Press Releases

The following Press Releases have been included to help you in promoting your church or ministry app. Just add your church and city name in the places provided and make any other adjustments that you desire.

(The following Press Releases will download as *.doc files to help you in making changes or adding your own information.)

Press Release #1

[City Name]’s First iPhone App

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For use if your app is the first app in your community. Search the App Store for your city or town’s name and see what you find. If there are no results, then you can safely assume that you are the first.

Press Release #2

Church Using Technology to Keep People Connected

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For use if your app includes a “Merchants Guide” to help the people in your community gain easy access to phone numbers, email or websites of local merchants.

Press Release #3

[Church Name] Releases iPhone App

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For general use of promoting your app to your community.

Other Tips

Hand deliver your Press Release to your local newspaper. Meet with the editor or reporter, show them your app and begin what can be a very long and meaningful relationship. After your meeting, send the reporter a card simply saying that it was a pleasure to meet him. Remember, you’re not promoting an app–your promoting a Savior and you might just get the chance to share your faith as well.

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