Have you ever wondered what “October” means? Where did it come from and what spiritual emphasis could it have for you this month?
Let’s find out…
The Really Meaning of October
“October” actually comes from the number “eight” (ôctō in Latin, like Octogon, a shape with eight sides). It was the eighth month in the old Roman calendar, but kept its name after January and February were inserted into the calendar. In other words, it has a name that is no longer true.
Throughout Scripture, God changed people’s names too. Abram to Abraham, Jacob to Israel, etc. This marked the end of who they were and beginning of who they are.
When I came to Christ, it marked the end of who I was and beginning of a new life.
The Bible says, “Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come.” (2 Cor. 5:17)
Although October is usually associated with Halloween, pumpkins and spooky monsters, October is truly a season of change and a time of ending. Perhaps it’s time for a change in your life. Are you ready for God to give you a new name? If you know Christ, are you living up to the name He has already given you?
Learn more about the life God created you to have at www.ThreeThirtyMinistries.org/Life.
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