Tag Archives: Jesus

December Joke #7

Did you ever eat a clock?

It’s time consuming.

Sometimes we think we have all the time in the world but one thing is certain: None of us will live forever.

The Good News is that you can know for sure that you will go to Heaven when you die.

Learn more – Click HERE.

Sharing Jokes with a Purpose is a great way to share the Gospel with your friends.

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December Joke #6

What do you have in December that you don’t have in any other month?

The letter “D”.

What do you have that no one else has?

Did you know that no who has ever lived has fingerprints like yours?

Did you know that nobody has ever had eyes like yours?

You are one-of-a-kind and God’s plans for you are special and unique to you.

Learn more about God’s plan for your life and how you can know for sure that you’re going to Heaven – Click HERE.

Sharing Jokes with a Purpose is a great way to share the Gospel with your friends.

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December Joke #5

What is the difference between the alphabet and the Christmas alphabet?

The Christmas alphabet has no L (Noel).

An alphabet without an “L” is incomplete. A life without Christ is incomplete too.

Did you know that God designed you for a purpose? The Lord loves you and has great plans for your life.

Learn more about God’s plan for you – Click HERE.

Sharing Jokes with a Purpose is a great way to share the Gospel with your friends.

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December Joke #4

While decorating Christmas cookies, I accidentally swallowed some food coloring.

The doctor said I will be fine, but I feel like I dyed a little inside.

Some people feel something different on the inside…They feel empty. But God created you for so much more.

Life is more than breathing, feeling and existing. Discover the real meaning of life and the great plans God has for you – Click HERE.

Sharing Jokes with a Purpose is a great way to share the Gospel with your friends.

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Discover more jokes and Christian Resources at www.330resources.org.


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December Joke #3

What did the gingerbread man put on his bed?

A cookie sheet.

Cookies and cookie sheet naturally go together. They’re just a perfect fit for each other.

Did you know that you were created to perfectly walk with God? But we’ve got a problem…

Learn more about our problem and how God made a way to bring us back to Him – Click HERE.

Sharing Jokes with a Purpose is a great way to share the Gospel with your friends.

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December Joke #1

Why did the candy cane get in a fight?

Because it wanted to get a licking.

Believe it or not, a Candy Cane can represent a lot about the real meaning of Christmas.

If you turn it upside down, it’s a “J” which can stand for “Jesus” whom God sent to be the Savior of the world.

Turn it right side up and it looks like a shepherd’s staff. The shepherds were the first people to whom God proclaimed through the angels that the Savior had been born.

The red stripe can represent the blood that Jesus shed on the cross to save us from our sins and white stripe can represent the purity that only comes when people receive Christ as their Lord and Savior.

As you eat the candy cane, everything disappears and only the white remains. This can show how Jesus removes our sins to make us “whiter” than snow.

What’s Christmas all about? It’s all about Jesus!

Learn more about how you can have personal relationship with Jesus – Click HERE.

Sharing Jokes with a Purpose is a great way to share the Gospel with your friends.

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Turkey Joke #16

“If you attend a Thanksgiving parade this year and it’s just not very exciting, simply run in the opposite direction as fast as you can and you’ll fast forward the whole thing.” — unknown

Believe it or not, Thanksgiving isn’t about Turkeys and parades…Learn what it’s really about at www.threethirtyministries.org/the-real-thanksgiving.

Learn more about how you can have eternal life – Click HERE.

Sharing Jokes with a Purpose is a great way to share the Gospel with your friends.

Join us on Facebook for more jokes: www.Facebook.com/ThreeThirtyMinistries

Discover more jokes and Christian Resources at www.330resources.org.


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Turkey Joke #15

“Thanksgiving is an emotional holiday.  People travel thousands of miles to be with people they only see once a year.  And then discover once a year is way too often.” —Johnny Carson

Believe it or not, Thanksgiving isn’t about Turkeys or getting to see family…Learn what it’s really about at www.threethirtyministries.org/the-real-thanksgiving.

Learn more about how you can have eternal life – Click HERE.

Sharing Jokes with a Purpose is a great way to share the Gospel with your friends.

Join us on Facebook for more jokes: www.Facebook.com/ThreeThirtyMinistries

Discover more jokes and Christian Resources at www.330resources.org.


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Turkey Joke #14

“When I was a kid in Indiana, we thought it would be fun to get a turkey a year ahead of time and feed it and so on for the following Thanksgiving.  But by the time Thanksgiving came around, we sort of thought of the turkey as a pet, so we ate the dog.” —David Letterman

Believe it or not, Thanksgiving isn’t about Turkeys…Learn what it’s really about at www.threethirtyministries.org/the-real-thanksgiving.

