VBS Curriculum: “Treasure Quest”
Bible Lesson #1
You will need: Signs that say: Peter, Jesus, Disciple, Disciple, All the other Disciples, Boat; A balloon with today’s treasure verse coin inside—one for each class. These should already be blown up and taped or tacked somewhere in the room; One Treasure Verse poster.
SAY: In a few minutes we’re going to hear a story of someone who did something amazing and we’re going to learn about how Jesus can be the treasure of our lives. The story is also about someone who made a choice, so I want to find out what kind of choices you make.
Have your group stand up and tell them the following. Keep this fast-paced:
Which Had You Rather…
(1) If you had rather play football go to the wall on my left.
If you had rather play soccer go to the wall on the right.
(2) If you had rather buy a video game go to the wall on my left.
If you had rather buy a movie go to the wall on the right.
(3) If you had rather buy clothes go to the wall on my left.
If you had rather buy food go to the wall on the right.
(4) If you had rather buy a stuffed animal go to the wall on my left.
If you had rather buy a football go to the wall on the right.
(5) If you had rather buy a video game go to the wall on my left.
If you had rather give food to someone who doesn’t have any go to the wall
on my right.
(6) If you had rather have a picture with your friends go to the wall on my left.
If you had rather have a poster of a sport’s hero go to the wall on the right.
(7) If you had rather buy baseball cards go to the wall on my left.
If you had rather buy a book go to the all on the right.
(8) If you had rather be at VBS this week go to the wall on my left.
If you had rather be in the smelliest jail cell in the state go to the wall on the right.
(9) If you had a rather find a treasure of chocolate candy bars, go to the wall on my left.
If you had rather find a treasure of McDonalds Happy Meals, go to the wall on my right.
SAY: Everybody freeze. Now on the count of three, as fast as you can, come sit down. 1-2-3! Compliment who was first as well as who was the most considerate, the most…whatever strikes you.
ASK: What is your greatest treasure? (Take a few answers.)
ASK: What is a treasure? (Something that is important to you. All of your “treasures”are important to you but nothing in life is more important than Jesus.)
SAY: In the game we just played, you made choices and every day you make choices. You choose what to eat, what to wear, where to go. But the greatest choice you’ll ever make is to choose to give your life to Jesus and to follow Him everyday in every way. Jesus is the greatest treasure of all.
Bible Story
SAY: Listen to our story.
Choose two volunteers and give them signs that say “Peter” and “Jesus.”
Then choose three more volunteers and give them the signs that say, “Disciple,” “Disciple” and the third person will represent “All the other Disciples.”
Choose one more volunteer (someone well-behaved). ASK: Have you ever been in a boat? Well, today, you get to BE the boat and give him or her the “boat” sign. Have this person lie down and the Disciples and Peter should stand just behind him/her.
SAY: Whenever you hear the name, “Jesus,” say, “He’s the greatest treasure!”
Let’s practice a few times.
Tell the story and have your characters act it out. They can even repeat their character’s sentences after you:
(The following is Matthew 14:22-33 with some extra comments in italics. Pause after the words in bold. These are the ones after which the kids should say, “He’s the greatest treasure.”)
Immediately Jesus made the disciples get into the boat, and to go ahead of him to the other side, while he sent the multitudes away. After He (Jesus) had sent the multitudes away, he went up into the mountain apart to pray. When evening had come, He (Jesus) was there alone. But the boat was now in the midst of the sea, distressed by the waves, for the wind was contrary. In the fourth watch of the night (that’s about three o’clock in the morning) Jesus came to them, walking on the sea. When the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were troubled, saying, “It is a ghost!” and they cried out for fear. But immediately Jesus spoke to them, saying “Cheer up! I AM! Don’t be afraid.” Peter answered him and said, “Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the waters.” He said, “Come!” Peter went down from the boat, and walked on the waters to come to Jesus. But when he saw that the wind was strong, he was afraid, and beginning to sink, he cried out, saying, “Lord, save me!” Immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, and took hold of him, and said to him, “You of little faith, why did you doubt?” When they got up into the boat, the wind ceased. Those who were in the boat came and worshiped him, saying, “You are truly the Son of God!”
SAY: In this story, Peter trusted Jesus enough to step out of the boat but then the wind and waves distracted him and he became afraid.
ASK: What happened when Peter became afraid and looked at the wind instead of Jesus? (He sank)
ASK: What did Jesus do? (He saved Him.)
