Several years ago, on a cold February day, a limousine traveling down the New Jersey expressway got a flat tire. The limo driver got out to change the tire only to discover that the spare was flat. Before he could summons road service, a man in a pickup truck stopped and offered to help. Among the equipment on his truck was an air tank.
As the man and the driver finished up, the car window slid down and the man was shocked to see Donald Trump sitting inside. “This was very nice of you to stop and help,” Trump said. “What can I do to thank you?” The man thought for a moment and then said, “Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day. My wife would really get a kick out of receiving a dozen roses from you.” Trump agreed and drove off.
The next day, a messenger arrived with a box. Inside were two dozen roses and a note: “Happy Valentine’s Day from a friend of your husband. (signed) Donald Trump
P.S. Thanks for helping us out. By the way, I paid off your mortgage.”*
Read Ephesians 3:20 from your Bible.
A little time invested in the story above came with a great reward. The same is true in working with children. The rewards you get far outweigh the time and energy you give.
Also, the value in the story above is not that the car was fixed or that someone received roses. The real value is that someone went well above and beyond to say thanks, to encourage, to bless, to honor and, to put it plainly, to show unreasonable kindness. How has God shown you unreasonable kindness this past week and how can you invest that kindness in others?
Prayerfully consider what you have read today. Then take a few moments to pray for yourself, your students, and others with whom you serve in ministry.
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*A Children’s Leader Devotion, (Lake Forest, CA: Saddleback Church), Week 30.
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