Stories are memorable and strong. Use the following stories to challenge others to follow Christ more closely.
Stories About Students
General Teaching Stories
- 20-Year Old Shoes
- A Big Walking Sermon
- A Call from Within
- A Dead Cat
- A Fool for God
- A Frickin’ Elephant
- A Test to Measure Character
- A Third Grade Opinion of God
- All My Desire
- An Eight-Year Old on the Mission Field
- Be Careful What You Say
- Billy Sunday Quote
- Boys’ Thoughts about Dad
- Burdened to the End—John R Rice
- But Where’s the Hat
- Caught–Not Taught
- Charles Borden
- Charles Studd
- Christmas Letter from Jesus
- Church Bulletin Bloopers
- Comments from 1955
- David Livingstone
- Do You Believe in Easter
- Do You Care
- Excerpt from an Ancient Roman Letter
- Expectations, Expectations
- Fellowship–POWs in Vietnam
- Find a Fix
- Footprints–A New Version
- Funeral Sermon–Humorous
- George Mueller
- Getting Lost in the Package
- God’s Protection–Nebraska 1950
- Gypsy Smith as a Boy
- Hit the Floor
- How Big is Your Church
- How Much Do You Care
- I Go Where They Love a Fellow
- If I Believed–Story of Charlie Peace
- If I Had my Life to Live Over
- In God we Trust
- Jim Elliot–He is no Fool
- Judging Others
- Just One More
- Lies Catch Up to You
- Story of Two Families
- The Church Bake Sale
- The Hair-Brushing
- The Memorial
- The Willingness of a Child
- Unfinished
- What Manner of Love
- You Be Jesus

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