SAY: When Peter made a mistake, Jesus saved him. And we need Jesus to “save” us too.
ASK: What did Jesus save Peter from? (Sinking in the water.)
ASK: What can Jesus save us from? (Our sin.)
ASK: What is sin?
SAY: Sin is anything that’s wrong and we’re learning this week that Jesus came and died and rose again to make a way to forgive the wrong things we’ve done. He did this because He loves us.
Choose a volunteer to come to the front of the room. Let this volunteer pop the balloon that holds today’s Treasure Verse.
Read the verse to the children and have them repeat it after you.
Today’s verse is: Matthew 6:21—“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”
SAY: Each day this week, we are going to be looking for good listeners who can help us discover each day’s Treasure Verse. And, whoever gets to pop the balloon also gets to keep the coin. Give the coin to the volunteer and ask them all to give him/her a hand.
Show the children your Treasure Verse Poster for today and have them repeat the verse after you again.
ASK: What do you think this verse means? (Take answers.)
SAY: Your treasure is what is most important to you and whatever your treasure is, that’s what you are going to live for, think about, keep safe—that’s where your heart will be.
ASK: What do you think the greatest treasure in life is? (Take answers.)
SAY: Knowing Jesus is the greatest treasure in life and when He is your treasure, you live for Him, think about Him, and spend your life following Him.
Bible Lesson #2
You will need: A balloon with today’s treasure verse coin inside—one for each class. These should already be blown up and taped or tacked somewhere in the room; One Treasure Verse poster.
Control Tool
SAY: Today’s story is about Jesus and any time I say, “What should you do?”
I want everybody to say, “Just Trust!”
Leader—“What should you do?” / Students—“Just Trust!”
SAY: Today we’re going to find out what it means to Just Trust in Jesus.
Tell your students that you are going to need every one of them to help you with the Bible story today. Then divide your class into two parts. (You can divide them either by using two sides or by using boys and girls.) Lead them in making the following sound effects:
Side 1–Make a sound like wind. Have them start out gentle and get louder and louder.
Side 2–Make a sound like waves. Again, start out gentle and get louder.
Everyone–Show them how to put their hands on their knees. Begin tapping your
fingers louder and then patting your knees louder and louder to make a sound like
Everyone–When you say, “Thunder,” they say, “Boom!”
Everyone–When you say, “Lightning,” they say, “Bright Light!”
Everyone–When you say, “Boat,” they say, “Row, row, row your boat!”
Everyone–When you say, “Jesus,” they say, “Have no fear, Jesus is near!”
Everyone–When you say, “Stop,” they stop all the sounds.
Now you’re ready to tell the story, but first practice with them a few times. For example, say, “Thunder / Boat / Jesus / Wind / Stop.” etc. Make stopping almost like a game to see how quickly they can get quiet. Practice again: Wind / Waves / Boat / Jesus / Stop!
TELL THE STORY: One day Jesus and His disciples were in a boat (Row, row, row your boat!) and Jesus (Have no fear, Jesus is near!) had fallen asleep when a storm came. It probably began with a gentle wind and some gentle waves, but they grew louder and louder. Then there was probably some gentle rain, but it got heavier. (At this point you should have the wind, waves, and rain all happening at the same time.) Then there was probably some thunder (Boom!) and lightning (Bright Light!) And some more thunder (Boom!) and the boat (Row, row, row your boat!) was going back and forth and the disciples were scared. STOP!
ASK: Have you ever been scared during a storm? (Take a couple of answers.)
ASK: What did you do?
SAY: Watch what the disciples did…
BACK TO THE STORY: The wind was blowing. The waves were crashing. The rain was pouring. Louder and louder. There was thunder (Boom!) and lightning (Bright Light!) and more thunder (Boom!) and even more thunder (Boom!) and the boat (Row, row, row your boat!) was going back and forth and the disciples were scared. But Jesus (Have no fear, Jesus is near!) was asleep in the back of the boat. So they woke up Jesus (Have no fear, Jesus is near!) and said, “Teacher, don’t you care if we drown!” STOP! (If they don’t stop quickly, tell them they can do better than that. Tell them to see how quickly they can stop. Then start the noise again and loudly say, “Stop.”)
SAY: The disciples asked Jesus if He cared they were going to die. That’s how scared they were.
