Tag Archives: God

Aren’t you Glad God isn’t Like the Presidential Turkey Pardon

The Presidential Turkey pardon began in 1947 as a PR stunt of the National Turkey Federation by donating one of their finest turkeys to the President of the United States. For 25 years the publicity stunt proceeded without a hitch, until in 1963 when President Kennedy, looked at his turkey and said, “Let’s keep him going.”

This is what happens: About 25 “good” turkeys are picked from a crowd of about 20,000. They are sent to the president to “strut their stuff” and only one or two are chosen (and sent to a Thanksgiving parade at Disneyland). They eventually end up at Mount Vernon, George Washington’s estate, and sheltered in a coop on the historic estate.*

Aren’t you Thankful that God doesn’t look for the “good” turkeys in the crowd but He extends His love and care to all? The Bible says, “But God demonstrates his own love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8).

And again, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” (Romans 10:13).

Happy Thanksgiving to all the “Turkeys” out there!

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*Written and adapted by Kolby King from numerous sources.

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The Story of Squanto

Around 1608 Captain Hunt and a group of English traders landed in the new world at Plymouth, Massachusetts. When the trusting Wampanoag Indians came out to trade with them, the Englishmen took many of them prisoners and took them to Spain where they sold them as slaves.*

A boy, named Squanto, was bought by a kind Spanish monk who treated him with kindness, taught him to speak English and shared the Christian Gospel with him. Squanto eventually made his way to England where he worked in a stable. The owner of the stable, a man named John Slaney, took compassion on the young man and helped him make plans to return to America.

In 1619, a decade after he was kidnapped, Squanto returned to his home but his return was met with heartbreak. During his absence an illness had swept through his people and he had returned to find that everyone he loved was dead.

In 1620 the Pilgrims, seeking the freedom of worship and freedom from the influences of popular culture, sailed to the new world and landed at Plymouth, where Squanto’s tribe had once lived. As they settled in and began to build homes the leader of the tribe with whom Squanto now lived sent another English speaking Indian to greet them. Eventually Squanto helped them know how to fish and plant crops. He also translate a treaty between the new colonists and the Indians that lasted for 50 years.

According to the diary of William Bradford, the governor of the Pilgrims, Squanto “became a special instrument sent of God for [our] good . . . He showed [us] how to plant [our] corn, where to take fish and to procure other commodities . . . and was also [our] pilot to bring [us] to unknown places for [our] profit, and never left [us] till he died.”**

Years later, as Squanto lay dying with a fever, Bradford wrote that he “desir[ed] the Governor to pray for him, that he might go to the Englishmen’s God in heaven.” Squanto also left all his possessions to his English friends “as remembrances of his love.”

Squanto’s story is an amazing tale of how God turned tragedy and difficult circumstances to the good. Instead of dying with his people in the epidemic, God used the evil of his kidnapping to save Squanto’s life. Then God used Squanto to help save the lives of the Pilgrims, which helped to shape the future of our country. It is God’s goodness and provision even through difficult circumstances that we celebrate when we remember Thanksgiving.

As we approach the holiday season, let’s remember the true story behind the “feast.” And let’s remember that the Bible says, “In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus toward you” (1Thess 5:18).

The Bible doesn’t say to give thanks in just the good and pleasing things, but in all circumstances. A follower of Christ can do this because no matter what happens, even if you don’t understand why, you know the One sits on the Throne. We don’t give thanks because we like what happened but because we know to whom we belong and that our lives are in His hands. We know the character of God and how He has promised to “work all things together for good for those who love God, to those who are called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28).

Happy Thanksgiving!

Discover more Christian resources at 330resources.org.

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Written and adapted by Kolby King from numerous sources.

*…it happened there had beene one Hunt … [who]seized upon the poore innocent creatures, that in confidence of his honestie had put themselves into his hands. And stowing them under Hatches, to the number of twentie foure, carried them into the Sraits, where he sought to sell them for slaves, and sold as many as he could get money for. But the Friers of those parts took the rest from them, and kept them to be instructed in the Christian Faith; and so disappointed this new and Devillish project.

A Relation of New England” in
Haklytus Posthumus or Purchas His Pilgrimes:
In Twenty Volumes
(New York: The Macmillan Company, 1906) 19:272-3


Find another detailed reference at: http://www.cupids400.com/english/about/squanto.php

© Copyright 2017 Kolby King

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Relying on God

Bristol, England. Tuesday, February 8, 1842

Enough food remained in George Mueller’s orphan houses for that day’s meals, but that was it. There was no money to buy bread or milk for the following morning. And two of the orphan houses needed coal.

