Mission Curriculum – “Jesus Saves!”
Lesson Outlines
Lesson #1
Bible Story: Rich Young Ruler
Key Verse: 2 Cor. 6:2
Younger Kids: Parachute
Older Kids: Balloon Pop
Youth: Balloon Pop
Craft: Jesus SAVES Person Clip
Bible Story: Jonah
Key Verse: Acts 4:12
Games: Jonah Fish
Kids: Big Fish / Octopus
Youth: “I Have”
Bible Story: Lazarus
Key Verse: John 11:25
Kids: Toilet Tag
Youth: Body Parts
Craft: Jesus SAVES Headbands
Bible Story: Fishers of Men
Key Verse: Acts 1:8
Kids: Relay Games
Youth: Elbow Tag
Craft: Fishing Poles with Fish Magnets
Bible Story: Jesus Call the Disciples
Key Verse: Eph. 5:1
Younger Kids: Parachute
Older Kids: Corner Game (Chosen)
Youth: Numbers Game / Cup of Water
Craft: Candle Craft with Take Home
Lesson #1 – Bible Story
The Rich Young Ruler
SAY: From now on anytime I say “What do we know?” I want you to say, “Jesus Saves!”
SAY: What do we know?…(Children say, “Jesus Christ Saves!”)
Based on Mark 10:17-22
Choose 2 volunteers—
Give one a sign that says Jesus. Give the other one a sign that says Young Man.
Ask the kids to act out the story as you tell it.
(IMPORTANT: Be prepared to tell the story, not read it from this book. Open the Bible and tell the story from Mark 10:17-22)
One day Jesus was setting out on a journey and a young man ran up to him. This young man was very rich. (Give him the sign that says Rich Young Man.) He knelt down to Jesus (Have the kid act this out.) and said, “Good Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life? (Have the kid say this, but don’t have the kid playing Jesus repeat.)
And Jesus said, “Why do you call me good? No one is good except God alone.” In other words, he was saying, “Do you recognize who I am? That I am the Son of God?” Then he went on to say, “You know the commandments: Do not murder. Do not commit adultery, Do not steal. Do not bear false witness. Do not defraud. Honor your father and mother.”
Then the young man replied, “All these things I have kept from my youth up.” (Have the kid repeat this.) Give him the sign that says A Good Man. This was a good man, but Jesus wasn’t saying that if you keep the Ten Commandments or if you’re good that you’ll get to go to heaven. You see, Jesus already knew what this man’s problem was… Can anybody guess what it might be? That’s right. He had something in his life that was more important to him than God. It was his wealth.
So Jesus told him to give it all away and that he would have great treasure in heaven and to come and follow him. What do you think he did? He went away sad because he wasn’t willing to let Jesus be number one in his life. That’s what it means to let Jesus be your “Lord”. It means he’s the boss, number one.
For a person to be “saved” and to know for sure that they are going to heaven, a person must give their life to Christ. This means being willing to let go of anything else that is more important than Jesus and giving him first place in your heart. This man couldn’t do that.
He was good, but can being good get you to heaven? No.
Can going to church get you into heaven? No.
Can being baptized get you into heaven? No.
SAY: There is only one way and that’s by giving your life to Jesus.
SAY: What do we know?…(Children say, “Jesus Christ Saves!”)
SAY: If you have never given your life to Jesus and you would like to talk to someone about how you can know for sure that you would go to heaven, all you have to do is ask either one of us or any other adults you’re around this week.
Lesson #1 – Key Verse
2 Corinthians 6:2b
SAY: Every day we make choices. You choose what to eat, what to wear, where to go. Today we’re going to learn a verse about what the Bible says is the greatest choice of all.
Choose 6 volunteers. Give each volunteer a sign for each word of today’s Key Verse:
“Now is the day of salvation.” Be sure NOT to give them in the correct order.
Read the verse in the order the kids are standing. It won’t make sense. Then ask the kids to rearrange themselves to put the words in the correct order. Once they are in the correct order, read the verse together.
