We hope you find all your answers here. If not, please let us know.
Why are these resources free?
They didn’t used to be free. In the past it cost $159 for membership, but the change was influenced by two matters: (1) When the United States entered tough economic times, we began hearing of a number of struggling churches and became convinced that it was time to do whatever we could to help ministers and churches in this time of need. (2) In a tracking experiment we discovered that people from 18 countries had been on our website including a country that is known for its resistance to the spread of the Gospel. We had no desire to charge missionaries and English-speaking believers overseas for the use of our site, so we stepped out in faith offering everything to anyone for free. After offering all of our members a full or partial refund, we now operate on a donation-basis only. Learn more information about how you can partner with us in reaching and teaching people around the world.
Can I contribute ideas and resources?
We believe that we are in a time when churches need to cooperate and help each other more than ever before. So if you or your church has created resources and would be willing to share those ideas and items with others, please submit them for posting under our ministry guidelines. Check here to see more information on submitting ideas and materials.
I can’t get something to work
Please contact us at resources@threethirtyministries.org concerning anything that is not functioning properly. Please include specific information concerning the problem. Sometimes issues may occur with an individual’s computer and sometimes there may be issues with the website. Our experts will be able to quickly determine the cause and solution.
Can I post a link to three-thirty resources on our church website?
Absolutely. In fact we encourage you to link your website to ours.
Can I print materials?
You are allowed to download and reproduce any information contained on this website. Please see our Copyright Statement for more information.
Does three-thirty ministries do on-site training?
Yes. This resource website is just one aspect of three-thirty ministries. Our ministry leads events as well as on-site training in a variety of venues. Limited availability is an issue right now but as we add and train more staff, you will see more information about the outreach, mission and discipleship services that we can bring to your location.
Can you send or mail curriculum or other published materials to me?
To keep costs to a minimum and to keep this website as affordable as possible, three-thirty ministries has purposely avoided becoming a curriculum publisher. All of our materials are only available online through our website and can be either printed of downloaded directly by you.
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