A Blog by Kolby King
Dante wrote, “Midway on our life’s journey, I found myself in a dark wood, the right road lost.” My experience, however, is a little different. I do feel like I’m almost midway on life’s journey–moving into my late-thirties. Okay, I know that a lot of people might mock and say that “middle-age” doesn’t hit till fifty-five or so, but let’s be realistic: How many one-hundred and ten year olds do you know? So, if the average life-span is in the 70’s, then the thirties is the middle of the road. With that under our belts, being “almost” midway on life’s journey, I don’t find myself in a dark wood, the right road lost. Instead, I find myself in a dark world with the light of Christ lighting up only the next few steps. Where the trail will lead, I don’t know. The older I get the more I seem not to care where the road leads in this life as long as the light is in front of me. I’m okay if it changes directions as long as He is the one changing it. After all, we don’t belong to this world; we don’t even belong to ourselves and our citizenship lies elsewhere. We are only temporary travelers, pilgrims on a path. So I invite you now to look through a window into my path and join me in this, my journey…
“Abraham was confident looking forward to a city with eternal foundations, a city designed and built by God…For here we do not have a lasting city, but we are seeking the city which is to come” (Hebrews 11:10; 13:14).
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