SAY: The entire Challenge Verse for today says,
Read 2 Corinthians 6:2b from your Bible
“I tell you, now is the time of God’s favor, now is the day of salvation.”
SAY: In other words, don’t put off giving your life to Jesus. Don’t wait, do it today.
SAY: Repeat after me: “Now” / Kids: “Now”
SAY: Repeat after me: “Today” / Kids: “Today”
SAY: Repeat after me: “Is the Day of Salvation” / Kids: ““Is the Day of Salvation”
SAY: Today we’re going to hear a Bible story about a man who had to make a big choice. Was he going to follow Jesus TODAY?
Lesson #2 – Bible Story
SAY: From now on anytime I say “What do we know?” I want you to say, “Jesus Saves!”
SAY: What do we know?…(Children say, “Jesus Christ Saves!”)
SAY: Today we’re going to hear a Bible story that happened a long time before Jesus was born. This is a story about a man who had to make a big choice. Was he going to go the RIGHT way or the WRONG way? Let’s find out…
Bible Lesson–Jonah
(1) Divide the class into two parts.
(2) To one side give the following sound effects: Wind, splash,
(3) To the other side give the following effects: Waves, swallow
(4) To all: Rain (hands on lap), thunder, lightning (no sound, but blinks eyes), and the sound of something sinking—i.e., gulp, gulp, gulp…
(5) Tell the kids: Every time I say “Jonah” I want you to say, “Go Jonah!” Practice this.
Tell the story of Jonah (Do NOT read the story—Tell it and show it)
Once there was a man named Jonah (Go Jonah!) and Jonah (Go Jonah!) was a godly man who wanted to follow God, but one day God told Jonah (Go Jonah!) to do something really had. He said, Jonah (Go Jonah!) Go to Nineveh. Now the people of Nineveh were his worst enemies. But God said, Jonah (Go Jonah!) Tell the people that if they don’t stop doing the wrong things they are doing that I will destroy them all. Now Jonah (Go Jonah!) kind of liked the idea of his worst enemies getting wiped off the face of the earth, so Jonah (Go Jonah!) decided to disobey God. Instead of going to Nineveh Jonah (Go Jonah!) went the opposite direction and went down to Joppa to hoppa on a boat. And Jonah (Go Jonah!) went down into the bottom of the boat and they set sail for a place called Tarshish—not Tarzan.
The sailors looked up and saw some clouds. Then there was some gentle wind (kids begin making effects) and gentle waves and gentle rain. But the rain got louded and wind and waves got louder too. Suddenly there was thunder and lightning and the boat was going back and forth, back and forth. But Jonah (Go Jonah!) (This cuts off the effects)—Does anyone know what he was doing? He was asleep.
Now do you see what Jonah was doing—He was trying to run away from God. Can you run away from God? No. If you go to the top of the highest mountain in the world, God is there. If you go to the deepest part of the sea, God is there. And that’s why God had sent the storm—to stop Jonah (Go Jonah!) from going the wrong way.
And the wind was blowing (kids begin making effects again) and the waves were coming and there was rain and thunder and lightning and the boat was going back and forth, back and forth. And the captain came down and said Jonah (Go Jonah!) “Wake up. We’re going to die.” And Jonah (Go Jonah!) went up and looked at the storm.
And the wind was blowing (kids begin making effects again) and the waves were coming and there was rain and thunder and lightning and the boat was going back and forth, back and forth. And then Jonah (Go Jonah!) said “If you throw me overboard it will stop.” And even though they didn’t want to, the sailors finally took Jonah (Go Jonah!) and threw him over.
And there was a splash (splash sound) and he sank down (gulp, gulp, gulp) and then God appointed a big fish to swallow (sound effect) Jonah (Go Jonah!). And for three days and three nights Jonah (Go Jonah!) was in the belly of a fish.
Now what would you do if you were in the belly of a fish? (Let kids answer) Jonah (Go Jonah!) prayed and told God that he didn’t want to go the wrong way anymore and that he was willing to do what God wanted him to do.
