Tag Archives: Life

Turkey Joke #1

What key won’t open any door?

A Turkey.

The Bible talks about a door too.

Jesus said, “Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will dine with him, and he with Me” (Revelation 3:20).

What is stopping you from opening the door of your life to Jesus Christ. He created you. He loves you and has great plans for your life. Why would anyone want to keep that “door” closed?

Learn more about how you can have eternal life – Click HERE.

Sharing Jokes with a Purpose is a great way to share the Gospel with your friends.

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How God Touched a Life

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone cry so hard.”

I sat next to a 47-year old man who had attended one of our events. In the service that day I had shared about Jesus and Peter walking on the water.

“I just don’t know how much of that I can believe,” he said afterwards, with tears in his eyes. “I want to believe but how can I believe in a ‘good’ God when all I’ve ever seen is bad?”

I asked if we could talk and we stepped outside and sat in a pavilion. He continued to tell me about his childhood and how, as an adult, he had gone to prison for attempted murder. He had tried to kill his own wife.

“I even have a 9-year old daughter that I’ve never met,” he said.

We talked. He struggled. God was moving in his heart. We talked about his life. We talked about Scripture, about how Jesus had called Peter to come and how Peter had stepped out of the boat. He didn’t need to have all the answers to simply trust.

I walked him through the plan of salvation. He asked questions and then he told me that he needed time to think. I asked if I could pray for him and as I prayed, he began to sob harder than I have ever seen anyone cry. I had heard the phrase “a stream of tears” but I had always through that it was just poetic words. But tears literally dripped in a stream from his face, pooling on the ground.

I gave him my phone number and told him to call and let me know how he was doing. He talked to me the next day.

“Last night,” he said, “I was washing my clothes and a pastor was there doing his laundry as well. We talked for three hours and I decided to surrender my life to Jesus Christ.”

It’s amazing how God puts people in the right place at the right time to share His love. God still changes lives!

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Written by Kolby King. © Copyright 2017 Kolby King

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My Daddy Came

A while back we were leading a VBS at a country church. On the final evening, a tall man walked through the doors. Even though his wife and daughter came to church regularly, he rarely came with them. But on this night, his little girl had tugged on his heart to attend. She had heard us say that we were going to get inside a 6-foot balloon for “family night” and she wanted her daddy to be there to see it.

“My daddy came,” she told me before the service started. I walked over and shook his hand and could tell that it didn’t seem that he really wanted to be there. But he had come because she had invited him.

As we used the 6-foot balloon, we shared the Gospel. We spoke about God’s love, how our sin separates us from Him, and how God can save anyone who is willing to receive Him.

At the end of the church service, this tall, rough-looking man turned to his wife and said, “I’m never coming back here again.” He stormed out of the church and sped off in his pickup.

I remember seeing the wife and the pastor’s wife praying and crying on the front pew of the church. The wife and daughter waited for about an hour before going home. She wanted to give him time to “cool off.”

When she arrived home, his pickup was in the driveway but he wasn’t in the living room. She opened the bedroom door. There he was. She could tell that he had been crying.

“I’m sorry,” he said. “But when I heard them say that God could forgive anyone, it made me mad because I knew that God could never forgive me.”

Then he continued to explain how he had come home, gone in the bedroom, and in anger, he had begun telling God all the reasons why he could never be forgiven, all the reasons why God could never love Him.

“Suddenly,” he said, “I found myself on my knees. It was like there was a presence in the room that I had never felt before. I found myself telling God that if he would take me, I would come. I don’t know how to explain it, but God saved me tonight.”

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Written by Kolby King. © Copyright 2017 Kolby King

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What Matters


Clovis Chappell, a minister from a century back, used to tell the story of two paddleboats. They left Memphis about the same time, traveling down the Mississippi River to New Orleans. As they traveled side by side, sailors from one vessel made a few remarks about the snail’s pace of the other. Words were exchanged. Challenges were made. And the race began. Competition became vicious as the two boats roared through the Deep South.

One boat began falling behind. Not enough fuel. There had been plenty of coal for the trip, but not enough for a race. As the boat dropped back, an enterprising young sailor took some of the ship’s cargo and tossed it into the ovens. When the sailors saw that the supplies burned as well as the coal, they fueled their boat with the material they had been assigned to transport. They ended up winning the race, but burned their cargo.*


Read Psalm 127:2 from your Bible.


What really matters in life?

