Here are a few tips to help you lead family devotions:
Enjoy yourself
Set aside a time when you can have fun leading your family into the truths of the Bible. If you’re not having fun, then your children won’t either.
Keep a Good Attitude
Let this be your favorite time of the week and a top priority. After all, what is more important than what you are about to do with your family?
Don’t Preach
This should be an interactive time where the whole family can talk and discuss.
Don’t Bore
Keep you family devotions short, fast-paced and to the point. Don’t drag them out. Length of time and spirituality are not one-in-the-same. So don’t talk long and don’t pray long.
Take Your Time
Even though you want to keep your devotion time short, if your family is having fun, don’t cut it off too soon.
Be Willing
Your children will only go as far as you go, which means, if you only do the activity halfway, they’ll only do it halfway too. Be willing to get down on the floor, to get inside a tent, to throw a pillow or make a paper airplane. They may not remember all the things you tell them, but you’re making memories that will last a lifetime.
Always Listen
During these sessions you should ask your kids a lot of questions. Listen closely and be careful not to cut them off, talk down to them or correct them in a manner that will make them hesitant to share in the future. Sometimes we jump to fix things without fully listening. Listen to what they are saying but also listen to what they are not saying.
Keep it Up
Make a commitment, put it on your calendar, and stick to it.
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