We welcome the submission of ideas and materials. Your experience and creativity help to make three-thirty ministries more effective in providing churches and individuals with affordable church-related resources. However, you should not submit materials that are protected by copyright unless you own the copyright or have received permission otherwise. Every submission also needs to include any reference notes concerning the original source, even if that source is you or your church. Three-thirty ministries will make a notation on every submission showing its source as well as the name of the person who contributed it. Three-thirty ministries also has the right to change or adapt your submission in format or content or in any other way and also has the right not to post ideas and materials that are not considered to be in accordance with the purpose, quality and design of this website.
Furthermore, there are certain materials contained on this website that are marked as “source unknown.” You are welcome to submit resources noted in this manner although only a limited number of these will appear on this website and this notation greatly reduces the chance of your idea or materials being posted. However, if you see an item on this website listed as “source unknown” and you are aware of a resource that has published or produced this or a similar idea or resource, please contact us.
Finally, uncopyrighted materials will be copyrighted by three-thirty ministries before being posted. In this event the name of the original contributor will be cited.
Please contact us with your ideas and materials at resources@threethirtyministries.org. Please include your name, city and state, your church name, and your ministry position if you are currently serving on a church staff.
Thank you for your willingness to partner with us in creating and maintaining the best and most useable church-related resource center possible.

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