All posts by kolbyking

20 Questions Series, part 5


Explain to your family that they are trying to guess a secret object. You will give them a hint such as “This is a person, place, or thing.” Let each person one at a time choose a number between 1 and 20 and whatever number is chosen, read that number clue. After hearing the clue, the person will try to guess the answer. See who will be the first person to discover the hidden object. For fun, you can also have your family create more turns by choosing and developing their own “20 Questions” which you can play following your family devotion.

Hint: I am a Place

The answer can be found at the end of the clues.

1. I am in your house

2. You sleep in me

3. I usually have four walls

4. I many times have a window

5. You might share me with someone else

6. I end with the letter M

7. Your parents probably tell you to clean me

8. I’m your place in the house

9. You probably play in me

10. I probably keep your clothes in me

11. I probably keep your toys in me

12. You might get sent here if you disobey

13. You can bring your friends to play in me

14. You might do your homework in me

15. I’m bigger than you are

16. Almost everyone has one

17. You probably put your special things here

18. I might be your favorite place in the house

19. You spend several hours each day in me

20. I have a door


Answer: Your Room


SAY: It’s good to have a place of your own and the Bible says that Jesus is preparing a place for those who have received Him as their Lord and Savior.

Read John 14:1-3

ASK: What is Jesus talking about in these verses?

SAY: Jesus said this the day before He died. Through Jesus’ death and resurrection, He made a way for us to be saved and to spend forever with Him in Heaven.

(If you want, this would be a good time to share with your kids when and how you received Jesus as your Savior.)

SAY: Knowing Jesus is the best part of life. And since we know Jesus we can tell others about Him too.

Take prayer requests and PRAY for your family.


(EXTRA: Make the word “Room” your Word of the Day and see how many times your family can use it in conversations in the next 24 hours.)


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Open Communication

With school in full swing and a wave of activities surrounding your family, be careful to guard times of open communication with your children. Open communication isn’t always natural and as children grow older, their response to the generic, “How was your day?” is usually a simple, “Fine.” Teach your children from a young age to be open about what they see, hear, feel and experience by asking them direct questions. Instead of just asking, “How was your day,” be specific: What was the best thing that happened to you today? What was the worst thing that happened to you today?

Other questions might include: What makes you feel special? When are you the happiest? What makes you sad? Who do you like to talk with most at school? Is there anyone at school that you try to avoid? Why? When do you feel smartest? If you could change anything about school, what would it be? Do you ever get angry at school? Have you ever been bullied? What is your favorite thing about your teacher? What is your least favorite thing about…You get the idea.

Don’t bombard them with questions all at once. This isn’t an inquisition but each day look for ways to ask a variety of direct questions and tell them often that you want to know what is going on in their lives.

Remind them that they can talk with you about anything. Give specific examples: If they hear a word and they don’t know if it’s a bad word, they can come ask you. If they hear a conversation among friends but don’t understand what they’re talking about, come ask. If they have questions or are curious about other matters in life, come ask.

Then, finally, show them that you want to listen to them by giving them your full attention when they come to you. Turn the TV off or go on a walk together. Show them that their thoughts and feelings are important by giving them uninterrupted time to share.

In brief, guard open communication lines by:

-Asking specific questions

-Reminding them often that they can talk to you about anything

-Showing them you want to hear what they have to say by creating moments when you can listen without distraction.

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20 Questions Series, part 4


Explain to your family that they are trying to guess a secret object. You will give them a hint such as “This is a person, place, or thing.” Let each person one at a time choose a number between 1 and 20 and whatever number is chosen, read that number clue. After hearing the clue, the person will try to guess the answer. See who will be the first person to discover the hidden object. For fun, you can also have your family create more turns by choosing and developing their own “20 Questions” which you can play following your family devotion.


Hint: I am a Thing

The answer can be found at the end of the clues.

1. I taste good

2. Lots of people put me on popcorn

3. You wouldn’t want me on your ice cream

4. I am often used in cooking

5. Some people eat too much of me

6. I can make vegetables taste better

7. I am small

8. I am white

9. Most people put me in a shaker

10. A little of me can bring a big change

11. You can buy me at the store

12. I make people thirsty

13. Potato chips weren’t a hit until I was added

14. I end with the letter T

15. I am a four letter word

16. The only vowel in me is an A

17. I rhyme with “halt”

18. Many people shake me when they use me

19. You can sprinkle me on your food

20. I begin with the letter S


Answer: Salt


Read Matthew 5:13

ASK: What does this verse mean?

