When Dr. Wayland Hoyt was pastor in Brooklyn, he was engaged in special meetings. Among those who evinced some interest was a gentleman for whom he had often prayed. He noticed his attendance one weeknight and thought he ought to speak to him about his soul, but through fear restrained.
Another night when he had returned to his home late, finding himself too nervous to sleep, he was reading in his study. As he read, something seemed to whisper in his ear, Go and see that man tonight. But the preacher mentally replied, It is after twelve o’clock, and he is asleep with everyone in bed. He read on. But the impression remained and grew. He argued. It is snowing, and I am tired! and finally, I have been working hard all day, and I don’t want to go! But all excuses to the contrary, the Spirit persisted, and at last he yielded and went.
As he touched the man’s doorbell, he thought, “What a fool I am to be ringing a man’s bell at one o’clock in the morning. He will think I am insane”. But instantly the door opened, and the man stood there fully clothed and said, “Come in; and God bless you. You are the man I have been waiting for all night. My wife and children are all asleep, but I could not sleep; I felt that I must find Jesus tonight.”
And the preacher testified, “It was no trouble to show that man the way, for the Spirit who had guided me had also gone before me.”*
Read 1 Samuel 15:22 from your Bible.
Would you have found it difficult to be obedient to God in the above story? God created you to worship Him, but one cannot have true worship without full surrender and surrender implies that you are not your own—you belong to another. Hence, there can be no answer to Christ’s call other than “Yes, Lord.” Is there any area of your life where you are saying no to God? Have you said, “Yes, Lord” to all that He want you to do (everything from teaching to tithing to the small details in your daily life that He wants you to surrender to Him)? Is your life characterized by complete and total obedience to Christ? Why or why not?
Prayerfully consider what you have read today. Then take a few moments to pray for yourself, your students, and others with whom you serve in ministry.
“Surrender is not only the best way to live; it’s the only way to live. Nothing else works.”** –Rick Warren
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*W. B. Riley, “Six Essentials in Soul Winning,” Hudson, Curtis, ed. Great Preaching on Soul Winning, (Murfreesboro, TN: Sword of the Lord Publishers, 1989), p. 204-5.
**Rick Warren, The Purpose Driven Life, (Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishers, 2002), p. 83.

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