The Rat-Race of Life Philosophy #1: Go to work to have the money to buy the beans to eat the beans to have the energy to go to work to have the money…

The Rat-Race of Life Philosophy #2: Get all you can, can all you get, then sit on the can!

Neither of these philosophies will ever bring satisfaction. They may bring on a heart attack, a dozen other illnesses and an early grave, but not satifaction. Those who run in the “Rat-Race of Life” will end up like the boat above—at the end of the race empty and with nothing to show for it. Only Christ can truly satisfy. So this week, stop running and start relating. Life is about your relationship with God–That’s eternal life (John 17:3). Your relationship with Christ is what really matters.

Prayerfully consider what you have read today. Then take a few moments to pray for yourself, your students, and others with whom you serve in ministry.
Get all 52 Children’s Leader Devotions HERE

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© Copyright 2017 Kolby King

*Max Lucado, In the Eye of the Storm as quoted by A Children’s Leader Devotion (Lake Forest, CA: Saddleback Church), Week 21.

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Christmas Family Devotion #9


You will need:

  • 1 bag of Large Marshmallows
  • A candle
  • A Bible marked at 2 Corinthians 5:17

Get Started

Take turns roasting marshmallows over a candle. This can be safely done inside, but be sure to tell your children never to do this unless you are with them. Also, if you put the marshmallow on a fork to hold it over the flame, don’t immediately stick it into your mouth. Instead, scrape it onto a plate and use a separate utensil with which to eat it

ASKHow did the marshmallow change when it was over the fire? (It looked different. It even tasted different. It got hot, etc.)

SAY—Just like the flame brought a change to the marshmallows, Jesus can bring a change to anyone who is willing to give their lives to Him.

Read 2 Corinthians 5:17 from your Bible.

SAY—It doesn’t matter how good or bad a person is or what they look like or what mistakes they’ve made, Jesus is willing to save anyone who comes to Him. Jesus can even change the heart of the meanest person in the world if that person is willing to accept Him as Lord and Savior.

PRAY—Pray for someone you know whom you think doesn’t know Jesus.

This family devotion is from:

72 Family Devotions for Spiritually Training Your Kids
ON SALE for $5.99. Regular price: $9.99 USD. Nonfiction.
Featuring 72 action-packed, easy-to-lead family devotions. Set aside a night or two each week for a “special time” where you and your kids can have family fun together and learn valuable lessons from God’s Word. No advanced planning is needed. Anyone can do this. The ebook contains devotions concerning a variety of topics including salvation, fear, trust, sin, forgiveness and much more.

Find more family resources at 330resources.org/family.

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New Year’s Devotion

YOU WILL NEED: A Bible marked at 2 Corinthians 5:17

GAME: Part  1 – Tell everyone to go get one thing that is OLD.

Take turns letting everyone show what he has and why he chose that item.

SAY: Just because something is old doesn’t mean that we get rid of it. Sometimes old things are very important. The same is true with memories.

ASK: What is your favorite memory from this past year?

ASK: What was your least favorite thing that happened this past year?

SAY: But sometimes when something is old, we want to get rid of it.

ASK: What is something old you got rid of this past year? (i.e., an old pair of shoes, an old toothbrush, etc)

ASK: Are their some old habits or attitudes that you would like to get rid of for the New Year?

GAME: Part  2 – Tell everyone to go get one thing that is NEW.

Take turns letting everyone show what he has and why he chose that item.

SAY: A new year marks a great time to start a new beginning.

ASK: What is something you would like to change about your life this next year?

ASK: What is something you would like to change about our family this next year?

ASK: What do you want God to do in your life this next year?

ASK: If you could do anything to serve God this next year, what would it be?

Read and discuss 2 Corinthians 5:17 from your Bible.

OPTIONAL ACTIVITY (depending on the ages of your children): Have your kids write letters to themselves describing their spiritual goals for this next year. Help your kids to fold up their letters and put them in envelopes. Then put the letters in a safe place. Tell the kids that you’ll open the letters as a family in a year.

PRAY—Ask God to bless your family and to glorify Himself through you family this next year.

This family devotion is from:

72 Family Devotions for Spiritually Training Your Kids
ON SALE for $5.99. Regular price: $9.99 USD. Nonfiction.
Featuring 72 action-packed, easy-to-lead family devotions. Set aside a night or two each week for a “special time” where you and your kids can have family fun together and learn valuable lessons from God’s Word. No advanced planning is needed. Anyone can do this. The ebook contains devotions concerning a variety of topics including salvation, fear, trust, sin, forgiveness and much more.

Find more family resources at 330resources.org/family.

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