ASK: What does salt do?

SAY: Salt does many things. In Jesus’ day salt helped to keep food fresh. It also gives food flavor and it can make you thirsty too.

KEY: When people see how you know and live for Jesus, it will make them thirsty to know Jesus too. But if the salt gives no flavor, it has no effect. In other words, if salt doesn’t do what salt should do, it not going to make any difference. That’s like someone who knows Jesus, but doesn’t live for Him. The light they shine won’t make people thirsty to know and follow Jesus. Their witness is worthless.

ASK: Do you think your relationship with God and how it shows in your life makes other people want what you have?

ASK: What can we do that can help other people be thirsty for the kind of life we have in Jesus?

Take prayer requests and PRAY with your family.


(EXTRA: Make the word “Salt” your Word of the Day and see how many times your family can use it in conversations in the next 24 hours.)


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20 Questions Series, part 3


Explain to your family that they are trying to guess a secret object. You will give them a hint such as “This is a person, place, or thing.” Let each person one at a time choose a number between 1 and 20 and whatever number is chosen, read that number clue. After hearing the clue, the person will try to guess the answer. See who will be the first person to discover the hidden object. For fun, you can also have your family create more turns by choosing and developing their own “20 Questions” which you can play following your family devotion.


Hint: I am a Place

The answer can be found at the end of the clues.

1. I begin with the letter M

2. I’m not hard to see when I’m new

3. Sometimes you can’t see me at night

4. I’m not made of cheese

5. Man first visited me in 1969

6. I am smaller than the earth

7. My light is not my own

8. I usually look white

9. I am round

10. You can see me from anywhere

11. One side of me is always dark

12. My presence affects the ocean tides

13. I can go from quarter to full without changing sizes

14. I’m a four letter word

15. I orbit the earth

16. Sometimes you can see me during the day

17. People talk about the man in me

18. I have an American flag

19. A man named Neil Armstrong once stepped on me

20. Although I’m gray I might look white, yellow or even redish


Answer: The Moon


Read Matthew 5:14-16

ASK: What do you think these verses have to do with the moon?

ASK: When does the moon shine its light?

SAY: Never. That was a trick question. The moon doesn’t have any light of its own. It’s reflects light from the sun. Without the sun, the moon is just a big gray rock but it acts like a mirror and reflects light coming from the sun.

(If you want, get a flashlight and shine it in a mirror to show this.)

SAY: Jesus is the light of the world and, like the moon, we get to reflect the light of His life through our words and actions to other people.

Re-Read Matthew 5:14-16

SAY: God wants us to shine His light and never to hide it.

ASK: What are ways that we can let Jesus’ light shine through our lives? Through our family?

Take prayer request and PRAY that your family will shine the light of Jesus life and love.


(EXTRA: Make the word “Moon” your Word of the Day and see how many times your family can use it in conversations in the next 24 hours.)


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20 Questions Series, part 2


Explain to your family that they are trying to guess a secret object. You will give them a hint such as “This is a person, place, or thing.” Let each person one at a time choose a number between 1 and 20 and whatever number is chosen, read that number clue. After hearing the clue, the person will try to guess the answer. See who will be the first person to discover the hidden object. For fun, you can also have your family create more turns by choosing and developing their own “20 Questions” which you can play following your family devotion.


Hint: I am a Thing

The answer can be found at the end of the clues.

1. There is one in every room of your house

2. People turn me on when they need me

3. I rhyme with height

4. God created me in Genesis 1

5. People need me when it’s dark

6. The sun gives me

7. Some children want one of me in their room at night

8. You get two guesses!

9. I come in a variety of colors

10. I can be bright

11. I can be dim

12. Sometimes you turn me off when you want darkness

13. A flashlight can show me

14. I’m a five letter word

15. I being with the letter L

16. The moon reflects me

17. I am in your house but also outside

18. You mainly have me during the day

19. I’m good to use when you read

20. The only vowel in me is the letter I


Answer: Light


ASK: How does light help us? (We can’t see without light.)

ASK: What would it be like to live in a world that only had darkness?