ASK: Do you think Jesus cared about how scared they were? (Yes, and He cares about any time you’re scared too. God doesn’t want you to live in fear.)
ASK: After the disciples woke Jesus up and He looked around at the storm, do you think He was afraid? Why or why not? (No, He wasn’t afraid. Why? Because even in the storm, He was in control. And if you’ve given your life to Jesus and are living for Him, you don’t have to be afraid either because Jesus is always in control.)
ASK: Since Jesus is in control, does this mean bad things won’t ever happen to you? (No, bad things sometimes happen to good people, but if you’re walking with Jesus, you can always trust that He can take any bad thing that comes your way and turn it to your good.)
FINISH THE STORY: The wind was blowing. The waves were crashing. The rain was pouring. Louder and louder. The boat (Row, row, row your boat!) was going back and forth and was starting to fill with water. There was thunder (Boom!) and lightning (Bright Light!) and more thunder (Boom!) and lightning (Bright Light!). So they woke up Jesus (Have no fear, Jesus is near!) and said, “Teacher, don’t you care if we drown!” Then Jesus (Have no fear, Jesus is near!) said, (Say this loudly over all the storm noise) “Quiet. Be still.” In other words, STOP! (The students should become quiet.) And just as quickly as that, the storm stopped. The waves stopped. The wind and the rain—everything stopped.
SAY: The disciples should have known that everything would be okay because Jesus was right there with them.
REPEAT AFTER ME: Have no fear, Jesus is near!
Tell those who did the wind to say, “Have no fear.”
Tell those who did the waves to say, “Jesus is near.”
Go back and forth several times to see which side can be the loudest.
Control Tool
Leader—“What should you do?” / Students—“Just Trust!”
SAY: Just Trust—Trust God regardless of what it costs you or what happens to you, even when you don’t understand what’s going on or why it’s happening. You can always trust God.
SAY: We are going to have a competition. In the story Jesus calmed the storm and when he hushed it, it became quiet and still. We’re going to see who can be the quietest and most still person while I read this story to you out of the Bible. So, try to be as quiet and still as you can and then I’m going to choose someone to reveal our Treasure Verse today.
Read Mark 4:35-41 to your students from your Bible.
Then praise different ones for how quiet and still they were—i.e., “Great job, Mark. You were so quiet. And Johnny didn’t even move! I think Laura might have been holding her breath, she was so still!”
Choose a volunteer to come to the front of the room. Let this volunteer pop the balloon that holds today’s Treasure Verse.
Show the kids the Treasure Verse poster and re-read the verse to them.
Today’s verse is: Psalm 56:3—“When I am afraid, I will trust in You.”
SAY: Each day this week, we are going to be looking for good listeners who can help us discover each day’s Treasure Verse. And, whoever gets to pop the balloon also gets to keep the coin. Give the coin to the volunteer and ask them all to give him/her a hand.
Repeat after Me —
Leader: The Bible says (Kids: The Bible says)
Leader: When I am afraid (Kids: When I am afraid…)
Leader: I will trust in You (I will trust in You...)
Leader: Psalm 56:3 (Kids: Psalm 56:3).
ASK: What are some other things that scare you?
This is a great time to share something that scared you when you were a child…but share it quickly and be brief.
SAY: When I point to this side, I want the all the boys to say, “When I am afraid …”
Then I’ll point to the other side, and I want all the girls to say, “I will trust in You.”
Then I’ll say, “Psalm 56:3”
Go back and forth between the two sides three times to see who can be louder.
SAY: The next time you’re scared, you can trust in Jesus.
Bible Lesson #3
You will need: A balloon with today’s treasure verse coin inside—one for each class. These should already be blown up and taped or tacked somewhere in the room; One Treasure Verse poster.
Activity—Body Hurricanes
SAY: On the count of three, I want everyone to jump up and you are going to create a Body Hurricane, but there are a few rules:
(1) You cannot touch anyone else.
(2) Be careful not to make yourself dizzy
(3) You cannot run around the room.
(4) You can be loud and make storm sounds and flap and wave your arms, etc.
(4) When I say “STOP!” you need immediately be still and sit down with your legs crossed. (You might have a volunteer demonstrate.) I’ll be watching to see who was the fastest and I’ll also be looking for a good listener today to reveal our Treasure Verse and whoever it is will also get to keep the Treasure coin that is inside.
STOP! (Be as still as you can.)
