The following is written as an object lesson but can be used at home for a family devotion too:
Keep some left-overs from your Thanksgiving meal. Introduce each of them one at a time—i.e., “I have some Turkey. How many of you ate Turkey on Thanksgiving?” Then put some of the turkey in a blender. “How many of you ate some cranberry sauce?” Put some in. Keep going until you have put in a little bit of everything you ate on Thanksgiving in the blender—some bits of a roll, some green beans, some gravy and pumpkin pie with a bit of whip cream, etc. Then blend it all together and choose a couple of brave volunteers to come and taste your Thanksgiving shake. (You might want to have a trash can nearby just in case one of your volunteers has a weak stomach. This rarely happens but it is best to be on the safe side.) The taste probably won’t be too bad, but the texture is usually nasty.
Spiritual Application: We all like the things we put in here. I like turkey. I like pumpkin pie. I like gravy, but when it’s all put together, it’s a nasty mess. There are a lot of good things in life too. Sports are fun. Games are great. Friends are important, but when anything good becomes more important that Jesus, that good thing becomes a bad thing. Jesus should always be the most important thing in your life.
What is an idol? (Anything in your life that more important to you than following and knowing God.)
What are some idols that people have? (money, sports, success, etc.)
Is there anything in your life that is more important to you than following Jesus?
Read and discuss Colossians 3:1-4 from your Bible.
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