SAY: The Bible says that the world is full of darkness. This isn’t the kind that keeps you from seeing physically but is a spiritual darkness. Anyone who doesn’t know Christ, the Bible says, is in darkness and is blinded to the things of God. This is the reason that people who have never received Christ have trouble understanding the things of God.

ASK: Who is the light of the world?

SAY: The Bible says that Jesus is the light of the world. Listen to what Jesus said in John 8:12

Read John 8:12

ASK: What do you think the verse means, that Jesus is the light of the world?

SAY: Jesus brings truth into the darkness. His light is the light of life because He is the only way to have life. Light also shows the way and Jesus is the only way to have life and to go to Heaven. The Bible says that He is the way the truth and the life (John 14:6).

ASK: What are ways that the world lives in darkness? What can we do as a family to help us live in the light instead of the darkness? What are ways that our family can walk more closely with Jesus?

Take prayer requests and PRAY with and for your family.


(EXTRA: Make the word “Light” your Word of the Day and see how many times your family can use it in conversations in the next 24 hours.)


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20 Questions Series, part 1

In this 20 Questions series, you’ll be challenged to use questions and answers as a springboard for family devotions.

Part 1


Explain to your family that they are trying to guess a secret object. You will give them a hint such as “This is a person, place, or thing.” Let each person one at a time choose a number between 1 and 20 and whatever number is chosen, read that number clue. After hearing the clue, the person will try to guess the answer. See who will be the first person to discover the hidden object. For fun, you can also have your family create more turns by choosing and developing their own “20 Questions” which you can play following your family devotion.

Hint: I am a Place

The answer can be found at the end of the clues.

1. People used to think I was flat

2. I am round

3. I have seven continents

4. In the beginning God created me

5. I sometimes refer to things that are not godly

6. Another word for me could be “Earth”

7. “He’s Got the Whole ________ in His Hands”

8. I begin with the letter W

9. Ancient travelers journeyed around me by ship

10. I am mainly covered by water

11. You can see me from the moon

12. You have always lived here

13. You are in me, but if you know Jesus, you are not of me

14. All that I contain, God created

15. You get two tries to guess what I am!

16. The only vowel in me is an O

17. I end with the letter D

18. I have your country

19. I am big

20. I am bigger than the moon but smaller than the sun


Answer: The World


Read Colossians 3:1-3

SAY: There’s more to life than the things you find in this world.

ASK: What are things that people who just live for this world live for? (Money, stuff, fame, etc.)

ASK: How long do these things last? (Not long)

ASK: What should followers of Jesus live for?

SAY: We should live for the things that matter to God. We should live for eternal things. That’s why God told us to set our mind on things above, not on the things of this world.

Read Matthew 6:33

SAY: A lot of people spend their lives seeking the things of this world while God tells us to seek His things and to live for Him and all these things will be added to you.

ASK: What can we pray for our family to ask God to help us live for the things that really matter in life?

PRAY that God will help your family to set their focus on things above, not the things of this world.

(EXTRA: Make the word “World” your Word of the Day and see how many times your family can use it in conversations in the next 24 hours.)


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Time to Talk

One six-year-old daughter, Lisa, had a need to ask questions … lots of questions. Finally, one day, her mom had had it.

“Have you ever heard that curiosity killed the cat?” Mom asked in exasperation.

“No,” replied Lisa.

“Well, there was a cat, and he was very inquisitive. And one day, he looked into a big hole, fell in, and died!”

Lisa was intrigued: “What was in the hole?””*

As parents we sometimes forget that we want our kids asking us questions. Work hard to keep open communication lines and to develop habits while your children are young to talk with them about anything and everything. Never lose the art of chatting with your children. Answer even the silliest questions because a day will come when they will have other, more serious questions. When that time arrives, you want them to come to you for answers and advice—not their friends, not TV, not the world.

Take time to stop, sit and just talk with your kids today.


*Original source unknown

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Leave a Legacy

Don’t Just Leave an Inheritance…Leave a Legacy

    Listen to the story of two families: We read that in 1677 a licentious man married a licentious woman. From that union came 1900 descendants. Of these descendants 771 were criminals, 39 were murderers; only 10 learned a trade and they learned it in prison. They spent a combined total of 1,300 years in prison and cost the state of New York nearly three million dollars. That is what two ungodly people in marriage did for the United States.