SAY: Today we’re going to learn about a ship that got caught in a terrible storm but I’m going to need a few of you to help me.
Practice with the kids to make a noise like wind and a noise like waves. Also practice them stopping when you say, “STOP!”
When you say, “Paul,” the kids should say, “Who loved and served God!”
When you say, “Angel” the kids should say, “With good news.”
Tell the Story (adapted from Acts 27:14-28:10):
Paul (who loved and served God) was travelling on a ship that was carrying 276 people when a terrible storm hit them. The winds [Wind noise] were so powerful that they could hardly get the ship under control. On the second day they threw the cargo overboard. On the third day they threw the ship’s tackle overboard. During the day they couldn’t see the sun and at night they couldn’t see the stars and most of the people lost hope of being saved. [STOP the wind.]
Then an angel (with good news) appeared to Paul (who loved and served God). The angel said, “Do not be afraid” (Have the angel say this.) Then he told Paul (who loved and served God) that they would all be safe. Paul (who loved and served God) believed God and shared this with the others. After 14 days of being lost at sea, they finally came to an island where the front of their ship stuck in the reef and the back of the ship was being torn apart by the waves. [Wave noises] They had to abandon ship. Those who could swim jumped overboard first and the rest followed by floating on planks or other things from the ship. Finally they all had come safely to land. [STOP the waves.]
The natives of the island showed them great kindness and lit a fire for them but as Paul (who loved and served God) was putting more sticks on the fire, a poisonous snake came out of the heat and bit him. The natives were expecting him to swell up and die but he just shook the snake off into the fire. Because he didn’t die, they knew there was something different about him! They took him to the leader of the island whose father was sick and God used Paul (who loved and served God) to heal him. Before long the rest of the people on the island were brining those who were sick to him and he was healing them in the name of Jesus.
Give our volunteers a hand.
SAY: God took care of Paul and the others on the ship. He told them that they didn’t have to be afraid. God also took care of Paul when the poisonous snake bit him and then God used him to help and share the good news of Jesus with the people.
SAY: Some people live in fear though—in their own personal storm. It’s not a real storm like rain and thunder but they don’t have peace on the inside.
ASK: Why do you think some people live in fear? (Take a few answers.)
SAY: No matter what someone might be afraid of, Jesus is bigger and He can keep you safe.
ASK: What kind of fear do you think someone might have if they don’t know for sure that they are going to heaven? (Take a few answers.)
Choose a volunteer to come to the front of the room. Let this volunteer pop the balloon that holds today’s Treasure Verse.
Show the children your Treasure Verse Poster for today and have them repeat the verse after you again.
Today’s verse is: 1 John 4:14—“We have seen and testify that the Father has sent the Son as the Savior of the world.”
SAY: God saved the people in our story from a storm and God has made a way to save us from our sins.
Share your salvation testimony about how you know for sure that you’re going to heaven. Be brief with this—about one minute. Focus mainly on the fact that you realized you had done wrong things and needed Jesus to forgive you and that the result of you giving your life to Christ is that you now know for sure, without a doubt that you are going to heaven.
SAY: If you ever have questions about Jesus or heaven, then as we move through our activities today, just let one of us know. And if you have a story about how you gave your life to Christ and how you know that you would go to heaven, then we would like to hear it too. You can talk with your leaders about this at any time.
IMPORTANT NOTE: When dealing with younger children, do NOT give them an invitation as a group to pray to accept Jesus. Instead, encourage them to come to you or their leaders one-on-one if they have questions. Then if they do come to you, talk with them one-on-one but not alone in a room. Talk somewhere that is visible or take them to someone else who can speak with them. Also, although we’re talking about fear some in this lesson, do not use fear as a means of encouraging them to accept Christ. Let the Lord work in their hearts and draw them to Him in His own time. You are just planting the seeds and if some are ready, they will come to you or their leaders. Finally, if a child shares with you an experience that they believe will get them to heaven but they are totally wrong, be kind but truthful. It’s okay to say, “That’s great but…(i.e., being good or being baptized or praying every night before bed) can’t get a person to heaven. There is only one way to heaven and that’s when a person turns from their sin and turns to Jesus and trusts Him as their Lord and Savior…)
Bible Lesson #4
You will need: 1 water spray bottle for each class. Please fill this with water.
