We’ve all heard of a forty-day fast, but what about a forty-day feast? No, not forty days of pure gluttony but forty days of “feasting” on God’s word. Mary Beth, my wife, originally coined the term and is using it to write about forty days of feasting on what God is doing in her life. My take on it is a little different: Forty days during which every day you read a book of Bible from beginning to end at one sitting.
A wise Bible teacher once told me that the only way to truly grasp a book of the Bible in its fullest context was to read it in its entirety in one day. He assigned me the book of Job and I have never seen the book the same since. Of course, some books are so long that they might need to be subdivided. The Psalms, for example, might could be five books of thirty chapters each. Isaiah could easily split into two, beginning again at chapter 40. I’m not sure what books I’m going to “feast” on yet, but I know that I want to spend some time in the New Testament and in the minor prophets. I also want to read one of the Gospels and the book of Acts. So, let the “feast” begin…
(NOTE: I think it’s important, if you want to do this, not to get bogged down in getting through books, but to take time to enjoy and soak them in. Have fun. That’s what I plan to do.)
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