did anybody get hit by a marshmallow they didn’t see coming?

SAY—In life sometimes you get hit by a temptation you didn’t see coming.

ASK—What is an example of temptation?  (Being tempted to cheat on a test, etc.)

ASK—Is it wrong to be tempted?  (No. Temptation is not wrong, but if you give into the temptation, that’s sin. Jesus was tempted, but He overcame it.)

Read 1 Corinthians 10:13 from your Bible.

SAY—God always makes a way for you to escape from temptation. So the next time you’re being tempted, talk to Jesus and ask Him for the strength to do what’s right. Then let your love for Jesus overcome the temptation because those who love Jesus obey Him.

PRAY—Thank God for always making a way to escape from temptation.

This family devotion is from:

72 Family Devotions for Spiritually Training Your Kids
ON SALE for $5.99. Regular price: $9.99 USD. Nonfiction.
Featuring 72 action-packed, easy-to-lead family devotions. Set aside a night or two each week for a “special time” where you and your kids can have family fun together and learn valuable lessons from God’s Word. No advanced planning is needed. Anyone can do this. The ebook contains devotions concerning a variety of topics including salvation, fear, trust, sin, forgiveness and much more.

Find more family resources at 330resources.org/family.

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Christmas Family Devotion #7


You will need:

  • Instant Hot Chocolate
  • Cups
  • Small Marshmallows
  • Hot Water (but not too hot)
  • A Bible marked at Romans 8:38-39, John 10:28-29

Get Started

Help each member of your family make a cup of hot chocolate. Then, once it’s mixed, ask them if they can separate out the chocolate from the water.

SAY—Just like the chocolate and the water can’t be separated because they have been joined together, when you give your life to Jesus, you are joined to Him and nothing can separate you from His love.

Read Romans 8:38-39 from your Bible.

ASK—What can separate you from the love of Christ? (Nothing—not even you. After all, you are a “created thing”)

SAY—Once you’ve given your life to Christ, nothing can separate you from Him.

Read John 10:28-29 from your Bible.

Put a small marshmallow in your hand and make a fist. Ask if anyone thinks they can pull it out. Let them take turns trying. Even let them use two hands or join in together. The only way for them to get it out is to be stronger than you.

ASK—Is anyone stronger than God?  (No.)

SAY—Then no one is able to pull you out of His hands and He will never let go of you. He loves you and will always keep you in His hands.

This family devotion is from:

72 Family Devotions for Spiritually Training Your Kids
ON SALE for $5.99. Regular price: $9.99 USD. Nonfiction.
Featuring 72 action-packed, easy-to-lead family devotions. Set aside a night or two each week for a “special time” where you and your kids can have family fun together and learn valuable lessons from God’s Word. No advanced planning is needed. Anyone can do this. The ebook contains devotions concerning a variety of topics including salvation, fear, trust, sin, forgiveness and much more.

Find more family resources at 330resources.org/family.

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Christmas Family Devotion #6


You will need:

  • An ice cube or a small ice sickle for each child
  • A Bible marked at Luke 22:39-44

Get Started

Give each family member an ice cube and race to see who can melt theirs the fastest by holding it in their hand.

ASK—Did you ever feel like giving up?

SAY—I’m going to read a story to you out of the Bible about a time when Jesus didn’t give up.

Read Luke 22:39-44 from your Bible.

ASK—When Jesus said “cup” what do you think He was talking about? 

SAY—He was referring to all the pain and suffering He would have to endure to pay the price for our sins. Even though He was born to be the Savior of the world–That’s what Christmas is all about! And even though He was perfect, it still didn’t make it easy for Him to take the punishment for everybody’s wrongdoings. But this is how much He loves you—That he suffered and died to make a way to forgive your sins and to make a way for you to go to heaven.

PRAY—Thank Jesus for being the Savior of the world.

This family devotion is from:

72 Family Devotions for Spiritually Training Your Kids
ON SALE for $5.99. Regular price: $9.99 USD. Nonfiction.
Featuring 72 action-packed, easy-to-lead family devotions. Set aside a night or two each week for a “special time” where you and your kids can have family fun together and learn valuable lessons from God’s Word. No advanced planning is needed. Anyone can do this. The ebook contains devotions concerning a variety of topics including salvation, fear, trust, sin, forgiveness and much more.