So the big fish got a stomach ache, pulled up to the shore, and what kind of sound do you think it made. And out came Jonah (Go Jonah!). And Jonah (Go Jonah!) did what God wanted him to do and the people of Nineveh repented (stopped doing the wrong things) and God didn’t destroy them. They were saved because Jonah (Go Jonah!) took them God’s message.
SAY: Jonah spend three days in the belly of a fish but God made a way to save him. Jesus died and spent three days in a tomb but on the third day he rose again to make a way to save us. Jonah made a bad choice. We’ve all made bad choices too. That’s the reason we all need a Savior, and the best choice you can make is to give your life to Jesus.
SAY: What do we know?…(Children say, “Jesus Christ Saves!”)
SAY: While I read Acts 4:12, count how many times I say the word “no.”
Read Acts 4:12 from your Bible
Ask the students: How many times did I say “no”? (Answer: 2)
SAY: There is only one way to be saved and go to heaven that that’s by saying YES to Jesus and giving your life to Him.
SAY: What do we know?…(Children say, “Jesus Christ Saves!”)
Lesson #2 – Key Verse
Acts 4:12
SAY: From now on anytime I say “What do we know?” I want you to say, “Jesus Saves!”
SAY: What do we know?…(Children say, “Jesus Christ Saves!”)
Have your group stand up and give them the following. Keep this fast-paced.
Give the children two choices and find out what they would choose. Here are some samples.
(1) If you had rather play baseball go to the wall on my left.
If you had rather play soccer go to the wall on the right.
(2) If you had rather drink water go to the wall on my left.
If you had rather drink milk go to the wall on the right.
(3) If you had rather stay inside go to the wall on my left.
If you had rather go outside go to the wall on the right.
(4) If you had rather play a game go to the wall on my left.
If you had rather talk with friends go to the wall on the right.
(5) If you had rather be cold go to the wall on my left.
If you had rather be hot go to the wall on the right.
Add as other choices if you desire.
Then, when you’re finished, SAY: Everybody freeze. On the count of three, as fast as you can, please sit down. 1-2-3! Compliment who was first as well as who was the most considerate, the most…whatever good actions you see.
SAY: Every day we make choices. You choose what to eat, what to wear, where to go. But the greatest thing a person can do is to give their lives to Jesus.
SAY: What do we know?…(Children say, “Jesus Christ Saves!”)
SAY: While I read Acts 4:12, count how many times I say the word “no.”
Read Acts 4:12 from your Bible
Ask the students: How many times did I say “no”?
SAY: This time while I read Acts 4:12, every time I say, “no,” I want you to shout out, “no!”
SAY: The most terrible thing a person can do is to say “No” to Jesus. He loves you and has great plans for your life. There is only one way to be saved, to have life and go to heaven that that’s by saying “YES” to Jesus and giving your life to Him.
SAY: On the count of three, I want everyone, as loud as you can, to shout out, “Yes!”
SAY: Jesus is God’s only Son who lived a perfect life, died on a cross and rose again three days later. When He died, Jesus took the punishment for all the wrong things you and I would ever do, so that if we are willing to give our lives to Him, He will “save us” and forgive our sins. This is the reason that Jesus is the ONLY way to go to Heaven.
SAY: After everything I say, say, “No way!”
Can going to church get you to heaven? (No way!)
Can being good get you to heaven? (No way!)
Can being baptized get you to heaven? (No way!)
Can being rich get you to heaven? (No way!)
SAY: Jesus is the only one way to Heaven and the best choice you can make is to give your life to Him.
SAY: In our Bible story today you’re going to see a man who said “no” to God and went the wrong way. But the best choice you can make is to say “YES” to God and to following him everyday.
SAY: What do we know?…(Children say, “Jesus Christ Saves!”)
Lesson #3 – Bible Story
SAY: From now on anytime I say “What do we know?” I want you to say, “Jesus Saves!”
SAY: What do we know?…(Children say, “Jesus Christ Saves!”)
