Our Goal
To help students experience God’s Word in a colorful, fun, surprising and creative manner; to ignite in them a hunger that leads them to dig in, crawl inside, explore, enjoy and live out God’s truth.
Teaching Method
Children only remember 10% of what they hear, 20% of what they see, and 30% of what they hear and see. They are concrete learners, which means they retain 80 to 90% of what they do, touch, smell, taste, and help teach. Therefore, this curriculum is packed with a teaching style that will help them to:
Find it. Taste it. Touch it. Make it.
Know it. Grow it. See it. Show it.
Live it!
Full-length lessons are geared for a 1 to 1 1/2 hour session. Supplies are needed for these lessons. Please review the “Items Needed” list at the beginning of each lesson in advance so that early preparations can be made.
Life of Jesus
The Great Island Adventure–for younger children
Extreme Life–for older children
- Lesson 1–Extreme Trust–Jesus is Born
- Lesson 2–Extreme Courage–Jesus Fights Temptation
- Lesson 3–Extreme Mission–Jesus Sends Out the Twelve
- Lesson 4–Extreme Faith–Jesus Calms the Storm
- Lesson 5–Extreme Love–Jesus Heals a Blind Man
- Lesson 6–Extreme Obedience–Jesus Died and Rose Again
- Lesson 7–Extreme Life–Jesus Rose Again and Ascended
The Early Church
Sailing the Seven C’s
Jesus, Our Lord
Happy Birthday, Jesus!
- Lesson 1–The Real Meaning of Christmas
- Lesson 2–The Savior is Born
- Lesson 3–The Angel and Joseph
- Lesson 4–The Light of the World
- Lesson 5–The Greatest Gift
- Memory Verse Cards
The Faith Hall of Fame
Old Testament Heroes
- Lesson 1–Moses and the Exodus
- Moses and the Exodus–Memory Verse Card

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