Find more family resources at 330resources.org/family.

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Christmas Family Devotion #5


You will need:

  • 1 roll of toilet paper
  • A Bible marked at Luke 2:11-12

Get Started

Wrap your children from head to toe in toilet paper (Or you can use wrapping paper.) (NOTE: Be careful that they don’t fall over and are unable to catch themselves.) Keep them wrapped while you continue with the following.

ASK—How does it feel to be wrapped up like a gift?

SAY—Since you’re wrapped up like a toilet-papered, Christmas gift, I want you to know that you are a special gift from God to us and we love you and are proud of you.

On the count of three, have them break free as fast as they can. Put the toilet paper aside.

ASK—Do you know how the greatest gift in the world was wrapped?

SAY—Listen to what the Bible says and let’s find out.

Read Luke 2:11-12 from your Bible.

ANSWER—The greatest gift in the world was wrapped in cloths and laid in a manger. Jesus is the greatest gift of all.

ASK—Do you know what the name Jesus means?

SAY—“Jesus” means “He saves,” and that’s why Jesus came, to become the Savior of the world by taking the punishment for all the wrong things we would ever do so that we could be forgiven and have a way to go to heaven.

PRAY—Thank Jesus for being our Savior.

After you’re done, feel free to have a toilet paper fight or time your family to see who can pick up the most squares of toilet paper the fastest. Always have fun and even enjoy the clean-up!

This family devotion is from:

72 Family Devotions for Spiritually Training Your Kids
ON SALE for $5.99. Regular price: $9.99 USD. Nonfiction.
Featuring 72 action-packed, easy-to-lead family devotions. Set aside a night or two each week for a “special time” where you and your kids can have family fun together and learn valuable lessons from God’s Word. No advanced planning is needed. Anyone can do this. The ebook contains devotions concerning a variety of topics including salvation, fear, trust, sin, forgiveness and much more.

Find more family resources at 330resources.org/family.

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Christmas Family Devotion #4


Provide a bite of fruit cake to each member of your family.

SAY—Just like the Egg Nog, fruit cake is a matter of taste. Some people love it, but some people think it tastes disgusting.

ASKWhat else can you think of that is disgusting? (Toilet water, Sumo wrestler sweat, body odor, etc.)

ASKDo you think lying is disgusting? 

ASKWhat about cheating?  Or stealing? Or saying bad words?

SAY—Sin is anything wrong you do and all sin is disgusting to God. Everything sin has and gives is the opposite of God.

ASKHow would you describe God? 

SAY—Sin is the opposite of God. God is love—Sin creates hate; God gives peace—Sin destroys peace; God leads you to do right—Sin makes you a slave to doing wrong; God takes care of you—Sin will always hurt you. But God loves you so much, that even though we’ve all done wrong things, He sent Jesus to die to make a way to take your sins away. That’s what Christmas is all about.

 Read John 3:16 from your Bible.

See if your child can say this verse. If not, begin saying it with them every night. This is an important verse for every student to know and understand.

This family devotion is from:

72 Family Devotions for Spiritually Training Your Kids
ON SALE for $5.99. Regular price: $9.99 USD. Nonfiction.
Featuring 72 action-packed, easy-to-lead family devotions. Set aside a night or two each week for a “special time” where you and your kids can have family fun together and learn valuable lessons from God’s Word. No advanced planning is needed. Anyone can do this. The ebook contains devotions concerning a variety of topics including salvation, fear, trust, sin, forgiveness and much more.

Find more family resources at 330resources.org/family.

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Christmas Family Devotion #3


You will need:

  • 1 tube of toothpaste
  • 1 plate
  • A Bible marked at Isaiah 9:6

Get Started

Gather your family around. Then squeeze out a good amount of toothpaste on a plate.

ASK—Do you think you can get it all back inside the tube?

Give each family member a chance to try.

(Some may try scooping it back in; Some may ask for scissors to cut it open and put it back. Just tell them no if you don’t want them to ruin the toothpaste tube; still others may want to lick all the toothpaste off the plate and use their mouth to put it back in. This is actually quite funny although if they push too hard, toothpaste will begin to come out of their nose—This really happened once!)