Mueller believed that if God sent nothing before nine o’clock on Wednesday morning, “His name would be dishonored.” Tuesday afternoon nine plum cakes arrived from a kindly sister. But the situation was still grim, as Mueller noted in his diary: “Truly, we are poorer than ever; but, through grace, my eyes look not at empty stores and the empty purse, but to the riches of the Lord only.”

Any other man responsible for the continual care and feeding of scores of children would have been climbing the walls. But Mueller believed in a God who is eternally faithful. He had, in fact, bet his entire career on the proposition that such a God could be relied upon implicitly and exclusively.

Mueller would not be disappointed. Wednesday morning just after seven he walked confidently to the orphan house on Wilson Street to find out how his Lord was going to provide food for that day. Mueller discovered that the need had already been met. A Christian businessman walking to work early that morning had suddenly wondered whether “Mueller’s children” might need funds. He decided to take something by the homes that evening. But, he later said, “I could not go any further and felt constrained to go back.” The man delivered three sovereigns just in time to make purchases for the orphan’s breakfast.

Timely provisions like this came in to Mueller’s homes countless times in his more than six decades of work. Never once did the orphans lack for food or clothing. There was always enough, sometimes just enough, but the children never knew a moment’s anxiety.

Mueller’s work was entirely supported by donations. During his 63-year career nearly 1,500,000 pounds was given, enough to care for some ten thousand children and to build several orphanages. It was quite an undertaking: two thousand children to be fed each day, their clothes washed and repaired, five large buildings to be kept up, matrons, overseers, nurses, and teachers to be paid.

And, according to Mueller, over these six decades God never missed a step. No child ever went without a meal; no baker or milkman ever settled for an IOU.

But now we come to the real catch: George Mueller accomplished all this without ever once asking a soul for a penny and without ever making any needs known. This man had embarked on his enterprise as a grand experiment. He wanted “something that would act as a visible proof that our God and Father is the same faithful God as ever he was…to all who put their trust in Him.” So this devout believer decided to demonstrate that the Almighty “had not in the least changed” by the fact that “the orphans under my care are provided, with all they need, only by prayer and faith, without anyone being asked by me or my fellow-laborers, whereby it may be seen, that God is faithful still, and hears prayer still.”*


Read Matthew 6:25-34 and Philippians 1:6 from your Bible.


God will never lead you to a task that He will not equip you with all you need to accomplish that task. God always provides what we need to serve Him effectively, but sometimes (like Abraham who was promised an heir) we get impatient and try to work out God’s purposes in our own strength, resources, and timing.

How are you relying on God’s strength to accomplish the life and ministry to which He has called you? How has God provided you with the resources you need to be effective in serving Him? (God built some of these resources into you before you were born!) What are you trusting God to do in and through your life?

Your thoughts?

What prayer requests do you have for yourself and others today?


Many believers expect too little from a God who can do all things. What are you trusting God for in your life and ministry that no man could accomplish apart from the moving of the Holy Spirit?

*Mosley, Steven R., God: A Biography, (Phoenix: Questar Publishers, Inc., 1988), p. 230-232.

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Beatrice, Nebraska. March 1, 1950

Everyone had a good excuse that Wednesday evening for being late to 7:30 choir practice at the Baptist Church. Ladona Vandegrift, a high school sophomore, always came early. But on this night a thorny geometry problem detained her. Torena Estes and her sister Sadie were ready to leave home on time. But their car wouldn’t start.

Mrs. Schuster could be counted on to arrive ten minutes early for practice. But she was held up at her mother’s house preparing for a later missionary meeting. Pastor Klempel and his wife, always punctual, didn’t make it at 7:30 either. His wristwatch, usually very accurate, was five minutes slow this evening.

Joyce Black felt it was so cold that she waited till the last possible minute to leave—a few minutes too long. Harvey Ahl had been invited over to a friend’s home for dinner and in the pleasant conversation lost track of time.

Even Mrs. Paul, the choir director, failed to arrive on time. She’d always come fifteen minutes early. But on this night her daughter, who played piano for the group, fell asleep. Mrs. Paul hurriedly awakened Marilyn and they rushed to finish getting ready—but drove up to the church a few minutes late. This was the first time either had ever been tardy for choir practice.