     But look at the record of the Edwards’ family, the family of Jonathan Edwards, the great preacher. A godly man married a godly woman. They had 1,344 descendants. Of this number 295 were college graduates, 13 were college professors, 65 were college presidents, 186 were ministers, 101 were lawyers, 86 were state senators, and 3 were congressmen. There were also 30 judges and one vice-president of the United States. Not one of these descendants was ever accused of crime. This is what two godly people in marriage can do for the world. 1

The way you live your life not only affects you, but also your children’s children’s children. You will never see in this life the full impact of how you lived, so make sure that your kids see you living for Jesus every day.

1W. Herschel Ford, Sermons You Can Preach on John, (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House, 1958), p. 126

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Rolled Away

You will need:

-Something that can be easily blown like a balloon, a ping-pong ball, a leaf, etc.

-A rock or stone or something that cannot be blown.

-Something like string, thread, or yarn to make a circle on the floor. (If you don’t have any of these, then use several pairs of shoes stretching the shoelaces around in a circle.)

-A Bible marked at Luke 24:1-7

Get Started

Take turns blowing the balloon (or ping-pong ball or whatever item can be easily blown) into the circle. For something such as a balloon, start in a different room but for harder items, such as a leaf, start closer to the circle. See how fast they can move the item into the circle. Then take the rock (or the item that cannot be blown) and put it just a few inches from the circle. Ask them to blow it in. Let your whole family try—even at the same time. No matter what you do, you won’t be able to move it without picking it up.

SAY: After Jesus died, they buried him in a cave-like tomb with a huge rock that covered the opening. Three days later some women were coming to the tomb when they realized that they hadn’t planned on having to roll the stone away.

ASK: What do you think they did?

SAY: They didn’t have to do anything. The stone had already been moved. When Jesus rose from the dead, the stone was rolled away. Jesus defeated death so that we could share His life.

Read Luke 24:1-7

PRAY—Thank Jesus for loving us so much that he died and rose again to make a way for us to know Him, to be forgiven of our sins, and to go to heaven to be with Him someday.


Breakfast Bites

What’s the coolest place you could ever go? (Heaven will be the greatest place ever.)

How do you think a person can know for sure that they’re going to heaven? (By giving their life to Jesus.)

What do you think people will do in heaven? (The idea of sitting on clouds, playing harps, and so forth is not Biblical, and although the Bible doesn’t give us all the information we might want about what we will do in heaven, there is something you can know for sure: Heaven will be the best and most exciting place ever where you will see God face to face.

Read Revelation 21:3-4

(If your kids want to know more about heaven, take a look at Revelation 21:1-22:5)

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Family Easter Activity – Resurrection Rolls


“Taste and see that God is good” (Psalm 34:8)


Items needed: Crescent Rolls and Large Marshmallows

Wrap a large marshmallow inside a crescent roll so that just one end is showing. Explain to your child that this is like tomb in which they laid Jesus. The roll is like the tomb or the hill in which the tomb was made. The marshmallow at the opening is like the stone they rolled to cover the entrance after Jesus died on the cross.

Roll your creation in cinnamon sugar. Let your child taste some cinnamon without sugar. It won’t taste very good. Now mix some sugar with it and let them taste again. Cinnamon without sugar is missing something. Life without Jesus is missing something too—You were created to know and walk with Jesus.

While the rolls are cooking, read John 20:1-18

Cook the rolls according to their baking instructions. When they are finished, the marshmallows will have melted—They’ll be gone! This is like how the disciples found the tomb—with the stone rolled away and Jesus no longer inside.

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Family Easter Activity – Easter Eve Cookies


“Taste and see that God is good” (Psalm 34:8)

EASTER EVE COOKIES—Jesus’ Death, Burial and Resurrection

Items needed:

1 cup of whole pecans

1 teaspoon of vinegar

3 egg whites

A pinch of salt

1 cup of sugar

Make the cookies below on the night before Easter and share with your family the story of Jesus’ death and resurrection.


Preheat oven to 330 degrees.

Beat 1 cup of pecans into small pieces. Then set them aside for later use.

Pour 1 teaspoon of vinegar into the mixing bowl.

Add 3 egg whites.

Add a pinch of salt.

Add 1 cup of sugar.

Beat with a mixer on high speed for 10 to 15 minutes until stiff peaks form.

Fold in the pecan pieces.

