Category Archives: Devotions for Childrens Leaders 2

Full Surrender


When Dr. Wayland Hoyt was pastor in Brooklyn, he was engaged in special meetings. Among those who evinced some interest was a gentleman for whom he had often prayed. He noticed his attendance one weeknight and thought he ought to speak to him about his soul, but through fear restrained.

Another night when he had returned to his home late, finding himself too nervous to sleep, he was reading in his study. As he read, something seemed to whisper in his ear, Go and see that man tonight. But the preacher mentally replied, It is after twelve o’clock, and he is asleep with everyone in bed. He read on. But the impression remained and grew. He argued. It is snowing, and I am tired! and finally, I have been working hard all day, and I don’t want to go! But all excuses to the contrary, the Spirit persisted, and at last he yielded and went.

As he touched the man’s doorbell, he thought, “What a fool I am to be ringing a man’s bell at one o’clock in the morning. He will think I am insane”. But instantly the door opened, and the man stood there fully clothed and said, “Come in; and God bless you. You are the man I have been waiting for all night. My wife and children are all asleep, but I could not sleep; I felt that I must find Jesus tonight.”

And the preacher testified, “It was no trouble to show that man the way, for the Spirit who had guided me had also gone before me.”*


Read 1 Samuel 15:22 from your Bible.


Would you have found it difficult to be obedient to God in the above story? God created you to worship Him, but one cannot have true worship without full surrender and surrender implies that you are not your own—you belong to another. Hence, there can be no answer to Christ’s call other than “Yes, Lord.” Is there any area of your life where you are saying no to God? Have you said, “Yes, Lord” to all that He want you to do (everything from teaching to tithing to the small details in your daily life that He wants you to surrender to Him)? Is your life characterized by complete and total obedience to Christ? Why or why not?
Prayerfully consider what you have read today. Then take a few moments to pray for yourself, your students, and others with whom you serve in ministry.

“Surrender is not only the best way to live; it’s the only way to live. Nothing else works.”** –Rick Warren

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*W. B. Riley, “Six Essentials in Soul Winning,” Hudson, Curtis, ed. Great Preaching on Soul Winning, (Murfreesboro, TN: Sword of the Lord Publishers, 1989), p. 204-5.
**Rick Warren, The Purpose Driven Life, (Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishers, 2002), p. 83.

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The Same Faithful God


Bristol, England. Tuesday, February 8, 1842

Enough food remained in George Mueller’s orphan houses for that day’s meals, but that was it. There was no money to buy bread or milk for the following morning. And two of the orphan houses needed coal.

Mueller believed that if God sent nothing before nine o’clock on Wednesday morning, “His name would be dishonored.” Tuesday afternoon nine plum cakes arrived from a kindly sister. But the situation was still grim, as Mueller noted in his diary: “Truly, we are poorer than ever; but, through grace, my eyes look not at empty stores and the empty purse, but to the riches of the Lord only.”

Any other man responsible for the continual care and feeding of scores of children would have been climbing the walls. But Mueller believed in a God who is eternally faithful. He had, in fact, bet his entire career on the proposition that such a God could be relied upon implicitly and exclusively.

Mueller would not be disappointed. Wednesday morning just after seven he walked confidently to the orphan house on Wilson Street to find out how his Lord was going to provide food for that day. Mueller discovered that the need had already been met. A Christian businessman walking to work early that morning had suddenly wondered whether “Mueller’s children” might need funds. He decided to take something by the homes that evening. But, he later said, “I could not go any further and felt constrained to go back.” The man delivered three sovereigns just in time to make purchases for the orphan’s breakfast.

Timely provisions like this came in to Mueller’s homes countless times in his more than six decades of work. Never once did the orphans lack for food or clothing. There was always enough, sometimes just enough, but the children never knew a moment’s anxiety.

Mueller’s work was entirely supported by donations. During his 63-year career nearly 1,500,000 pounds was given, enough to care for some ten thousand children and to build several orphanages. It was quite an undertaking: two thousand children to be fed each day, their clothes washed and repaired, five large buildings to be kept up, matrons, overseers, nurses, and teachers to be paid.