Choose two girl volunteers and two boy volunteers—
Give the girl volunteers signs for “Mary” and “Martha.” Give the boys the “Lazarus” and “Jesus” signs.
Read Luke 11:1-7 from your Bible.
Explain these verses to the kids…
SAY: Mary, Martha and Lazarus were close to Jesus but Jesus and his disciples had travelled up north. (Move the volunteer with the “Jesus” sign away from the others.) While He was gone, Lazarus became very ill. (Ask the “Lazarus volunteer to hold his stomach like he is sick.). So Mary and Martha sent for Jesus. They wanted Him to come and heal their brother.
ASK: Did Jesus immediately come to heal Lazarus? (No, because He knew what was going to happen and knew that it would glorify God.)
Read Luke 11:11-15 from your Bible.
SAY: Lazarus had already died. (Ask the “Lazarus” volunteer to sit or lie down.)
ASK: Did you know that Jesus is even stronger than death? Watch what happens…
Read Luke 11:21-27 from your Bible.
Have the “Martha” volunteer act this out, coming to Jesus and saying, “Lord, if you had been here, my brother wouldn’t have died.”
ASK: What was Jesus’ response to Martha? What do you think He meant?
Read Luke 11:32-37 from your Bible.
Have the “Mary” volunteer act this out, coming to Jesus, falling at his feet and saying, “Lord, if you had been here, my brother wouldn’t have died!”
ASK: What did the Bible say that others were thinking? (That Jesus could heal others and certainly could have healed Lazarus too.)
SAY: But Jesus had a plan. You see, what they didn’t understand was that Jesus is even stronger than death.
SAY: What do we know?…(Children say, “Jesus Christ Saves!”)
SAY: Listen to what happened next.
Read Luke 11:38-44 from your Bible.
SAY: Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life. He is even stronger than death.
Wrap the “Lazarus” volunteer in toilet paper. Wrap him as much as you like and have fun doing this. If you want, even let some good listeners help.
SAY: In their culture when someone died, they wrapped their body in clothes. That what the toilet paper represents. Lazarus would have been wrapped from head to toe. He had been dead for four days but when Jesus called him out, Lazarus came back to life.
Have the “Lazarus” volunteer tear the toilet paper off of him.
Jesus told them to unbind him and let him go.
ASK: How do you think Mary and Martha responded? How do you think the crowd responded?
Read Luke 11:45 from your Bible.
SAY: Because of this miracle many believed in Jesus.
SAY: Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life. Once we know him, we don’t have to be afraid of death because the life He gives goes beyond this life. It’s called, “being saved” or “giving your life to Jesus.” Jesus died and rose again to give you life, to save you from your sins. He died and rose again because He loves you and has great plans for your life. So, if you have any questions about how you can know Jesus and the life He gives, please talk to one of us today.
SAY: What do we know?…(Children say, “Jesus Christ Saves!”)
Lesson #3 – Key Verse
John 11:25
Bean Bag Blast
Have your students line up behind a line you put on the floor before you began. Lay out the words for today’s Bible Verse in the correct order about five to eight feet away. Give students an opportunity to throw a beanbag at the words on the floor. When a bean bag lands on a word, remove that word and repeat the entire verse. Continue throwing the beanbag onto the words, repeating the verse as each word is taken away. Continue playing until all the words are gone and the children can repeat the verse from memory.
Play this game using John 11:25.
Lesson #4 – Bible Story
Fishers of Men
SAY: From now on anytime I say “What do we know?” I want you to say, “Jesus Saves!”
SAY: What do we know?…(Children say, “Jesus Christ Saves!”)
Choose two volunteers and give them signs that say “Simon Peter” and “Jesus.”
Then choose three more volunteers and give them the signs that say, “James”and “John.”
SAY: Whenever you hear the name, “Jesus,” say, “Lord of All!” Let’s practice.
