Explain to your family that they are trying to guess a secret object. You will give them a hint such as “This is a person, place, or thing.” Let each person one at a time choose a number between 1 and 20 and whatever number is chosen, read that number clue. After hearing the clue, the person will try to guess the answer. See who will be the first person to discover the hidden object. For fun, you can also have your family create more turns by choosing and developing their own “20 Questions” which you can play following your family devotion.
Hint: I’m a Thing
The answer can be found at the end of the clues.
1. I help you walk
2. God gave me to you
3. Most people have two of me
4. You put socks on me
5. People tell jokes about me when I have a bad odor
6. I have a heel
7. I can run
8. I wear socks
9. I don’t have a mouth
10. I might smell
11. I have five toes
12. You step on me
13. I can kick people
14. I help you to play sports
15. I might get cold if you don’t cover me at night
16. I have an arch
17. You can stand on one of me
18. I’ll hurt if you stub my toe
19. Dancers need me
20. I wear shoes
Answer: Feet or Foot
SAY: People can use their bodies to do good or bad.
-How can people use their hands to do good? To do bad?
-How can people use their feet to do good? To do bad?
-How can people use their mouths to do good? To do bad?
SAY: Listen to this verse about beautiful feet…
Read Romans 10:13-15
SAY: The Bible says they have “beautiful feet” because they bring the Good News to others. You can use your hands, feet and mouths to show other people the Good News that Jesus is real, that He loves them, and that He died and rose again to make a way to save them from their sins. If you live for Christ and share Him, the Bible says that you have beautiful feet.
If you want, have everyone take off their shoes and compare feet. How beautiful someone’s feet are has nothing to do with how good they look or smell—It has to do with how they share the Good News of Jesus with the people around them.
Take prayer requests and PRAY with your family.
(EXTRA: Make the word “Foot” or “Feet” your Word of the Day and see how many times your family can use it in conversations in the next 24 hours.)
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