And, according to Mueller, over these six decades God never missed a step. No child ever went without a meal; no baker or milkman ever settled for an IOU.

But now we come to the real catch: George Mueller accomplished all this without ever once asking a soul for a penny and without ever making any needs known. This man had embarked on his enterprise as a grand experiment. He wanted “something that would act as a visible proof that our God and Father is the same faithful God as ever he was…to all who put their trust in Him.” So this devout believer decided to demonstrate that the Almighty “had not in the least changed” by the fact that “the orphans under my care are provided, with all they need, only by prayer and faith, without anyone being asked by me or my fellow-labourers, whereby it may be seen, that God is faithful still, and hears prayer still.”*


Read Philippians 1:6 from your Bible.


God will never lead you to a task that He will not equip you with all you need to accomplish that task. God always provides what we need to serve Him effectively, but sometimes (like Abraham who was promised an heir) we get impatient and try to work out God’s purposes in our own strength, resources, and timing. How are you relying on God’s strength to accomplish the ministry to which He has called you? How has God provided you with the resources you need to be effective in serving Him? (God built some of these resources into you before you were born!) What are you trusting God to do in and through your life? How does God continue to show Himself to be the same faithful God as ever?

Prayerfully consider what you have read today. Then take a few moments to pray for yourself, your students, and others with whom you serve in ministry.


Many believers expect too little from a God who can do all things. What are you trusting God for in your life and ministry that no man could accomplish apart from the moving of the Holy Spirit?

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*Mosley, Steven R., God: A Biography, (Phoenix: Questar Publishers, Inc., 1988), p. 230-232.

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Kiss His Feet


A missionary on the foreign field employed a heathen to help him translate the New Testament into the native language. The missionary would read the verses; then the heathen would translate and write them down. Finally they came to the first Epistle of John. The missionary read, “Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us.” The man translated and wrote down the words. The missionary read on, “that we should be called the sons of God.” Then the native bowed his head and wept. “What’s the matter?” asked the missionary. The man replied, “Teacher, don’t make me put it that way. I know our people. That’s too good for them. Put it this way, ‘Behold what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we may be allowed to kiss His feet!”*


Read John 1:12 from your Bible.


True discipleship is born out of a in-love relationship with a Great God of Love. When people “fall in love” with someone, they want to talk to the person, think about them, talk about them, look at their picture, figure out how they can make them happy, and so forth. When a person falls in love with Jesus Christ, that believer wants to talk to Him (prayer), be with Him (daily devotions), talk about what He’s doing (testimonies), be around others who love Him (church), obey Him and show Him off to the world (witnessing). Then since true discipleship is an overflow of one’s love relationship with the Lord, your desire to grow also becomes a measure of the depth of your love for Him. How much do you desire a deeper walk with Christ? What is the depth of your love for Christ (i.e., Do you want to spend time with Him? Do you want to show Him off to the world? Do you obey Him?) On a scale of 1 to 10, how deeply are you in love with Jesus? Why do you feel this way?

Prayerfully consider what you have read today. Then take a few moments to pray for yourself, your students, and others with whom you serve in ministry.

“We become what we are committed to.”**

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*W. Herschel Ford, Sermons You Can Preach on John, (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House, 1958), p. 348.
**Rick Warren, The Purpose Driven Life, (Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishers, 2002), p 180.

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Where They Love a Fellow


In the late 1800s D. L. Moody began a Sunday school on Illinois Street in Chicago. One child who attended would walk each week from halfway across the city, which was a large city even in those days. He would pass church after church until he reached the Illinois Street Sunday School.

One day a superintendent of one of the Sunday Schools he passed asked him, “Why do you go all the way out there? Why don’t you come here? It is right next door to you.”

Looking up at the superintendent, the lad said, “I go where they love a fellow.”*


Read John 13:34-35 from your Bible.


God created us for fellowship and at the heart of true fellowship is the expression of God’s type of love. This is also a need in the lives of each of your students. How can you express God’s type of love to the children in your ministry this week? To their parents? To others with whom you minister?

Prayerfully consider what you have read today. Then take a few moments to pray for yourself, your students, and others with whom you serve in ministry.