ASK—Is it possible to get all the toothpaste back inside?  (No.)

SAY—The toothpaste is kind of like your words. Once something comes out of your mouth you can’t take it back. So if you don’t mean it, or you don’t plan to follow through with it, don’t say it. Every word you say should be as trustworthy as a promise.

ASK—Did God ever make promises?  (Yes, the Bible is full of promises for you.)

ASK—Can you name a promise that God made?  (Nothing can separate you from His love; He will never leave you; That you’re going to heaven once you’ve given your life to Jesus; etc.)

SAY—God also promised that a Savior would be born.

Read Isaiah 9:6 from your Bible.

SAY—This is a promise God made about 700 years before Jesus was born. God always does what He says, and we should do the same.

PRAY—Thank God for Jesus and how wonderful He is. Thank God for always keeping His promises.

This family devotion is from:

72 Family Devotions for Spiritually Training Your Kids
ON SALE for $5.99. Regular price: $9.99 USD. Nonfiction.
Featuring 72 action-packed, easy-to-lead family devotions. Set aside a night or two each week for a “special time” where you and your kids can have family fun together and learn valuable lessons from God’s Word. No advanced planning is needed. Anyone can do this. The ebook contains devotions concerning a variety of topics including salvation, fear, trust, sin, forgiveness and much more.

Find more family resources at 330resources.org/family.

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Christmas Family Devotion #2


You will need:

  • Egg Nog
  • Cups for each family member
  • A small object that you can throw (like a ball)
  • A Bible marked at 1 John 4:14

Get Started

Have each member of your family try a sip of Holiday Egg Nog. Some will like it. Others will probably hate it.

SAY—Whether or not you like Egg Nog is a matter of taste. There’s no right or wrong answer, but in life, right will always be right and wrong will always be wrong.

ASKWould you believe me if I said I can throw [the object] in the air and it won’t fall back down?

Throw the object in the air.

ASKWhy did it come back?  (A law called gravity that says what goes up must come down.)

ASKA thousand years ago, if someone had thrown this up, what would have happened?  (It would have fallen back down.)

ASKA thousand years from now, if someone threw this up, what would happen?  (It would fall back down.)

SAY—God’s law of gravity will never change. In the same way, what is right today was right when God made the world and will be right until the end of time. What’s wrong today has always been wrong and will always be wrong. Right and wrong will NEVER change.

ASKWhat is something else that will never change?  (God will never change. That there is only one way to heaven will never change, etc. These aren’t matters of opinion. They have always been true and they will always be true.)

KEY—So if anyone ever tells you that right and wrong are a matter of opinion—like whether or not you like Egg Nog—just realize that they’re wrong. Then take the opportunity to tell them about the Savior of the world.

Read 1 John 4:14 from your Bible.

PRAY—Thank God for loving us so much that He sent and Savior.
This family devotion is from:

72 Family Devotions for Spiritually Training Your Kids
ON SALE for $5.99. Regular price: $9.99 USD. Nonfiction.
Featuring 72 action-packed, easy-to-lead family devotions. Set aside a night or two each week for a “special time” where you and your kids can have family fun together and learn valuable lessons from God’s Word. No advanced planning is needed. Anyone can do this. The ebook contains devotions concerning a variety of topics including salvation, fear, trust, sin, forgiveness and much more.

Find more family resources at 330resources.org/family.

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Christmas Family Devotion #1


You will need:
  • A Blindfold
  • Two drinks or food items that you know your child likes.
  • One drink or food item that you figure your child will dislike.
  • Your Bible marked at Philippians 4:4.

Get Started

Send your children to another room while you find three drinks or food items, two that you know they like and at least one that you figure they won’t like. For example, you might use chocolate milk, Pepsi, and prune or pickle juice. Then blindfold your children and bring them in one at a time to be a “Taste Tester.” Give them the item they won’t like last.

ASKDid you get what you expected?

SAY—Sometimes in life we get what we expect, sometimes we don’t. Bad things can even happen to good people, but listen to what the Bible says about what we should do when bad things happen.

