Marshmallow Madness – 6 Week Series
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Marshmallow Madness – 6 Week Series
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Discussion: Being Like Jesus
Scripture : Ephesians 5:1, 1 Corinthians 11:1
YOU WILL NEED: No items are needed.
Being Like Jesus
Game #1: Follow the Leader
Choose a volunteer to be the leader and in your room play Follow the Leader. Change leaders every 30 seconds. You’ll want to keep this moving fast. Depending on the size of your class, you will either need to tell them that everyone will get to be the leader or that only a few will get to do it.
For Variation: Play the game in one big, long line.
Then split them into teams and play the game in smaller groups.
SAY: Just like the game, when you follow someone you do what they do and you say what they say. When you follow Jesus, you do what He did and say things that agree with what He said.
KEY: To follow Jesus means to be like Jesus.
Read from your Bible:
Ephesians 5:1
Ask the students— How can we imitate God? How can we be just like Jesus?
Divide your class into two sides (i.e., split the group down the middle or boys against girls.)
SAY: We’re going to have a competition to see which side can be the loudest. When I point to this side, yell out, “I Can Be!” When I point to the other side, yell out, “Just Like Jesus!”
Go back and forth between the two teams three times to see which side is louder.
Game #2: Simon Says
Play Simon Says with your class. In this game, you either do it right or you’re out. There’s really only one way to win—that’s by following Simon’s instructions perfectly. In life, though, none of us are perfect. We’ve all made mistakes and that’s the reason we all need a Savior. Jesus is the only way to heaven.
Game #3: Animal Imitation
SAY: I’m going to call out an animal and I want you to imitate his noise:
Moose (this might be a tough one!)
SAY: To imitate something means to be like it. The Bible says that we should imitate God. We should be like God. A minute ago you did what “Simon” did to be like Simon. We should always do the things Jesus did, to be like Him.
KEY: To follow Jesus means to be like Jesus.
SAY: A minute ago we read a verse that said to “imitate” God.
ASK— Who remembers where that verse was found? (Ephesians 5:1)
ASK — Who knows who wrote the book of Ephesians? (Paul the apostle)
SAY: Listen to something else he wrote:
Read from your Bible:
1 Corinthians 11:1
ASK — What is different about this verse? (Paul is asking them to imitate him!)
ASK — Why did Paul ask them to imitate him? (Because he is imitating Jesus.)
ASK — If someone were to imitate the way you live, would they be like Jesus?
SAY: Paul wasn’t bragging. He was giving them a living example of how to imitate God by saying, “Become like me because I am becoming like Jesus.” Or, like follow the leader, what if the person in front of you went the wrong way and didn’t follow the leader? You would probably go the wrong way too. It’s important that we are like Jesus and that others can follow our examples to be like Jesus too.
Divide your class into two sides again
SAY: We’re going to have a competition to see which side can be the loudest. When I point to this side, yell out, “I Can Be!” When I point to the other side, yell out, “Just Like Jesus!”
Go back and forth between the two teams three times to see which side is louder.
Extra Time
Discuss with your students ways that they can be “just like Jesus.” Then pray and thank God for Jesus and for godly examples who follow Him.
Follow Us:Changed Lives
Discussion: God can change lives
Scripture: Philippians 3:10, 14 & 2 Corinthians 5:17
YOU WILL NEED: No items needed
Continue reading Changed Lives
Christmas Theme
Scripture: Ephesians 2:8-9
YOU WILL NEED: No items needed.
Continue reading Christmas Theme
Fighting Against Sin
YOU WILL NEED: Two pool noodles.
Continue reading Fighting Against Sin
Fully Devoted
Scripture: Matthew 5:29-30
YOU WILL NEED: A blindfold for each student; foam balls that won’t hurt when a student is hit by them; a piece of paper and pen or pencil for each student
Continue reading Fully Devoted
The Gift of God
Scripture: Hebrews 11:1 & Ephesians 2:8-9
YOU WILL NEED: No items needed.
Continue reading The Gift of God
Leading Others to Jesus
Scripture: Matthew 5:29-30
YOU WILL NEED: No items needed.
Continue reading Leading Others
Let Love Flow
Discussion: Sharing God’s love
YOU WILL NEED: Crepe paper streamers.
Continue reading Let Love Flow
Not Alone
Discussion: Us and Others
Scripture: Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 &
YOU WILL NEED: A few pencils.
Continue reading Not Alone
What Does God Seek?
Scripture: Luke 10:19 & 2 Peter 3:9
YOU WILL NEED: Waterballoons to throw or shoot with a waterballoon slingshot.
Continue reading What Does God Seek?
Stay Away from Sin
Scripture: 2 Timothy 2:22 / (Extra Option: Genesis 4:1-16)
YOU WILL NEED: A stack of regular, white paper and a trash bag.
Continue reading Stay Away
The Light of the World
Discussion: Let Jesus’ light shine
Scripture : Matthew 5:14
YOU WILL NEED: A bag with slips of paper that tell something to do. Samples are on the last page.
Continue reading The Light
The Sting of Sin
Discussion: Sin doesn’t belong
Scripture: 2 Timothy 2:22
YOU WILL NEED: A stack of small sticker sheets.
Continue reading Sting of Sin