Cover a cookie sheet with wax paper.

Drop by teaspoon fulls on the cookie sheet.

Put the cookies in the oven, turn it OFF, and let them cook overnight.

Remove the cookies on Easter morning and enjoy.




Preheat oven to 330 degrees.



Let us make some Easter cookies,

And hear a tale that’s true,

Of how Jesus died and rose again,

Because of His love for you.

So grab what you need,

And pull up your sleeves,

Then preheat your oven,

To 330 degrees.

“Why 330?”

You might say.

Because John 3:30,

Is the verse for the day.


John 3:30—He [Jesus] must increase, but I must decrease.




Beat 1 cup of pecans into small pieces.



Take one cup of pecans,

But before adding them to the bowl,

Take a spoon and beat them up,

Until they’re no longer whole.

Remember that Jesus was beaten too,

Hurt from head to toe,

And by His stripes we are healed.

That’s how He loves you so!

Now take the pecans and set them aside,

You’ll need them in a bit.

And consider how anyone could reject,

The Savior the soldier’s hit?


Isaiah 53:5—But he was pierced for our transgressions. He was crushed for our iniquities. The punishment that brought our peace was on him; and by his wounds we are healed.


Pour 1 tsp. of vinegar into the mixing bowl.



Vinegar was given to Jesus,

As He was dying for our sin.

So take the bottle and fill one teaspoon,

Then pour it right on in.

And catch a whiff of that smell.

You’ll probably think it’s bad.

It’s to remind us of Jesus’ agony,

And the suffering that He had.


John 19:28-29—After this, Jesus, seeing that all things were now finished, that the Scripture might be fulfilled, said, “I am thirsty.” Now a vessel full of vinegar was set there; so they put a sponge full of the vinegar on hyssop, and held it at his mouth.




Put 3 egg whites in the mixing bowl.



Now take three eggs and crack them open,

But before you put them in,

Remove the yoke and throw it out,

And hear me once again.

The yoke stands for impurity,

And the bad things we have done.

So throw sin out,

And give yourself to God’s only Son.


2 Corinthians 5:21—For him [Jesus] who knew no sin he [God] made to be sin on our behalf; so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.




Add a pinch of salt to the mixing bowl.



Spinkle some salt in your hand,

And take a taste or two.

How do you feel? What do you want?

A drink when your through?

You are the salt of the world.

That’s what Jesus said.

To make people thirsty for something more,

Like a Savior who rose from the dead.

Now take a pinch and throw it in,

And remember who you are.

You’re salt. You’re light. You’re loved by God.

You are His shining star.


Matthew 5:13-14-[Jesus said,] You are the salt of the earth, but if the salt has lost its flavor, with what will it be salted? It is then good for nothing, but to be cast out and trodden under the feet of men. You are the light of the world. A city located on a hill can’t be hidden.




Add 1 cup of sugar in the mixing bowl.


Stir your blend and mix it up,

How does it look to you?

Not very good? Not very tasty?

And yet we’re almost through.

Now fill one cup with sugar,

And pour it in the bowl.

The sweetest part of this story is,

Jesus died to save your soul.


Romans 5:8—But God commends his own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.




Beat with a mixer on high speed for 10 to 15 minutes until stiff peaks form.



Beat with a mixer on high speed,

For thirteen minutes long.

Until peaks rise that symbolize,

The mountains of our wrong.

Who could remove such high peaks,

Of error and mistake?

Only Jesus Christ, the Righteous,

The bond of sin can break.

To set you free and make you clean,

And make you whole once more,

And give you heaven and life worth living,

That’s why your sins He bore.

The white you see stands for His purity,

That He never went astray,

Tempted like us but without sin,

He chose the righteous way.

And offered Himself on the cross,

As a holy sacrifice.

Who could ignore Him? Who could reject Him?

And His offer of eternal life?


Hebrews 4:15—For we don’t have a high priest who can’t be touched with the feeling of our infirmities, but one who has been in all points tempted like we are, yet without sin.




Fold in the pecan pieces.



Now fold the pecans that you beat,

Into the cookie mix.

Each little piece stands for a time,

When we fell for Satan’s tricks.

Yes, we’ve all sinned and made mistakes,

And walked a different way,

But it’s not too late to turn around,

And let Him save your soul today.


Romans 3:23—For all have sinned, and fall short of the glory of God.