Eighteen people made up the West Side Baptist Church choir. Tonight every one of them arrived late, something that had never happened before.

No one was there at 7:30 when the basement furnace, situated directly below the choir loft, ignited a gas leak. The loft blew up; the church was demolished. Then the choir members arrived on the scene—too late.*


Read Psalm 91 from your Bible.


God is the Great Protector and we must also be careful to protect the children He has entrusted to our care. In what ways has God protected you? In what ways can we share God’s protection with the children to whom we minister.
Prayerfully consider what you have read today. Then take a few moments to pray for yourself, your students, and others with whom you serve in ministry.


You’ll never be safer than right in the middle of God’s will.

Get all 52 Children’s Leader Devotions HERE

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*Steven R. Mosley, God a Biography, (Phoenix: Questar Publishers, Inc., 1988), p. 211-2
© Copyright 2017 Kolby King

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Our Purpose


Today I woke up and combed my hair with a fork, blew my nose on sandpaper, put the bread in my shoes to make toast, poured milk in my car to make it run, and put the butter in the oven to keep it cold. “Am I crazy?” you say. Of course not. I just didn’t use things for what they were created.


Read Ephesians 2:10 from your Bible.


Everything has a purpose. Milk can’t make your car go any more than an oven can keep your butter cold. You may be able to half-way comb your hair with a fork, but that’s not its purpose. As a believer God has five purposes for your life: Evangelism, Fellowship, Discipleship, Service, and Worship. Did you know that you’ll never truly be fulfilled as a Christian until you are operating in all five of these areas? Today do you feel like anything is lacking in your life or your walk with Christ?
Prayerfully consider what you have read today. Then take a few moments to pray for yourself, your students, and others with whom you serve in ministry.


“Before God created the world and before He even blew breath into Adam, He already knew your name and had plans for your life. Walk in His design for you.”

Get all 52 Children’s Leader Devotions HERE

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© Copyright 2017 Kolby King

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Whatever! (You Do)


✓ A Bible marked at Colossians 3:17


SAY—We’re going to play a game and here are the rules: In a moment I’m going to say something that I did today, then we’re going to go around the circle and everyone else is going to say something they did today. Then when it gets back to me, I’m going to keep going. We’ll keep going around and around but here’s the catch—if you take longer than 3 seconds to come up with something you did today, then your out.

Read Colossians 3:17 from your Bible.

SAY—According to this verse, everything we just named we should have done in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to the Father through Him.

ASK—What do you think this verse means? (That no matter what you say or do, you should always be living for Jesus with a thankful heart.)

ASK—Are there any of your actions today that didn’t glorify God?

ASK—Are there any of your words today that didn’t glorify God?

ASK—What are some ways we can give thanks to God? (Through prayer, in our actions, in our words, in our attitude, in how we respond to situations—especially situations where we didn’t get what we wanted or things didn’t go the way we desired.)

SAY—Because Jesus died and rose again, we live for him in everything we say and do and always give thanks to God through Him.


SAY—We’re going to play another game. It’s actually the same game we played before except instead of naming things we did today, we’re going to name things we said today.

Re-Read Colossians 3:17 from your Bible.

PRAY—Take Prayer requests and pray together…Pray that your family live for Jesus everyday in everything they say and do and always have an attitude to thanks.
This family devotion is from:

72 Family Devotions for Spiritually Training Your Kids
ON SALE for $5.99. Regular price: $9.99 USD. Nonfiction.
Featuring 72 action-packed, easy-to-lead family devotions. Set aside a night or two each week for a “special time” where you and your kids can have family fun together and learn valuable lessons from God’s Word. No advanced planning is needed. Anyone can do this. The ebook contains devotions concerning a variety of topics including salvation, fear, trust, sin, forgiveness and much more.

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✓Something you can throw
✓A Bible marked at Psalm 55:22 and 1 Peter 5:7


TELL your child that you are going to throw an item to him and you want him to catch it and throw it back. Do this several times.

ASK—What does it mean to “cast” something? (“Casting” is another way of saying “throwing.”)

SAY—We are going to read about something that God wants us to throw His way.

Read Psalm 55:22 from your Bible.

ASK—What does God want you to “cast” on Him? (Our cares.)

ASK—What does it say God will do if we cast our care on Him? (He will sustain you.) What does that mean?

SAY—“Sustain” comes from a Latin word that literally means “to hold below.”

