In India we shared 36 times with over 10,000 people. Tons of lost people heard the Gospel. Many of these were in the schools. Of course, in the schools we weren’t allowed to give an invitation but we explained very clearly how to receive Christ. I don’t know how many decisions we had as the result of this trip but we were faithful to boldly share the Good News and I don’t think we’ll truly ever know the outcome until we stand before the Lord in eternity. People were saved. Christians were challenged and encouraged. Leaders were trained. A pastor even told me after one of our open air meetings that there were several people who had come with sicknesses but that had God healed them during the meeting or as we prayed for them after.
Our success is not found in numbers but in faithfulness and obedience.
We also now understand the importance of our family going. God used each of us in different ways to share His love. Each of us played an important part and the Lord blessed and protected us.
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