“Real fellowship happens when people get honest about who they are and what is happening in their lives.”*

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*Hyman J. Appelman, “Paralyzed People,” [July 1946], Hudson, Curtis, ed. Great Preaching on Soul Winning. (Murfreesboro, TN: Sword of the Lord Publishers, 1989), p. 121

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When Gypsy Smith was converted as a boy, he became interested in his Uncle Rodney’s salvation and began to pray for him. In those days it was not considered proper for a child to speak to his elders unless he was spoken to, especially about spiritual matters. So the boy prayed and waited for his opportunity.

One day the uncle asked, “Laddie, why are your trousers almost worn out at the knees?”

The boy answered, “Uncle Rodney, they have been worn out through praying for you. I want so much for God to make you a Christian.”

The uncle put his arms around the boy, and a few minutes later fell upon his knees and cried out to God for salvation.*


Read Ezekiel 22:30-31 from your Bible.


Gypsy Smith was burdened for the salvation of his uncle. For whose salvation are you burdened? For whom do you find yourself praying, longing that God will move in their life? A student in your class? A friend or a neighbor? A work associate? Or does this burden and passion for lost souls seem to be absent from your life? Many believers lack a passion for the salvation of lost people because they live too much in this world—they are not eternally-minded, storing up treasure in heaven and living in the reality that everyone they meet will either spend eternity in heaven with Jesus or in hell, separated from God forever to pay the price for their own sins.

Prayerfully consider what you have read today. Then take a few moments to pray for yourself, your students, and others with whom you serve in ministry.


“I still, from my armchair, preach in great revivals. I still vision hundreds walking the aisles to accept Christ. I still feel hot tears for the lost . . . . I want no Christmas without a burden for lost souls, a message for sinners, a heart to bring in the lost. May food be tasteless, music a discord, Christmas a farce if I forget the dying millions; if this fire in my bones does not still flame. Not till I die or not till Jesus comes will I ever be eased from this burden, these tears, this toil to save souls.” -John R. Rice, age 85

(Part of a 1980 Christmas letter dictated a few days before his death)**

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*W. Herschel Ford, Sermons You Can Preach on John, (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House, 1958), p. 338.
**Curtis Hutson, ed., Great Preaching on Soul Winning, (Murfreesboro, TN: Sword of the Lord Publishers), preface.

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On New Year’s Day, 1929, Georgia Tech played UCLA in the Rose Bowl. In that game, a man named Roy Riggles recovered a fumble for UCLA. Somehow Riggles became confused and started running 65 yards in the wrong direction. One of his own teammates finally outdistanced him and tackled him just before he scored for the opposing team. When UCLA attempted to punt, Tech blocked the kick and scored a safety, which was the ultimate margin of victory.

That strange play came in the first half, and everyone watching the game was asking the same question, “What will the coach do with Riggles in the second half?” The players filed off the field and went into the locker room and sat down on the benches and the floor—all but Riggles. He put a towel around his shoulders, sat down and put his face in his hands.

A coach usually has a great deal to say to his team during halftime, but that day Coach Price was quiet. No doubt he was trying to decide what to do with Riggles. Then the timekeeper came in and announced that there were only three minutes left till playtime. Price looked at the team and said simply, “Men, the same team that played the first half will start the second.”

The players got up and started out—all but Riggles. He didn’t budge. The coach looked back and called to him again. Still he didn’t move. Coach Price went over to where Riggles sat and said, “Roy, didn’t you hear me? The same team that played the first half will start the second.” Then Riggles looked up and said, “Coach, I can’t do it to save my life. I’ve ruined you. I’ve ruined the University of California. I’ve ruined myself. I couldn’t face that crowd in the stadium to save my life.”

The Coach said, “Riggles, get up and go on back. The game is only half over.” And Roy Riggles went back, and those Georgia Tech players will tell you that they never saw a man play football like Roy Riggles played in that second half. What a coach!*


Read Proverbs 12:25 from your Bible.


Empowering students for ministry opportunities many times begins with smiles and simple words of encouragement (i.e., You’re special; God has great plans for your life; God made you for a special reason, etc.) How have you encouraged your children this past week? How has the Lord encouraged you? In what areas of your life do you feel you need encouragement?

