Why did the candy cane get in a fight?
Because it wanted to get a licking.
Believe it or not, a Candy Cane can represent a lot about the real meaning of Christmas.
If you turn it upside down, it’s a “J” which can stand for “Jesus” whom God sent to be the Savior of the world.
Turn it right side up and it looks like a shepherd’s staff. The shepherds were the first people to whom God proclaimed through the angels that the Savior had been born.
The red stripe can represent the blood that Jesus shed on the cross to save us from our sins and white stripe can represent the purity that only comes when people receive Christ as their Lord and Savior.
As you eat the candy cane, everything disappears and only the white remains. This can show how Jesus removes our sins to make us “whiter” than snow.
What’s Christmas all about? It’s all about Jesus!
Learn more about how you can have personal relationship with Jesus – Click HERE.
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