Cover a cookie sheet with wax paper.



Grab the wax paper and pull some off,

And cover your cookie pan,

And remember the covering the Savior gave,

As nails pierced His hand.

By His blood salvation came

Through the breaking of His heart,

To raise you from sin and the death within,

And give you a brand new start.

True life is more than existence and breath,

And making it through the day,

It’s joy; It’s peace; It’s love and living,

With the Savior in every way.


Isaiah 1:18—“Come now, and let us reason together,” says the Lord:

“Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow.

Though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. “




Drop by teaspoon on the cookie sheet.



Drop by teaspoons on the wax paper,

The mix that you have made.

Each little mound reminds us still,

Of the tomb where Jesus was laid.

Now put the cookies in the oven,

And close the door again.

And remember the price that Jesus paid,

To buy us back from sin.

Now take some tape and seal the door,

And remember the stone they used,

To block the entrance to the grave,

With His body so abused.


Mark 15:46-47—He bought a linen cloth, and taking him down, wound him in the linen cloth, and laid him in a tomb which had been cut out of a rock. He rolled a stone against the door of the tomb. Mary Magdalene and Mary, the mother of Joses, saw where he was laid.




Put the cookies in the oven, turn it OFF, and let them cook overnight.



His disciples were grieved, distressed, and sad.

They had a broken heart.

You may be sad to leave these cookies,

But that is also your next part.

It’s time for you to go to bed,

To wait throughout the night,

And come and check these cookies again,

At the dawn of Easter light.


John 20:18— Mary Magdalene came and told the disciples that she had seen the Lord, and that he had said these things to her.




Remove the cookies on Easter morning and enjoy.



When certain followers came Easter day,

An empty tomb was there,

And angels greeted and sent them away,

With great news to go and share.

Death was defeated. The tomb was torn open.

The Savior had been raised.

“Jesus is alive!” the disciples were told,

And they were all amazed.

When you came on this morning,

Looking for a cookie for you to swallow,

You’ll take a bite and look with wonder,

These cookies are empty and hollow.

Just like the tomb so long ago,

Where Jesus’ body was laid.

But He’s not dead. He’s risen again!

And a way to heaven made.

So if you’re not sure about your soul,

Remember His sacrifice.

He’s the only way to heaven, you know.

Why not give to Him your life?


Read Matthew 28:1-9 from your Bible.

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Family Easter Activity – Prayer Pretzels


“Taste and see that God is good” (Psalm 34:8)

PRAYER PRETZEL—Jesus prays in the Garden of Gethsemane just before He is arrested.

Items needed: Enough biscuit dough for each child to have two biscuits, plates, butter to be melted in a microwave, spoons, cinnamon sugar or pretzel salt and garlic salt.

Did you know that the pretzel was originally about prayer?

Here’s the history of the Pretzel:

In Europe a few weeks before Christmas in 610AD, there was a monk (a man who had set himself apart to know God) named Brother Bachman, who was working in the monastery’s bakery. While he was working with dough, he was watching the village children play in the snow. He felt sad because these children weren’t interested in coming to church or learning to pray. In those days many times children would memorize prayers to help them learn to pray. Then, according to history, Brother Bachman had an idea. He took left-over dough, rolled it out into a thin length and twisted it into the shape of folded arms. In those days instead of putting their hands together to pray, they would fold their arms across their chest so that each hand was touching the opposite shoulder. This is the shape he created with the dough—the shape of the pretzel. He baked these and told the children that if they learned their prayers, he would give them a “Pretiola,” which means, “a little reward,” which is where we get the name Pretzel. Eventually the Pretiola moved into Austria and Germany and continues with us today.*

-Give each child a plate and enough dough for two biscuits.

-Tell your child to combine the biscuits together and then to roll the dough to create a long stick or snack. These can be as skinny or fat as they desire.

-Have students lay out their dough as if it were a smile on the plate. (Interesting that the beginning of this creation is a smile. Doesn’t it make you happy to know and follow Jesus?)

-Show them how to fold each end up and around (almost in the shape of a heart) to form the traditional pretzel shape.

-Show your child the shape of the shoulders (the smile turned upside down) and how it bends to arms that reach from shoulder to shoulder.

-Let your child flavor their pretzels with melted butter and either cinnamon sugar or pretzel salt (with perhaps even a touch of garlic salt).