Read Philippians 4:4 from your Bible.

ASKWhen “bad” things happen, what can you do? (Make the choice to rejoice.)

ASKWhy do you think you can always rejoice? (Because God is faithful. He’ll never let you down. He’ll always keep His Word. You can trust Him, etc.)

ASKWhat are some things our family can rejoice about? (Don’t just list good things. Also list things that they might consider

to be “bad.” For example, we can rejoice even though daddy lost his job. Why? Because we trust God and we know He won’t let us down.)

PRAY—And thank God that no matter what happens in our lives, because of who He is, we can make the choice to rejoice.

NOTE: If your children want a further answer about why they can rejoice in the middle of difficult times, explain that sometimes we do wrong things and these bad choices bring “bad” things into our lives. But sometimes we do everything right and someone else does something wrong and we get hurt because of it. Even so, there’s nothing your children will ever do that is so bad that God can’t forgive them and there’s nothing so bad that can happen to them that God can’t turn it around to their good if they love Him and are walking with Him. (See Romans 8:28 for a great promise.)

This family devotion is from:

72 Family Devotions for Spiritually Training Your Kids
ON SALE for $5.99. Regular price: $9.99 USD. Nonfiction.
Featuring 72 action-packed, easy-to-lead family devotions. Set aside a night or two each week for a “special time” where you and your kids can have family fun together and learn valuable lessons from God’s Word. No advanced planning is needed. Anyone can do this. The ebook contains devotions concerning a variety of topics including salvation, fear, trust, sin, forgiveness and much more.

Find more family resources at 330resources.org/family.

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New Year’s Devotion

YOU WILL NEED: A Bible marked at 2 Corinthians 5:17

GAME: Part  1 – Tell everyone to go get one thing that is OLD.

Take turns letting everyone show what he has and why he chose that item.

SAY: Just because something is old doesn’t mean that we get rid of it. Sometimes old things are very important. The same is true with memories.

ASK: What is your favorite memory from this past year?

ASK: What was your least favorite thing that happened this past year?

SAY: But sometimes when something is old, we want to get rid of it.

ASK: What is something old you got rid of this past year? (i.e., an old pair of shoes, an old toothbrush, etc)

ASK: Are their some old habits or attitudes that you would like to get rid of for the New Year?

GAME: Part  2 – Tell everyone to go get one thing that is NEW.

Take turns letting everyone show what he has and why he chose that item.

SAY: A new year marks a great time to start a new beginning.

ASK: What is something you would like to change about your life this next year?

ASK: What is something you would like to change about our family this next year?

ASK: What do you want God to do in your life this next year?

ASK: If you could do anything to serve God this next year, what would it be?

Read and discuss 2 Corinthians 5:17 from your Bible.

OPTIONAL ACTIVITY (depending on the ages of your children): Have your kids write letters to themselves describing their spiritual goals for this next year. Help your kids to fold up their letters and put them in envelopes. Then put the letters in a safe place. Tell the kids that you’ll open the letters as a family in a year.

PRAY—Ask God to bless your family and to glorify Himself through you family this next year.

This family devotion is from:

72 Family Devotions for Spiritually Training Your Kids
ON SALE for $5.99. Regular price: $9.99 USD. Nonfiction.
Featuring 72 action-packed, easy-to-lead family devotions. Set aside a night or two each week for a “special time” where you and your kids can have family fun together and learn valuable lessons from God’s Word. No advanced planning is needed. Anyone can do this. The ebook contains devotions concerning a variety of topics including salvation, fear, trust, sin, forgiveness and much more.

Find more family resources at 330resources.org/family.

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Baby Fever!

IMG_3680Yesterday we met with one of my best friends and saw her sweet baby girl for the first time. She was so amazing and holding her was such a joy. Meeting her made me imagine what it will be like to meet our baby for the first time. Holding her gave me hope towards the future, when we’ll hold our own sweet baby. Praying for her made me all the more excited! Knowing that God not only has a plan and future for this sweet baby, but He has one for our future baby too. God has purposed us to be the parents of a child somewhere. He is protecting and caring for our baby right now. So now we wait. We wait for His timing. We practice patience. And we hope for the future that our Father has written.

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