Tell the story and have your characters act it out. They can even repeat their character’s sentences after you:
Tell the Story (adapted from Luke 5:1-11):
Now it happened, while the multitude pressed on Jesus and heard the word of God, that Jesus was standing by the lake of Gennesaret. Jesus saw two boats standing by the lake, but the fishermen had gone out of them, and were washing their nets. Jesus entered into one of the boats, which was Simon’s, and asked him to put out a little from the land. Jesus sat down and taught the multitudes out of the boat. When he had finished speaking, Jesus said to Simon, “Put out into the deep, and let down your nets for a catch.” Simon answered him, “Master, we worked all night, and took nothing; but at your word I will let down the net.” When they had done this, they caught a great multitude of fish, and their net was breaking. They beckoned to their partners in the other boat, that they should come and help them. They came, and filled both boats, so that they began to sink. But Simon Peter, when he saw it, fell down at Jesus ‘ knees, saying, “Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, Lord.” For he was amazed, and all who were with him, at the catch of fish which they had caught; and so also were James and John, sons of Zebedee, who were partners with Simon. Jesus said to Simon, “Don’t be afraid. From now on you will be fishers of men.” When they had brought their boats to land, they left everything, and followed Jesus.
SAY: This was an incredible miracle that amazed these future disciples and showed them that Jesus was more than just an ordinary man. Simon Peter called him, “Lord.” And today we want you to know that Jesus is Lord of all.
SAY: When I point to this side, I want the all the boys to say, “Jesus is …”
Then I’ll point to the other side, and I want all the girls to say, “Lord of all.”
Go back and forth between the two sides three times to see who can be louder.
SAY: Jesus is Lord and He is the only way that any of us can be “saved” and go to Heaven.
SAY: What do we know?…(Children say, “Jesus Christ Saves!”)
Lesson #4 – Key Verse
Luke 5:10
SAY: From now on anytime I say “What do we know?” I want you to say, “Jesus Saves!”
SAY: What do we know?…(Children say, “Jesus Christ Saves!”)
SAY: I need some help to spell an important word that has to do with our key verse today. To do this, I’m going to need a few volunteers to help me spell with your bodies. That’s right, I need some body-spellers.
Get the volunteers you need to spell the word, “FISH”
Begin positioning them on the ground without telling them what letters you are making. You can also use more than one student for each letter, if you need to.
Tell the kids to watch and raise their hand when they think they know what word you are spelling.
Once the word is guessed, clap for the volunteers and let them sit down.
ASK: Can anyone tell me a story about fish in the Bible? (There are several: Jesus feeding the 5,000, the nets being full of fish, Jesus preparing breakfast for the disciples after His resurrection, etc.)
SAY: The word “fish” isn’t in our verse today but “fishers of men” or “fishermen” is. Listen to today’s main verse.
Read from your Bible Luke 5:10
SAY: When we follow Jesus we also learn how to be “fishers of men”.
ASK: What do you think it means to be a “fisher of men?”
SAY: Instead of catching fish we catch people. We get to tell others about Jesus so that they too can give their lives to Christ.
ASK: What do you use to catch fish?
ASK: What do you think you use to reach people for Jesus? (God’s word, good actions, a love for Jesus, kindness, to be willing to tell others about how Jesus saved you.)
SAY: Never be ashamed that you know and follow Christ. And there are a lot of ways that you can tell others about Jesus. This is part of God’s plan for you but His plan for you also begins with YOU coming to know Jesus.
SAY: What do we know?…(Children say, “Jesus Christ Saves!”)
SAY: If you haven’t been “saved” or perhaps you’re not sure what we mean by Jesus “saving” you, then today talk with one of the leaders here. Any of us would be glad to share with you what someone once shared with us: About how you can give your life to Christ, share His life and know for sure that you’re going to heaven.
SAY: So, What do we know?…(Children say, “Jesus Christ Saves!”)
Lesson #5 – Bible Story
Jesus Calls the Disciples
SAY: From now on anytime I say “What do we know?” I want you to say, “Jesus Saves!”
SAY: What do we know?…(Children say, “Jesus Christ Saves!”)