-Cook the pretzels according to the baking instructions. While they cook, read Matthew 26:26-46 about the Last Supper and Jesus praying in Gethsemane.

-Let the pretzel remind you of how Jesus prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane before He was arrested, crucified and rose from the dead.

Since the pretzel is about prayer, pray before you eat your creations and thank God for sending Jesus to be the Savior of the world.


*There are a variety of sources that refer to this or a similar telling of this story concerning the origins of the Pretzel.


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Family Easter Activity – Plan of Salvation Cookies


“Taste and see that God is good” (Psalm 34:8)


Items needed: Sugar cookie dough, sprinkles, powdered sugar, milk, food coloring, disposable plates, and cling wrap.

(NOTE: You may want to do this activity and the one above together since they involve many of the same items.).

Read John 12:12-32. These verses begin with another telling of the story of Jesus entering Jerusalem just one week before His crucifixion. However, in this story, we go a little further.

ASK: What did the Greeks tell Philip? (“Sir, we wish to see Jesus.”)

SAY: Jesus died and rose again to make a way for people to come to Him, to be forgiven and to spend forever with Him in Heaven, and in our activity today, we get to share Good News of Jesus with others.

Create a batch of regular or cross-shaped cookies. Mix the powdered sugar and milk together for frosting. Use the food coloring to make cookies with the following frosting colors: Black, White, Red, Blue, Green, and Yellow.

Make cookies to deliver to a neighbor, friend or relative to share the Good News of Jesus and to invite them to church with you on Easter Sunday. Take time to discuss the meaning of each cookie color with your children, as written below. On each plate include at least one cookie of each color. Then cover the plates with cling wrap and attach a note that says something like:

These cookies are a gift to remind us of the true meaning of Easter:

-The Black cookies remind us of all the bad things we’ve done.

-The Red cookies remind us of how Jesus died on the cross, taking the punishment for our sins.

-The White cookies remind us of how only Jesus can forgive our sins because He has already paid the price for them.

-The Blue cookies remind us of how Jesus rose from the dead and forty days later He ascended into the sky.

-The Green cookies remind us of how we can grow close to Jesus and walk with Him every day.

-The Yellow cookies remind us that those who receive Jesus as their Lord and Savior are forgiven and get to spend forever with Him in Heaven.

We hope you have a Happy Easter and we would love for you to join us for an Easter Celebration at our church this Sunday. [Add specific information about your church here.]

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Family Easter Activity – Jesus Came Cookies


“Taste and see that God is good” (Psalm 34:8)

JESUS CAME COOKIES—The Triumphal Entry

Items needed: Sugar cookie dough, sprinkles, powdered sugar and milk

(NOTE: You may want to do this activity and the next one together since they involve many of the same items.)

Read Mark 11:7-10. This is the story of when Jesus entered Jerusalem just one week before His crucifixion.

Either buy or make sugar cookie dough. Roll out the dough and let your children make shapes that represent Jesus entering Jerusalem such as palm leaves or a donkey (like the one Jesus rode on). Or they can make shapes representing things that happened in the following week such as a cross to represent Jesus dying for our sins or an angel to represent the angels that met the women who came to the tomb, who first announced that Jesus rose from the dead.

Take colored sprinkles and crush them up to small pieces. Explain to your children that even though it was a sweet day when Jesus entered and the crowd worshiped Him, Jesus already knew the crushing pain He would feel when one week later the crowd would cry out, “Crucify Him,” and He would be beaten, whipped and killed for our sins.

Make frosting from powdered sugar and milk and use food coloring to add color. Use the frosting and sprinkles to decorate your creations.


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What are you Hiding?

A five-year old had taken some candy to his room when he wasn’t supposed to and had hidden it. His parents caught him and asked him if there was anything else he was hiding. He confessed to hiding a few more things. Then they turned to his older brother who had been listening to the conversation.

His father asked, “Is there anything that you’re hiding?”

“Yes,” he replied quietly. “I’m hiding God’s Word in my heart.”

As Christian parents we all want our kids to know God’s Word and to memorize Scripture but what kind of example do we truly set for this? When was the last time your child saw you memorizing from the Bible? What was the last verse you memorized?

Scripture memorization isn’t just for children. It’s for you too.

So here’s today’s question…What are you hiding?

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