By turning your book or sermons into an app, millions of people in more than 77 countries across the world will be able to download it. When we created our first app, Heaven?, we were amazed that within one week it was downloaded in 36 countries including a few that are off-limits for publicly sharing the Gospel. Your message can reach the world too.
We use what would be considered the cover of your book for the app’s splash screen (the screen that appears momentarily while the app is loading) and a variation of it for the icon. Once the app is loaded, each chapter is titled in a scrolling table format. Users of Apple products will also be able to bookmark favorite chapters.
Before we begin work on your app, you must read our What We Believe statement to make sure that nothing you are teaching in your book is contrary to our statement of beliefs. We too will have someone read your book to confirm that your writing is in accordance with sound Biblical theology and to make sure that there is nothing offensive in the book. We reserve the right to refuse any submission for any reason.
As the book author you assume full responsibility for making sure that your book is in accordance with copyright laws, that all quotes or any content from other works is appropriately noted and that your work is an original or public domain work.
Three-thirty ministries will be the producer and publisher of your app but you, as the author, will retain the copyright for your work.
If you charge for your app, three-thirty ministries will provide a quarterly financial statement concerning the sale of your app and will send you a check each month (unless your percentage of the sales do not amount to more than $150, in which case we will send you a check each month that your sales balance exceeds this amount.)
Production time can vary. Once we receive your information, we will contact you with a tentative time line.
Contact Us
There are two easy ways to let us know that you’re interested in a book app:
(1) Free Price Quote – Use the form below to let us know about your book.
(2) Phone Request – If you had rather talk to someone in person, please check here to request a phone call.
For more information, you can also contact us at

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