It has been two months since our home study was complete and we’re still waiting. This process could take anywhere from a week to two years. We could get a phone call today or next spring. Right now our agency is looking for a mother who is wanting to put her baby up for adoption who fits our application. Then they will show her our “life book,” and if she chooses our family, the process will move to the next step.
If you know someone who is considering adoption, you can help too by putting them in contact with our adoption agency: Heritage Family Services in Tulsa, Oklahoma. (It’s okay if she’s from another state.) You can contact them at (918) 491-6767.
For now, I’m learning a lot about waiting and about the heart of God. For years I’ve read in Scripture about how those of us who accepted Christ have been adopted through Him. Now I see matters from a fresh perspective. I have a baby (probably a daughter) out there somewhere. I want to bring her home. I can’t wait to bring her home. Jesus came “to seek and save those who are lost” (Luke 19:10), to bring them home as well.
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