To help students experience God’s Word in a colorful, fun, surprising and creative manner; to ignite in them a hunger that leads them to dig in, crawl inside, explore, enjoy and live out God’s truth.
Teaching Method
Children only remember 10% of what they hear, 20% of what they see, and 30% of what they hear and see. They are concrete learners, which means they retain 80 to 90% of what they do, touch, smell, taste, and help teach. Therefore, this curriculum is packed with a teaching style that will help them to:
Find it. Taste it. Touch it. Make it.
Know it. Grow it. See it. Show it.
Live it!
Short Lessons
Short Sessions usually require less items, less resources, and less set-up. Most of these lessons are active-learning and although we call them short, they are geared for about a twenty to thirty minute segment. These are great sessions to use during the mid-week, especially as a part of a rotation–i.e., when children rotate through a Bible story area, a recreation session, a life lesson, a craft area, a music area, and so forth.
Marshmallow Madness – 6 week Series: Learn truths from the Bible and how they apply to life through, believe it or not, marshmallows! Includes games, crafts and a variety of spiritual-teaching activities.Some eating might be suggested!
Kitchen Craze – 6 week Series: Get your spatula ready! Students will learn the truths of God’s Word and be challenged to live for Christ through good old-fashion (fairly instant!) kitchen cooking and food decorating. Come join us and learn to follow God’s recipe for your life. Some eating will be involved!

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