Prayerfully consider what you have read today. Then take a few moments to pray for yourself, your students, and others with whom you serve in ministry.

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*Title of the article is unknown, Christianity Today, Oct. 26, 1992, p. 11.

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One of the most significant battles in the world history was between the forces of the Duke of Wellington and the armies of Napoleon Bonaparte. The people of Great Britain were waiting with baited breath to find out who won the battle of Waterloo, because whoever won the battle would decide the future of Europe. They did not have telegraph or telephone or radio or television in those days. The news of the battle came to England by sailing vessel to the south coast and then was delivered over land by semaphore. Semaphore was a system for signaling by using flags or arms in various positions, flashed from town to town until it reached the top of Winchester Cathedral and on to London.

The populace eagerly waited as the semaphore signals spelled out the words, “Wellington Defeated.” Just then a dense fog settled down over the harbor as this incomplete message was waved on to London. Discouragement settled over the land. Streets were barricaded. Women and the elderly prepared to defend their country in the streets and fields.

Finally the fog lifted and the signals came through again to complete the message, “Wellington Defeated the Enemy.” Can you imagine the wild delirium of joy that spread like fire throughout all of London? Just like the fog covered up the incomplete message we, as teachers, get fogged occasionally and are robbed of a complete message.*


Read Proverbs 13:17 from your Bible.


The purpose of a “coach” is to move a person from where they are to where they want to be. That was the purpose of a “stagecoach” in the old days. That’s why some people fly in “coach” today. That’s also the reason sports teams hire a coach—To move them to where they want and need to go. As you “coach” the students in your ministry, be careful that your message doesn’t get fogged. Always be clear with your love, your message, and the way you live your life. Has anything been “fogging up” your message to the children in your class? Has anything come into your life that has fogged up your own communication with God?

Prayerfully consider what you have read today. Then take a few moments to pray for yourself, your students, and others with whom you serve in ministry.

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*W. Herschel Ford, Sermons You Can Preach on John, (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House, 1958), p. 420.

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Several years ago, on a cold February day, a limousine traveling down the New Jersey expressway got a flat tire. The limo driver got out to change the tire only to discover that the spare was flat. Before he could summons road service, a man in a pickup truck stopped and offered to help. Among the equipment on his truck was an air tank.

As the man and the driver finished up, the car window slid down and the man was shocked to see Donald Trump sitting inside. “This was very nice of you to stop and help,” Trump said. “What can I do to thank you?” The man thought for a moment and then said, “Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day. My wife would really get a kick out of receiving a dozen roses from you.” Trump agreed and drove off.

The next day, a messenger arrived with a box. Inside were two dozen roses and a note: “Happy Valentine’s Day from a friend of your husband. (signed) Donald Trump

P.S. Thanks for helping us out. By the way, I paid off your mortgage.”*


Read Ephesians 3:20 from your Bible.


A little time invested in the story above came with a great reward. The same is true in working with children. The rewards you get far outweigh the time and energy you give.

Also, the value in the story above is not that the car was fixed or that someone received roses. The real value is that someone went well above and beyond to say thanks, to encourage, to bless, to honor and, to put it plainly, to show unreasonable kindness. How has God shown you unreasonable kindness this past week and how can you invest that kindness in others?

Prayerfully consider what you have read today. Then take a few moments to pray for yourself, your students, and others with whom you serve in ministry.

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*A Children’s Leader Devotion, (Lake Forest, CA: Saddleback Church), Week 30.

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A parable is told of a farmer who owned an old mule. The mule fell into the farmer’s well. The farmer heard the old mule braying in the well and after careful consideration he decided that neither the mule nor the well were worth saving. So he called his neighbors together and told them what had happened and he enlisted them to haul some dirt over to bury the old mule in the well and put him out of his misery.

Initially, the old mule was hysterical! But as the farmer and his friends continued shoveling and as the dirt hit the old mule’s back a thought struck him. It suddenly dawned on him that every time a shovel load of dirt hit his back he would shake it off and step up. This is what he did, blow after blow. “Shake it off and step up, shake it off and step up, shake it off and step up. He repeatedly encouraged himself.”

