- The people who have recently made decisions for Christ and for those who heard the Gospel but didn’t accept Him. Earlier this month I met a 4th grade girl at a school assembly that we led. She and her teenage sister came to church that evening. Afterwards they caught me and began to ask questions. I walk them through the plan of salvation. This little girl asked some great questions about God and Jesus and eternity and told me that she wants to give her life to Jesus but she wanted to wait. We talked some more but neither of these girls received Christ. They are from a very lost, unchurched family. Please pray for them.
We are in the process of selling our house. As many of you know, the Lord has called us to to help some struggling churches across the U.S., so our family of 7 will living and travelling in an RV for about 15 months. Please pray for our house to sell quickly and for the adjustment of going from a 2500 sq foot house to a 350 sq foot RV.
We had an email from a man named Charles yesterday. He lives in Indiana and contacted us through our website. His prayer request is for his two sisters and his father who has cancer – none of them are saved.
We will be sharing about 150 times in the next 6 months with revivals and camps, including children’s Falls Creek (with over 6,000 elementary children). Pray for wisdom, rest, and for us to make the most of every opportunity. Pray also for the hearts and lives that God is going to touch.
We use technology (apps and websites) to minister overseas. A year ago we helped to a ministry develop an app that is secretly being used by believers in a highly persecuted country (I can’t share the name online) to share the Gospel and to disciple new believers. It is a “smoke” screen app that looks like an everyday normal app but believers in that country know how to secretly access the information inside it. This is an idea that was developed by the Christian leaders in this country because it keeps them safe in case the authorities seize their device or track their internet usage. Anyway, we’re looking for more opportunities to “smuggle” Scripture, evangelism and discipleship resources into restricted countries in the same way. The technology is ready. We just need the open doors and the financial support to make it all happen. Yet, it’s a hard thing to “raise support” for because we don’t want to publicize what we are doing. For their safety, it needs to be kept as much of a secret as possible, if that makes sense. We’re simply praying that God will connect the dots and put the right people in our path to make these connections. We also have evangelism apps in numerous other languages in non-restricted countries as well. Please pray for their effectiveness too.We appreciate your prayers.

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