Have one person stand in front of you. Ask them to wobble. Then take hold of them to keep them steady.

SAY—In the same way that I held him steady, God sustains us which means He supports us, supplies us with what we need and keeps us steady from falling.

SAY—Sometimes the worries and cares of this world drag us down, but we can cast our cares on God and He will sustain us.

ASK—What else did the verse say God will do? (He will never let the righteous fall.)


TOSS the item back and forth again but each time you throw it, say a care or worry that someone might have.

What are some cares or worries that you have? What about your friends?

SAY—Before we pray I want to read one more verse.

Read 1 Peter 5:7 from your Bible.

SAY—Because God is so good and Jesus died and rose again for us, we can cast our cares on Him. And because we know how God will take care of us, we can always give thanks no matter what we’re facing.

PRAY—Take turns praying and let each member of your family tell God about a care or worry (something that concerns them)—something they are giving to Him. For example, “Dear Lord, Grandma is sick. Please help her to get better. I give this to you. In Jesus’ Name—Amen.”

This family devotion is from:

72 Family Devotions for Spiritually Training Your Kids
ON SALE for $5.99. Regular price: $9.99 USD. Nonfiction.
Featuring 72 action-packed, easy-to-lead family devotions. Set aside a night or two each week for a “special time” where you and your kids can have family fun together and learn valuable lessons from God’s Word. No advanced planning is needed. Anyone can do this. The ebook contains devotions concerning a variety of topics including salvation, fear, trust, sin, forgiveness and much more.

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Have Nots, Ask Nots


-A Bible marked at James 4:2-3

(This would be a good discussion at the dinner table.)


Let your family take turns answering the following question:

ASK—If you had three wishes and you knew that whatever you wished for would come true, what would your wishes be?

Listen to what the Bible says about asking God for things:

Read the last line of James 4:2 and all of 4:3 from your Bible.

SAY—Did you know that the Bible says that there are certain things that we don’t have because we don’t ask for them? And there are other things we don’t get because we ask for them for the wrong reasons.

SAY—It’s not wrong to ask God for things, but know that, like a good Father, God is not going to give you something that He knows won’t be good for you.

ASK—What if you wanted to eat five ice cream sundaes at one time? Would I let you? (No, because it wouldn’t be good for you.)

ASK—What if you wanted to play in the middle of a busy street? Would I let you? (No, because it wouldn’t be safe for you.)

ASK—What if we were in the middle of a store and you pointed out something that you really, really wanted? Might I get it for you? (Yes, but not always. I might get it for you now and I might get it for you later, but I won’t get you something that I know won’t be good for you.)

SAY—In the say way, God is a good father for all those who have given their lives to Him. You can ask Him for anything and know that He will always do what is best for you.

PRAY—Take turns praying and be sure to thank God for being a great Heavenly Father who answers prayer.


This family devotion is from:

72 Family Devotions for Spiritually Training Your Kids
ON SALE for $5.99. Regular price: $9.99 USD. Nonfiction.
Featuring 72 action-packed, easy-to-lead family devotions. Set aside a night or two each week for a “special time” where you and your kids can have family fun together and learn valuable lessons from God’s Word. No advanced planning is needed. Anyone can do this. The ebook contains devotions concerning a variety of topics including salvation, fear, trust, sin, forgiveness and much more.

Find more family resources at 330resources.org/family.

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Knock, Knock – Part 2


-A Bible marked at Luke 18:1-8

Tell some more “Knock, Knock” jokes. Here are some more examples:

Knock, Knock / Who’s There?
House / House Who?
House it going?

Knock, Knock / Who’s There?
Watson / Watson Who?
Watson TV?
Colleen / Colleen Who?
Colleen up your room, please.

Knock, Knock / Who’s There?
Gorilla / Gorilla Who?
Gorilla me a cheese sandwich, please.

Knock, Knock / Who’s There?
Huge / Huge Who?
Huge you expect.

Knock, Knock / Who’s There?
Yaw / Yaw Who?
Just me. Why are you so excited?

Knock, Knock / Who’s There?
Leena / Leena Who?
Leena little closer and I’ll tell you.

Read Luke 18:1-8 from your Bible.

SAY—The point of this story is NOT that God is like the grumpy guy who doesn’t want to give justice. God loves giving us good things. The point is that God wants us to be persistent—To ask and keep asking, to seek and keep seeking, to knock and keep knocking. When we pray, God doesn’t want us to give up.

