✓A Bible marked at Philippians 4:4 and Acts 16:19-34
Tell the following jokes to begin…
-Can a turkey jump higher than the Empire State Building?
Yes. A building can’t jump at all!
-What did the turkey say to the turkey hunter?
“Quack, Quack, Quack”
-What’s blue and covered with feathers?
A turkey holding its breath
-If the Pilgrims were alive today what would they be most famous for?
Their age!
SAY—Now I have a few Thanksgiving questions for you:
ASK—What is your favorite thing about the Thanksgiving holiday?
ASK—What is your favorite Thanksgiving food?
ASK—What is your favorite Thanksgiving dessert?
ASK—What is your favorite thing that our family has done on Thanksgiving?
ASK—What do you think a turkey’s least favorite holiday would be? (Probably Thanksgiving; maybe Christmas.)
SAY—Around Thanksgiving we seem talk more about the things we’re thankful for, but God wants us to be thankful all year long. God also says that we can rejoice no matter what situations is going on around us.
Read Philippians 4:4 from your Bible
ASK—When does this verse say we can rejoice? (Always)
SAY—After everything I say, I want you to say, “No.” Ready…(No!)
-Does this verse say to rejoice in the Lord sometimes? (No!)
-Does this verse say to rejoice in the Lord every once in a while? (No!)
-Does this verse say to rejoice in the Lord from time to time? (No!)
-Does this verse say to rejoice in the Lord when things go good? (No!)
-Does this verse say to rejoice in the Lord when you get what you want? (No!)
REPEAT after me: “Rejoice in the Lord ALWAYS.”
SAY—“Always” means always.
ASK—What does it say to rejoice in? (The Lord)
SAY—We can rejoice in the Lord, not in the situation. We can always rejoice and be thankful because of who God is. Even if we find ourselves in a tough situation, if we are following God, we know that He has promised to turn all things to our good. Because of who God is and what He can do, we can rejoice in Him, no matter what is going on around us.
Read Acts 16:19-34 from your Bible for a great story that illustrates this kind of attitude.
PRAY—Take prayer requests and pray together…Pray that your family will always give thanks and rejoice in the Lord.
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