Signs that say: Righteous Man, Blameless, Walked with God; A balloon with today’s treasure verse coin inside—one for each class. These should already be blown up and taped or tacked somewhere in the room; One Treasure Verse poster.
Activity: “Squirt Them Out” Simon Says
Play “Simon Says” with your class. Either you can lead the game or you can have the students take turns leading. Either way, this version is a little different. When a student does something when they are not supposed to, they are not out. Instead, using a spray bottle, you will squirt them with water. (NOTE: If a student doesn’t want to get wet, shoot at their shoes or peripheral clothing. Many will want you to squirt their face though. This is meant to be fun, so if it is obvious that someone doesn’t want to be squirted at all, that’s okay too. If you have a student that is intentionally getting “out” to get squirted, institute a “three strikes and you’re out” policy, which means, if they get squirted three times, they’re out of the game.)
Play for a few minutes.
SAY: In this game you had to listen and follow the leader to win. In life you have to listen and follow God to win. Today we’re going to learn about someone who listened and followed God when no one else would and because of this God saved him and his family from a flood.
Ask the students: About whom do you think I’m talking? (Noah.)
Choose one volunteer and give him the Noah sign.
SAY: Noah was a righteous man. (Give him the Righteous Man sign.) Noah was blameless. (Give him the Blamless sign.) Noah walked with God. (Give him the Walked with God sign.) But the entire world was bad and evil. So God said to Noah, “I am going to put an end to all people, for the earth is filled with violence… So make yourself an ark [a big boat]. I am going to destroy all life under the heavens, every creature that has the breath of life in it. Everything on earth will perish.”
Ask the students: So what do you think Noah did? (He and his sons started building the Ark.)
Ask the students—How long did it take Noah and his sons to build the Ark? (It took 120 years to build it. People in Noah’s day lived much longer than today. Noah was 600 years old when the flood came and lived to be 950. For an hour or a day it might be hard to do what’s right when everyone else is doing wrong, but picture 120 years of this!)
SAY: Imagine for 120 years telling others to turn away from their sins and none of them believe you. Imagine telling people for 120 years that God is going to destroy the world—that you know they are going to die if they don’t turn to God and still they won’t listen.
ASK: Do you think people laughed at Noah for building such a huge boat in a place where there wasn’t much water? (Of course they probably did. Wouldn’t you?)
SAY: When the Ark was finished God sent to them two of each kind of the unclean animals—the kinds they didn’t eat, but seven each of the clean animals—the kinds they did eat. God sent the animals so that they would survive the Flood. But Noah and his family were the only people who were saved.
ASK: From what did God save Noah? (The Flood.)
ASK: From what does God want to save us? (From our sins.)
Choose a “good listener” to come to the front of the room. Let this volunteer pop the balloon that holds today’s Treasure Verse.
Show children your Treasure Verse Poster for today and have them repeat the verse after you again.
Today’s verse is: Romans 5:8—“But God showed his own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.”
SAY: Jesus is God’s only Son who lived a perfect life, died on a cross and rose again three days later. When He died, Jesus took the punishment for all the wrong things you and I would ever do, so that if we are willing to give our lives to Him, He will “save us” and forgive our sins. This is the reason that Jesus is ONLY way to go to Heaven.
SAY: After everything I say, say, “No way!”
Can going to church get you to heaven? (No way!)
Can being good get you to heaven? (No way!)
Can being baptized get you to heaven? (No way!)
SAY: Jesus is the only way to Heaven and you receive this gift by giving your life to Him.
Share your salvation testimony about how you know for sure that you’re going to heaven. Be brief with this—about one minute. Focus mainly on the fact that you realized you had done wrong things and needed Jesus to forgive you and that the result of you giving your life to Christ is that you now know for sure, without a doubt that you are going to heaven.
SAY: If you ever have questions about Jesus or heaven, then as we move through our activities today, just let one of us know. And if you have a story about how you gave your life to Christ and how you know that you would go to heaven, then we would like to hear it too. You can talk with your leaders about this at any time.