ASK—Does God always answer prayer? (Yes.)

ASK—How does God always answer prayer? (God ALWAYS answers prayer in one of three ways: He answers by saying “Yes” or “No” or “Later—not right now—wait a while.” God doesn’t always answer yes, but He does always answer.)

SAY—God loves you and you can always talk to Him about anything.

ASK—What are some things that you would like to talk to God about tonight?

PRAY—Take turns praying and laying your requests before God.

This family devotion is from:

72 Family Devotions for Spiritually Training Your Kids
ON SALE for $5.99. Regular price: $9.99 USD. Nonfiction.
Featuring 72 action-packed, easy-to-lead family devotions. Set aside a night or two each week for a “special time” where you and your kids can have family fun together and learn valuable lessons from God’s Word. No advanced planning is needed. Anyone can do this. The ebook contains devotions concerning a variety of topics including salvation, fear, trust, sin, forgiveness and much more.

Find more family resources at 330resources.org/family.

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Casting Cares


-Something you can throw.

-A Bible marked at 1 Peter 5:7.

TELL your child that you are going to throw an item to them and you want them to catch it and throw it back. Do this several times.

ASK—What does it mean to “cast” something? (“Casting” is another way of saying “throwing.”)

SAY—We are going to read about something that God wants us to throw His way.

Read 1 Peter 5:7 from your Bible.

ASK—What does God want you to “cast” on Him? (Your cares.)

ASK—Some of your cares or all of your cares? (All your cares.)

ASK—Why can you cast all your cares on God? (Because He cares for you.)

TOSS the item back and forth but each time you throw it, say a care or worry that someone might have.

ASK—What are some cares or worries that you have?

PRAY—Take turns praying and let each member of your family tell God about a care or worry (something that concerns them)—something they are throwing God’s way and trusting Him with. For example, “Dear Lord, Grandma is sick. Please help her to get better. I give this to you. In Jesus’ Name—Amen.”
This family devotion is from:

72 Family Devotions for Spiritually Training Your Kids
ON SALE for $5.99. Regular price: $9.99 USD. Nonfiction.
Featuring 72 action-packed, easy-to-lead family devotions. Set aside a night or two each week for a “special time” where you and your kids can have family fun together and learn valuable lessons from God’s Word. No advanced planning is needed. Anyone can do this. The ebook contains devotions concerning a variety of topics including salvation, fear, trust, sin, forgiveness and much more.

Find more family resources at 330resources.org/family.

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Christmas Family Devotion #3


You will need:

  • 1 tube of toothpaste
  • 1 plate
  • A Bible marked at Isaiah 9:6

Get Started

Gather your family around. Then squeeze out a good amount of toothpaste on a plate.

ASK—Do you think you can get it all back inside the tube?

Give each family member a chance to try.

(Some may try scooping it back in; Some may ask for scissors to cut it open and put it back. Just tell them no if you don’t want them to ruin the toothpaste tube; still others may want to lick all the toothpaste off the plate and use their mouth to put it back in. This is actually quite funny although if they push too hard, toothpaste will begin to come out of their nose—This really happened once!)

ASK—Is it possible to get all the toothpaste back inside?  (No.)

SAY—The toothpaste is kind of like your words. Once something comes out of your mouth you can’t take it back. So if you don’t mean it, or you don’t plan to follow through with it, don’t say it. Every word you say should be as trustworthy as a promise.

ASK—Did God ever make promises?  (Yes, the Bible is full of promises for you.)

ASK—Can you name a promise that God made?  (Nothing can separate you from His love; He will never leave you; That you’re going to heaven once you’ve given your life to Jesus; etc.)

SAY—God also promised that a Savior would be born.

Read Isaiah 9:6 from your Bible.

SAY—This is a promise God made about 700 years before Jesus was born. God always does what He says, and we should do the same.

PRAY—Thank God for Jesus and how wonderful He is. Thank God for always keeping His promises.

This family devotion is from:

72 Family Devotions for Spiritually Training Your Kids
ON SALE for $5.99. Regular price: $9.99 USD. Nonfiction.
Featuring 72 action-packed, easy-to-lead family devotions. Set aside a night or two each week for a “special time” where you and your kids can have family fun together and learn valuable lessons from God’s Word. No advanced planning is needed. Anyone can do this. The ebook contains devotions concerning a variety of topics including salvation, fear, trust, sin, forgiveness and much more.

Find more family resources at 330resources.org/family.

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