Read Matthew 4:18-22 out of your Bible, but tell them that when they hear you say the word “immediately”, they are to stand up, run and touch two walls in the room and come sit back down as fast as they can without running over anyone. (Or, if you are in an open area, have them stand up and sit down.)
Choose 2 volunteers—
Give one a sign that says Peter. Give the other one a sign that says Andrew.
SAY: Peter and Andrew were fishermen who were casting their nets into the sea. But Jesus came and said, “Follow me.” And they left their nets immediately (have kids touch two walls and run back). Have students REPEAT: And they followed Jesus.
Choose 2 volunteers—
Give one a sign that says James. Give the other one a sign that says John.
SAY: James and John were fishermen who were mending their nets in the boat with their father. But Jesus asked them to follow him. And they left their nets and their father immediately (have kids touch two walls and run back).
Have students REPEAT: And they followed Jesus.
KEY: Have the volunteers sit down. Jesus called these men to follow Him. Jesus still calls people to follow him. In fact, there will be a time in each of your lives that God will call you to give your life to Jesus. (Refer back to how the person who shared the testimony knew he/she needed Jesus.) But Jesus doesn’t call you with your ears. He doesn’t appear and say, “Give your life to me.” Instead, you know in your heart that you need to give your life to Jesus. Or, perhaps you begin thinking about heaven and realize that you can’t go to heaven unless you give you life to Jesus. For some people this is even kind of scary, because they realize they need a Savior. So, let me show you how you can give your life to Christ and receive God’s gift of eternal life.
SAY: What do we know?…(Children say, “Jesus Christ Saves!”)
Choose 1 volunteer—
Let’s say this pen (the pen you’ve been writing with) is worth a million dollars and I come to you one day and say, “Johnny, I’d like to give this to you.” Is it yours yet? What would you have to do to get it? (If they don’t immediately say, “I have to reach out and take it,” guide them toward that answer.)
Like a gift, you can accept it, or you can say no. A gift can’t be earned, just like heaven—you can’t be good enough to get to heaven. There is only one way across that Grand Canyon of sin, and that’s Jesus.
Now with the pen, it would be easy for you to take it. All you have to do is reach out and it’s yours. With God’s gift, it’s a little different—You can’t physically reach out and take it, but in the Bible God told us how we can accept this gift. You see, Jesus paid the price; what we have to do is:
(1) Admit you have sinned and be willing to turn from your sin.
(2) Believe that Jesus is God’s Son who died and was raised from the dead.
(3) Call on the Lord, confess your sins, and commit your life to Him.
Salvation Testimony: Share the story about how and when you were saved. This needs to be no longer than a few minutes, and the point needs to be focused on that fact that you needed Jesus and perhaps how you knew you needed Jesus, that you made the choice to let Jesus be your Lord and Savior. He saved you and made a way for you to go to heaven and to have a relationship with him.
SAY: What do we know?…(Children say, “Jesus Christ Saves!”)
Lesson #5 – Key Verse
Ephesians 5:1
Game #3: Animal Imitation
SAY: I’m going to call out an animal and I want you to imitate his noise:
Moose (this might be a tough one!)
SAY: To imitate something means to be like it. The Bible says that we should imitate God. We should be like God. When you follow Jesus, you do what He did and say things that agree with what He said.
KEY: To follow Jesus means to be like Jesus.
Read Ephesians 5:1 from your Bible
Have the student repeat this verse after you.
Ask them to say it with you but to say it louder.
Ask the students— How can we imitate God? How can we be just like Jesus?
Game #2: Simon Says
Play Simon Says with your class. In this game, you either do it right or you’re out. There’s really only one way to win—that’s by following Simon’s instructions perfectly. In life, though, none of us are perfect. We’ve all made mistakes and that’s the reason we all need a Savior. Jesus is the only way to heaven.
Have the student repeat this verse after you again.
Divide the group into two halves. See which half can say the verse louder.
SAY: What do we know?…(Children say, “Jesus Christ Saves!”)
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