IMPORTANT NOTE: When dealing with younger children, do NOT give them an invitation as a group to pray to accept Jesus. Instead, encourage them to come to you or their leaders one-on-one if they have questions. Then if they do come to you, talk with them one-on-one but not alone in a room. Talk somewhere that is visible or take them to someone else who can speak with them. Also, never use fear as a means of encouraging them to accept Christ. Let the Lord work in their hearts and draw them to Him in His own time. You are just planting the seeds and if some are ready, they will come to you or their leaders. Finally, if a child shares with you an experience that they believe will get them to heaven but they are totally wrong, be kind but truthful. It’s okay to say, “That’s great but…(i.e., being good or being baptized or praying every night before bed) can’t get a person to heaven. There is only one way to heaven and that’s when a person turns from their sin and turns to Jesus and trusts Him as their Lord and Savior…)
Bible Lesson #5
You will need: Letters for the name “JESUS” hidden in the room. You will need to quickly re-hide these using strips of scotch tape between each session; Signs for Jesus, Simon Peter, James, and John. A balloon with today’s treasure verse coin inside—one for each class. This should already be blown up and taped or tacked somewhere in the room; One Treasure Verse poster.
SAY: In a moment I’m going to say, “1-2-3, Go!” When I say, “Go!” I want you to look all over the room. You’re on a treasure hunt and the treasure you’re hunting is the greatest word in the English language. To find this word, you first have to find 5 letters, then bring them together and figure it out.
SAY: Everybody freeze. Now on the count of three, as fast as you can, come sit down. 1-2-3! Compliment who was first as well as who was the most considerate, the most…whatever strikes you.
Have the kids bring you the letters that they found. Call out each one and see if they can figure out the greatest word in the English language.
Ask the students—Who knows what these letters can spell? (Jesus)
SAY: Before we discover what is so important about that name, let hear our story for the day.
Choose two volunteers and give them signs that say “Simon Peter” and “Jesus.”
Then choose three more volunteers and give them the signs that say, “James”and “John.”
SAY: Whenever you hear the name, “Jesus,” say, “He’s the greatest treasure!” Let’s practice.
Tell the story and have your characters act it out. They can even repeat their character’s sentences after you:
Tell the Story (adapted from Luke 5:1-11):
Now it happened, while the multitude pressed on Jesus and heard the word of God, that Jesus was standing by the lake of Gennesaret. Jesus saw two boats standing by the lake, but the fishermen had gone out of them, and were washing their nets. Jesus entered into one of the boats, which was Simon’s, and asked him to put out a little from the land. Jesus sat down and taught the multitudes out of the boat. When he had finished speaking, Jesus said to Simon, “Put out into the deep, and let down your nets for a catch.” Simon answered him, “Master, we worked all night, and took nothing; but at your word I will let down the net.” When they had done this, they caught a great multitude of fish, and their net was breaking. They beckoned to their partners in the other boat, that they should come and help them. They came, and filled both boats, so that they began to sink. But Simon Peter, when he saw it, fell down at Jesus ‘ knees, saying, “Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, Lord.” For he was amazed, and all who were with him, at the catch of fish which they had caught; and so also were James and John, sons of Zebedee, who were partners with Simon. Jesus said to Simon, “Don’t be afraid. From now on you will be fishers of men.” When they had brought their boats to land, they left everything, and followed Jesus.
SAY: This was an incredible miracle that amazed these future disciples and showed them that Jesus was more than just an ordinary man. Simon Peter called him, “Lord.” And today we want you to know that Jesus is Lord of all.
SAY: When I point to this side, I want the all the boys to say, “Jesus is …”
Then I’ll point to the other side, and I want all the girls to say, “Lord of all.”
Go back and forth between the two sides three times to see who can be louder.
SAY: Jesus is Lord and He is the only way that any of us can be “saved” and go to Heaven.
Choose a “good listener” to come to the front of the room. Let this volunteer pop the balloon that holds today’s Treasure Verse.
Show the children your Treasure Verse Poster for today and have them repeat the verse after you.
Today’s verse is talking about Jesus: Acts 4:12—”And there is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must be saved.”
SAY: Jesus is God’s only Son who lived a perfect life, died on a cross and rose again three days later. When He died, Jesus took the punishment for all the wrong things you and I would ever do, so that if we are willing to give our lives to Him, He will “save us” and forgive our sins. This is the reason that Jesus is the ONLY way to go to Heaven.
SAY: After everything I say, say, “No way!”
Can going to church get you to heaven? (No way!)
Can being good get you to heaven? (No way!)
Can being baptized get you to heaven? (No way!)
Can being rich get you to heaven? (No way!)
SAY: Jesus is the only one way to Heaven and the best choice you can make is to give your life to Him.