No matter how painful the blows, or how distressing the situation seemed, the old mule fought panic and just kept on shaking it off and stepping up. It wasn’t long before the old mule, battered and exhausted, stepped triumphantly over the wall of the well. What seemed like it would bury him, actually blessed him. All because of his outlook on life.*


Read Proverbs 15:15 from your Bible.


Trusting God changes how a person looks at life. Picture looking through a pair of tinted glasses. If they are tinted yellow, everything you see will be tinted yellow. If they are tinted blue, all you see will be tinted blue. If you look through the eyes of faith, everything you face will be touched and interpreted by that trust in Christ. Question: Do you view situations through eyes of faith and trust in Christ?

Trusting God results in joy, peace, and confidence—even in the midst of difficulties, not to mention that you become a giver of a positive outlook for the children to whom you minister. It’s okay to ask your kids to pray for you—to be tranparent and let them see how a godly person responds in difficult times. Let’s take a lesson from the old mule today. If you are facing difficulties right now, keep your trust in God and wait and watch as God takes the “bad” and shakes it off to make a platform on which you can step up and give Him glory.

Prayerfully consider what you have read today. Then take a few moments to pray for yourself, your students, and others with whom you serve in ministry.

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*Source of the story is unknown.

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We have all heard that curiosity killed that cat but being curious or creative is not a bad trait to have. Creativity can be a crucial ingredient to opening a door for an exciting new opportunity. For centuries hikers have had burs in their socks. But it wasn’t until 1948 that Swiss mountaineer and Chemist George de Mestral got an idea; while peeling burs from his socks on a hike he realized that nature had provided us with a natural fastener. He turned that observation into a marvelous product with a million uses, Velcro (which means “velvet hooks” in French), the world’s first manmade burrs.*


Read James 1:5 from your Bible.


Have you ever considered that of all the creations of God only man creates? Animals don’t create. Insects don’t create. Only man has the ability to take an idea and resources and make something original, not out of instinct, but out of desire. Why? Because the Lord is creative and we are made in His image. How can God use your creativity this week to serve others and glorify Christ? Are you facing a burdensome task in your life? How can you be creative in this matter to add a new energy and freshness to it?

Curiosity is also valuable to a person. Curiosity fuels growth. What are you curious about? If you could ask God one question, what would it be?

Prayerfully consider what you have read today. Then take a few moments to pray for yourself, your students, and others with whom you serve in ministry.

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*Charles Panati, Extraordinary Origins of Everyday Thing, (Harper and Row 1987), p. 156.

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One afternoon a man came home from work to find total mayhem in his house. His three children were outside, still in their pajamas playing in the mud, with empty food boxes and wrappers thrown all around the front yard. The door of his wife’s car was open, as was the front door to the house. Proceeding into the entry, he found even a bigger mess. A lamp had been knocked over, and the throw rug was wadded against one wall. In the front room the TV was loudly blaring a cartoon channel, and the family room was littered with toys and various clothing items. In the kitchen the dog food was spilled on the floor, a broken glass lay under the table, and a small pile of sand was spread by the back door. He quickly headed up the stairs, stepping over the toys and more clothes, looking for his wife. He was worried she may be ill, or that something serious had happened. He found her lounging in the bedroom, still curled in the bed in her pajamas, reading a novel. She looked up at him, smiled, and asked how his day went. He looked at her bewildered and asked, “What happened here today?” She again smiled and answered, “You know everday when you come home from work and ask me what in the world I did today?” “Yes,” was his incredulous reply. “Well, today” she said. . . “I didn’t do it.”*


Read Galatians 6:9 from your Bible.


We all need affirmation. How has the Lord affirmed and encouraged you in your ministry position this past week? How have you affirmed and encouraged others? Do you feel like anything is lacking right now in your relationship with God? In your ministry to others?

Prayerfully consider what you have read today. Then take a few moments to pray for yourself, your students, and others with whom you serve in ministry.

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*A Children’s Leader Devotion, (Lake Forest, CA: Saddleback Church), Week 10

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