All posts by kolbyking

January Joke #3

Q: What is a snowman’s favorite breakfast?

A: Snowflakes!

They say that a good breakfast is a great way to start the day. But what do you do when it seems like life is crashing down around you? A good breakfast is only going to take you so far! Read and think about what the Bible says in Proverbs 3:5-6:

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and don’t lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.”

God great plans for your life and you can trust Him–In fact, real life is only found in Him.

Learn more about God’s plan for your life – Click HERE.

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January Joke #2

Q: What often falls in the winter but never gets hurt?

A: Snow

Only God can forgive sins and when He takes them away, the Bible says He makes you whiter than snow. Isaiah 1:18 says, “‘Come now, and let us reason together,’ says the LORD:
    ‘Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow.
    Though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.'”

To learn more about how God made a way to forgive your sins – Click HERE.

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January Joke #1

Q: How can you spell cold with two letters?

A: IC (icy)

Did you know that some people are cold spiritually? Listen to what the Bible says about the spiritual temperature of some who follow Jesus in Revelation 3:14-22.

God loves you and has great plans for your life. In Christ you can find a life unlike anything you could ever imagine.

Learn more about God’s plan for your life – Click HERE.

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New Year’s Joke #3

Happy New Year

I heard of a person whose New Year’s resolution is to break his New Year’s resolutions….That way he succeeds at something!*

Did you know…everybody wants to succeed in life but success is not measure by fame or fortune. True success will be seen by what happens in eternity.

Here’s the question to ask: Am I ready to stand before God? 

Learn more about how you can be ready for eternity – Click HERE.

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New Year’s Joke #2

Happy New Year

I heard of a person whose New Year’s resolution is a FAT bank account and a THIN body. I hope they don’t get the two mixed up.*

Did you know…that most resolutions don’t even last two weeks. It’s a temporary change but the change that Jesus Christ brings to a person’s life lasts forever.

Learn more about how you know God and have eternal life – Click HERE.

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New Year’s Joke #1

Happy New Year

A New Year’s resolution is something that goes in one year and out the other.*

Did you know…that many people try to “turn over a new leaf” with the New Year but only God can truly give you a new beginning and new life–real life.

Learn more about how you the kind of life that God created you to have – Click HERE.

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December Joke #20

No Parking

Late for a seminar and unable to find parking, a man pulled into a spot behind a church. It was only after he’d gotten out of the car that he spotted this sign: “No parking. Forgiveness is our business, but don’t make it harder than it already is.”*

Did you know…that there’s nothing you can say or do to make God stop loving you. There’s nothing that you’ve done that’s so bad that God can’t forgive you if you’re willing to surrender your life to Him.

Learn more about how you can be forgiven and have eternal life – Click HERE.

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December Joke #19

What’s the best thing to put into a pie?

Your teeth.

You can put a lot of things into pies but there’s only one thing you need to have real life: A personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

He loves you and has great plans for your life.

Learn more about how you can know Jesus and have eternal life – Click HERE.

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December Joke #18

Did you hear about the optometrist who fell in his lens-grinding machine?

He made a spectacle out of himself.

We’ve all had embarrassing moments but what do you think it will be like when you stand before a Holy God?

Discover how you can be ready for eternity – Click HERE.

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December Joke #17

Why did Johnny’s grades drop after the holidays?

Because everything was marked down!

Most of us have experience both passing and failing grades in school. And, although it’s a far worse thing to fail in life, God’s measure of success isn’t what a lot of people think.

Learn more about how you can know God and spend forever with Him in Heaven – Click HERE.

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December Joke #16


A lady reviewed her young son’s fill-in-the-blank homework. One line: “At Christmas, we exchange gifts with ____.”

His response: “Receipts.”*

Did you know…You can take back presents but you can’t take back some choices. Sometimes we make bad decisions and the consequences of those decisions follow us through life.

Discover how God made a way for us to have a new start and a new life – Click HERE.

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December Joke #15

Christmas Eve Service

Just as the pastor began the Christmas Eve service, the electricity in the church went out. The ushers found some candles and placed them around the sanctuary. Then the pastor reentered the pulpit, shuffled his notes, and muttered, “Now, where was I?”

A voice called out, “Right near the end!”*

Did you know…most people never know when they are near the end of their lives. We live…We die…Then what?

Learn more about how you can have eternal life – Click HERE.

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December Joke #14

What came before Christmas Eve?

Christmas Adam.

If you know the story of Adam and Eve from the Bible, you know that they walked and talked with God. Then they sinned against God and were separated from Him.

We’ve all done wrong things and even though we’re not perfect, God still loves you and has great plans for your life.

Learn more about God’s plan for your life and how He made a way for you to be with Him forever in Heaven – Click HERE.

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December Joke #13

Knock, Knock…
Who’s There?
Irish Who?

Irish you a Merry Christmas!

Christmas is not about decorations or food. It’s not even about friends and family. Christmas is all about the fact that God sent Jesus to be the Savior of the world.

Read the real Christmas story in the Bible at Luke 2.

And learn more about how God, through Jesus, can save you from your sins – Click HERE.

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December Joke #12

Spelling Matters

A community event invited all the kids at Christmas time for a holiday celebration with a special visit from Satan. (misspelled: Santa).

It only takes one mistake to make a big difference…Did you know that it only takes one sin, one bad thing, to keep you out of Heaven?

God is perfect but we are not and our sin has separated us from God.

Learn more about how God sent Jesus to be the Savior of the world and how only Jesus can take our sins away – Click HERE.

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