- A Fly in My Eye–Righteousness
- A Later Tater–Punctuality
- A Really Rotten Day–Thankfulness
- Beans–Self-Control
- Christmas Bedtime Stories
- Dear Diary–Sincerity
- Dirty Perty
- Flying in Circles–Complaining
- Golden Rule–Treating Others Right
- I Don’t-I Won’t–Obeying Parents
- Little Jo No–Obedience
- Little John Mark–Peace
- Man of Prayer
- Oh Wee, Oh Woo–Consideration
- One Way to the Bathroom–Being a Christian
- Peace, Love and Joy–Having Peace, Love and Joy
- Scary Bear–Sharing
- Spon-Rip-A-Dility–Responsibility
- Sticks and Stone–Watch Your Words
- Sue–Known By God
- Swing Jumping–Obedience
- The Boy who Never Quit Eating–Moderation
- The Flynosorus–Big Dreams
- The Girl Who Liked to Talk–Quietness
- The Kid with a Beard–Treating Others Right
- The Land of Drok–Something to Share
- The Silly Young King–Contentment
- The Uncontrollable Itch–Seeking God First
- Three of Me–Self-Worth
- Tribbledy Tibbledy Libbledy Dooth–Truthfulness
- Turtle in my Soup–Trusting God
- What if Your Sandwich Could Talk–Obedience
- What If–Certainty
Bedtime Stories based on the Parables of Jesus
- Introduction
- The King of Malakom–The Parable of the Banquet
- Bruce the Moose–The Parable of the Good Samaritan
Bible Bedtime Stories
Bible Bedtime Stories are simple and easy quick-read stories that you can share with your child straight out of God’s Word. It’s another great part of a bedtime ritual. Children need consistency but also variety. The consistency is that you read a bedtime story each night…the variety is that you use different kinds of stories on different nights and what better story is there than the stories that God has given us in His Word. What a great way for children to know and understand the heroes of the Bible better.
The sample below will walk you through stories found in Gospel of John. It’s a great way to start a Bedtime Bible-reading habit:
The Gospel of John–15 Readings
For more Bible Bedtime readings, use the DIVE Devotional Bible Readings for Preteens and learn how to read through long chapters and portions of the Bible in just a few verses each night.
Use Your Own Experiences as Bedtime Stories
Children love to hear about your “adventures” and experiences when you were a child. They need to hear about your mistakes and what you learned from them. They also need to hear about your successes and to know that you experienced many of the same things that they experience every day–i.e., fear, insecurity, good and bad friendships, bullies, a desire to have or do something, dreams about the future, etc.
Use the following guide to help stir your memory and to find Scripture verse that might match some of the stories you have to share.
View this Guide as a PDF or see it online.
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