Share your salvation testimony about how you know for sure that you’re going to heaven. Be brief with this—about one minute. Focus mainly on the fact that you realized you had done wrong things and needed Jesus to forgive you and that the result of you giving your life to Christ is that you now know for sure, without a doubt that you are going to heaven.
SAY: If you ever have questions about Jesus or heaven, then as we move through our activities today, just let one of us know. You can talk with your leaders about this at any time.
ASK: In today’s story, what did Jesus say these men would become? (Fishers of Men)
ASK: What do you think Jesus meant by this? (In the same way that they had been spending their lives catching fish, they would now be spending their lives “reaching” people to share with them the good news that Jesus can save them.)
SAY: If you have already given your life to Jesus and you know that you’re going to heaven because you trusted Jesus as your Lord and Savior, you too can be a “fisher of men.” You can reflect Jesus’ life and love to others and tell them what Jesus means to you to help bring them to know Him as well.
IMPORTANT NOTE: When dealing with younger children, do NOT give them an invitation as a group to pray to accept Jesus. Instead, encourage them to come to you or their leaders one-on-one if they have questions. Then if they do come to you, talk with them one-on-one but not alone in a room. Talk somewhere that is visible or take them to someone else who can speak with them. Also, never use fear as a means of encouraging them to accept Christ. Let the Lord work in their hearts and draw them to Him in His own time. You are just planting the seeds and if some are ready, they will come to you or their leaders. Finally, if a child shares with you an experience that they believe will get them to heaven but they are totally wrong, be kind but truthful. It’s okay to say, “That’s great but…(i.e., being good or being baptized or praying every night before bed) can’t get a person to heaven. There is only one way to heaven and that’s when a person turns from their sin and turns to Jesus and trusts Him as their Lord and Savior…)
CRAFT NOTES: Many of the following items can be found easily at Oriental Trading (www.orientaltrading.com), online, or you can substitute a different craft while still using the same spiritual application.
Day 1 Craft – Craft Stick Treasure Chest
You will need: Today’s Craft Stick Treasure Chest, the Treasure Verse Poster and any extra supplies that you may need.
As Children Enter:
Ask them to have a seat around the tables and introduce them to the Craft Room rules:
(1) Everybody say, “Arrrr” (like a pirate but it’s really the letter “R”): R-Respect God—This means that you need to honor God in everything you do.
(2) Everybody say, “Arrrr”: R-Respect Others—This means that you treat others the way you would want them to treat you…by sharing and with kindness.
(3) Everybody say, “Arrrr”: R-Respect Your Leaders—If a leader tells you to do something, you should do it the first time you are told and if you need anything, let one of your leaders know. They are here to help you with your craft.
SAY: Today we’re going to make Craft Stick Treasure Chests but before I give you instructions and pass out the items, I want to show you our Craft Verse of the Day.
Treasure Verse—Choose a volunteer to come to the front of the room. Let this volunteer hold today’s Treasure Verse Poster.
Read the verse to the children and have them repeat it after you.
Today’s Treasure Verse is: Matthew 6:21—“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”
ASK: What do you think this verse means? (Take answers.)
SAY: Your treasure is what is most important to you and whatever your treasure is, that’s what you are going to live for, think about, keep safe—that’s where your heart will be.
ASK: What do you think God wants your heart to be focus on? What do you think He wants to be the most important thing in your life? (Take answers.)
ASK: What do you think the greatest treasure in life is? (Take answers.)
SAY: Knowing Jesus is the greatest treasure in life. God wants your heart to be focused on Him. God wants Jesus to be the most important thing in your life—your greatest treasure.
SAY: So, today you get to make treasure chests and these can be a place that you put important things but remember there’s nothing more important in life than knowing and following Jesus.
Give craft instructions and pass out supplies…
Day 2 Craft – Photo-Magnet Frame Kit
You will need: A photo-magnet frame kit for each child along with any items that they might use to decorate it. You will also need a camera to take pictures of each child.
SAY: Today we’re going to make photo frames that you can hang on your refrigerator at home but before I give you instructions and pass out the items, I want to show you our Treasure Verse of the Day.
Treasure Verse—Choose a volunteer to come to the front of the room. Let this volunteer hold today’s Treasure Verse Poster.
Read the verse to the children and have them repeat it after you.
Today’s verse is: Matthew 6: 20—“…lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust consume, and where thieves don’t break through and steal.”