Learn more about how you can have eternal life – Click HERE.

Sharing Jokes with a Purpose is a great way to share the Gospel with your friends.

Join us on Facebook for more jokes: www.Facebook.com/ThreeThirtyMinistries

Discover more jokes and Christian Resources at www.330resources.org.


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Turkey Joke #13

Why do birds fly south in the Fall?

Because it’s too far to walk.

Why walk when you can fly…or drive? But no matter how you get there, you first have to have a destination.

So here’s the big question: Where are you going?

“I’m getting a degree”…Great! Then what? 

“Then I’ll get a great job”…Great! Then what? 

“Then I’ll meet someone incredible and get married”…Great! Then what? 

“Then we’ll have kids”…Great! Then what? 

“Then I’ll make a lot of money”…Great! Then what? 

“Then I guess I’ll retire”…Great! Then what? 

“Then what?! Then I guess I’ll die”…Great! Then what? 

There’s more to this life than this life…Are you ready?

The Bible says, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16).

What is stopping you from surrendering your life to Jesus Christ today. He created you. He loves you and has great plans for your life. Why would anyone want to say “no” to Him?

Learn more about how you can have eternal life – Click HERE.

Sharing Jokes with a Purpose is a great way to share the Gospel with your friends.

Join us on Facebook for more jokes: www.Facebook.com/ThreeThirtyMinistries

Discover more jokes and Christian Resources at www.330resources.org.


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Turkey Joke #12

What did one leaf say to another?

I’m falling for you.

Actions reveal true love. There are a lot of people who say they love God, but their actions don’t show it.

The Bible says, “Whoever says, ‘I know him,’ but does not do what he commands is a liar, and the truth is not in that person.” (1 John 2:4).

You may have met some hypocrites but don’t let them keep you from the truth that real life is only found in Jesus Christ.

Learn more about how you can have eternal life – Click HERE.

Sharing Jokes with a Purpose is a great way to share the Gospel with your friends.

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Turkey Joke #11

What happened when the turkey got in a fight?

He got the stuffing knocked out of him.

Did you know that some people “fight” against God? He created you and has great plans for your life but some people war against Him because they don’t want to follow Jesus.

“I want to do what I want to do.” The sad thing is, they are missing out on the very life they were created to have–the life they’ve always dreamed of. Everything you’ve ever wanted life is only found in Jesus Christ and His plans for you.

The Bible says, “Everyone who call on the name of the Lord will be saved” (Romans 10:13).

Learn more about how you can have eternal life – Click HERE.

Sharing Jokes with a Purpose is a great way to share the Gospel with your friends.

Join us on Facebook for more jokes: www.Facebook.com/ThreeThirtyMinistries

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Turkey Joke #10

What’s the most musical part of a turkey?

The drumstick!

Even though we aren’t all musical, we can all give thanks.

This Thanksgiving, don’t focus your day on turkey and pie. Take time to truly give thanks for how good God is. He loves you and gave His Son to give you life.

The Bible says, “Give thanks in everything, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” (1 Thessalonians 5:18).

Learn more about how you can have eternal life and go to Heaven when you die – Click HERE.

Sharing Jokes with a Purpose is a great way to share the Gospel with your friends.

Join us on Facebook for more jokes: www.Facebook.com/ThreeThirtyMinistries

Discover more jokes and Christian Resources at www.330resources.org.


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Turkey Joke #9

Where do you find a turkey with no legs?

Exactly where you left it.

That turkey is not going anywhere but here’s a question: Where are you going? 

Life is more than just making through to another day. Are you just breathing and existing or do you have real life?

Jesus said, “I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly” (John 10:10).

Do you have abundant life? Are you really living or are you just making it through another day?

Learn more about how you can have real and everlasting life – Click HERE.

Sharing Jokes with a Purpose is a great way to share the Gospel with your friends.

Join us on Facebook for more jokes: www.Facebook.com/ThreeThirtyMinistries

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Turkey Joke #8

Which side of a turkey has the most feathers?

The outside.

That’s obvious but not everything is as clear as this. A lot of people spend their lives in confusion, searching for something more to this life.

But the Bible is very clear: True life is only found in Jesus Christ.

The Bible says, “Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.” (John 17:3).

Do you have eternal life? Do you know God?

Discover how you can come to Christ and be with Him forever in Heaven – Click HERE.

Sharing Jokes with a Purpose is a great way to share the Gospel with your friends.

Join us on Facebook for more jokes: www.Facebook.com/ThreeThirtyMinistries

Discover more jokes and Christian Resources at www.330resources.org.


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