Pastor Ebenezer (seen in the far left of the above picture) was our translator in Chennai. His family is involved in multiple ministries in the area. His dad leads worship at his church. His sister and her husband minister through several of the schools and in another church. His other sister married the pastor of a church her father-in-law started 30 years ago. It was with this church that we held our last open air meeting. Pray for this family. They are making a difference in India. Pray for protection and pray that God will continue to use and bless them.
In the photo above, you can see Ebenezer’s grandmother, Poti (which means “old women”) and Ezri. She had been a witch when she was younger. She was saved after her husband died and she was the first in her family to convert to Christianity. We have asked them to video her testimony so that we can share it with you in the future.

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