A mother and a son lived in a certain forest. One day when they were out a tornado surprised them. The mother clung to a tree and tried to hold her son but the swirling winds carried him into the sky. He was gone. The woman began to weep and pray, “Please Lord bring back my boy. He is all I have. I’ll do anything not to lose him. If you’ll bring him back I’ll serve you all my days.” Suddenly the boy toppled from the sky right at her feet, a bit messed up but safe and sound. His mother joyfully brushed him off. Then she stopped for a moment and appearing a bit frustrated, looked to the sky and yelled, “He had a hat, Lord. Where is his hat?!”
What a reminder about thankfulness. The Lord has so richly provided for us yet sometimes call out for more. We say, “Thank you Lord but where’s the hat?!”*
Read Philippians 1:3-5 from your Bible.
Prayerfully consider what you have read today. How thankful is your heart? Then take a few moments to pray for yourself, your students, and others with whom you serve in ministry.
A Final Word
Thank you for letting the Lord use you to make a difference in the lives of kids.
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© Copyright 2017 Kolby King
*Story adapted from a story told on Preaching Today Cassette number 219 entitled “Thank You Lord” as quoted in A Children’s Leader Devotion (Lake Forest, CA: Saddleback Church), Week 2.
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