One of my favorite experiences in Hyderabad was training church leaders who are working with children. There were about 25 people who attended our training conference. Among them are two brothers who are teaching “Sunday school” at their church. Their mother had been a witch and involved in black magic before she came to Christ. She was saved when they were young and they are second generation Christians. Both of these brothers have a passion for sharing Christ.
Sunil, who was our main translator in Hyderabad, has a team of five people who work with him to share at numerous churches, VBS and other children’s events. Sunil also leads several weekly Bible studies for children. He told me that he has created a library of resources to share with other churches. This way, the churches wouldn’t need to purchase their own but could share. He had also approached several pastors to offer to share with the children in their areas too.
After hearing Sunil’s heart for reaching children, we decided to spend an evening just training him and when we leave India we will be leaving most of our ministry equipment with him to use or to share with others.

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