Show children your Treasure Verse Poster for today.
ASK: What do you think this verse means? (Take answers.)
SAY: This verse it talking about living for God’s things, not earthly things that don’t last.
ASK: What treasure do you think you can store in heaven? (Take answers.)
SAY: Remember, treasures are the things that are most important to you. Let the most important things in your life not be the things of this world but the things of God. In other words, don’t live for stuff and things you can see and touch and can get ruined or stolen. Live for Jesus and always follow Him. Let your treasure be with Him.
SAY: Today we are going to take a picture of you and make photo frame for your refrigerator, but guess what—You won’t always look like you do today. You’ll change. How you look today won’t last. These frig frames won’t last either. Someday they’ll get old and worn. Even your refrigerator won’t last. Someday you’ll have to get a new one…Do you see how the things of this world don’t last, but God’s things last forever.
Give craft instructions and pass out supplies…
Day 3 Craft – Color Your Own Sport Water Bottle Holder
You will need: A Color Your Own Sport Water Bottle Holder for each child along with any items that they might use to decorate it.
ASK: If you were ever shipwrecked, what might you need to survive? (Take answers.)
SAY: You would need shelter and food but you would especially need water. To physically live, you have to have water. To live spiritually, did you know that you need living water?
ASK: What do you think I mean by “living water”? (Take answers.)
SAY: There was a woman in the Bible who went to a well to get water. Jesus was nearby and asked her for a drink. In their conversation Jesus told her that those who drink of the water from the well will get thirsty again. But if they “drink” the water He offers, they’ll never thirst again.
ASK: What do you think Jesus was talking about? (He wasn’t talking about getting physically thirsty. He was talking about salvation—only Jesus can eternally satisfy.)
Show the children your Treasure Verse Poster for today and have them repeat the verse after you again.
Today’s verse is talking about Jesus: Acts 4:12—”And there is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must be saved.”
SAY: There’s only one way to go to Heaven; Only one way to be “saved;” Only one way to be satisfied forever; and these come only through you trusting Jesus as your Lord and Savior. If you have any questions about this, feel free to talk with your leaders about it while we do our crafts.
Give craft instructions and pass out supplies…
Day 4 Craft – Sun Catchers
You will need: A Sun Catcher Kit for each child along with any items that they might use to decorate it.
Show children your Treasure Verse Poster for today and have them repeat the verse after you again.
Today’s verse is: 1 John 4:14—“We have seen and testify that the Father has sent the Son as the Savior of the world.”
SAY: All of our Treasure Verses come straight out of the Bible and today’s verse tells us that God has made a way to save us from our sins.
SAY: Today we’re going to make a craft that will reflect the light of the Sun. But if you have been saved and have given your life to Jesus, you can reflect Jesus’ light and love too. You can show the way for others to come to Jesus, just like you did. Never be afraid to tell others what Jesus means to you. And if you have any questions about what it means to know Jesus or how you can go to Heaven, then while we do this craft, feel free to talk to your leaders about any questions that you might have.
Give craft instructions and pass out supplies…
Day 5 Craft – Color Your Own Inflatable Beach Ball
You will need: A Color Your Own Inflatable Beach Ball Kit for each child along with any items that they might use to decorate it.
SAY: Today we’re going to color our own beach balls and here’s the reason why: A beach ball just gets blown here and there. Even the smallest breeze can carry it away. But we don’t want what you believe to get tossed about by everybody’s opinion. You can know the truth. That’s why God gave us the Bible. Listen to our Treasure Bible Verse for today.
Show children your Treasure Verse Poster for today and have them repeat the verse after you..
Today’s verse is: Romans 5:8—“But God showed his own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.”
SAY: This is the truth and it will never change. Whatever people may say or believe, it won’t change the truth that Jesus is God’s only Son who lived a perfect life, died on a cross and rose again three days later. And when He died, Jesus took the punishment for all the wrong things you and I would ever do, so that if we are willing to give our lives to Him, He will “save us” and forgive our sins. This is the reason that Jesus is ONLY way to go to Heaven.
SAY: This week you’ve heard the truth of God’s word and how Jesus can save anyone who is willing to come to Him. If you are still not sure that you would spend eternity with Him in Heaven or if you have any questions about Jesus or what He did, then while we do this craft, feel free to talk to your leaders about any questions that you might have.
Give craft instructions and pass out supplies…
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