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Free Will Baptist Camp – Week #1
Learn more about the ministry of Kolby and Mary Beth King at
Sunday PM July 7, 2019
Discover that God created you for a purpose, that He loves you and that even though we have all done wrong things, through Jesus, God made a way for you to have eternal life. Featuring ventriloquism, no tear paper, flash paper and more. Some music and songs have been removed for copyright reasons.
Watch this video on YouTube HERE.
Monday PM July 8, 2019
This camp service features creative teaching to show that nothing is impossible for God–Jesus calmed the storm. He raised Lazarus from the dead and has made a way for us to be certain about eternity. Some music and songs have been removed for copyright reasons.
Watch this video on YouTube HERE.
Tuesday AM July 9, 2019
This morning camp service focuses on understanding that God created you for a purpose and has great plans for your life. Featuring ventriloquism with David and Goliath and an amazing illustration to see how many people can fit through one piece of paper. Some music and songs have been removed for copyright reasons.
Watch this video on YouTube HERE.
Tuesday PM July 9, 2019
The final evening service takes a look at choices–Who are you following? Watch how four of the disciples chose to follow Jesus and watch another man who went away sad. Is there anything in your life holding you back from following Jesus with all your heart?
Watch this video on YouTube HERE.
Free Will Baptist Camp – Week #2
Wednesday PM July 10, 2019
Discover that God created you for a purpose, that He loves you and that even though we have all done wrong things, through Jesus, God made a way for you to have eternal life. Featuring ventriloquism, no tear paper, flash paper and more. Some music and songs have been removed for copyright reasons.
Thursday AM July 11, 2019
Join us for the fun in Day 2 of children’s camp in a morning service as Kolby and Mary Beth King teach kids the 10 commandment and why God gave them to us. Featuring boy versus girl competitions, fun songs, hand motions for the 10 commandments and a “Dice Box” illusion that shows that you won’t get tricked when you know the truth of God’s Word. Some songs have been removed for copyright reasons. Some music and songs have been removed for copyright reasons.
Watch this video on YouTube HERE.
Thursday PM July 11, 2019
This camp service features creative teaching to show that nothing is impossible for God–Jesus calmed the storm. He raised Lazarus from the dead and has made a way for us to be certain about eternity. Some music and songs have been removed for copyright reasons.
Coming Soon…
Friday PM July 12, 2019
The final evening service takes a look at choices–Who are you following? Watch how four of the disciples chose to follow Jesus and watch another man who went away sad. Is there anything in your life holding you back from following Jesus with all your heart?
Coming Soon…
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